Dictionary English German: [electrical]

Translation 1 - 26 of 26

English German
electr. to suppress [engine, distributor, electrical appliance]
to derate sth. [to reduce e.g., the electrical power rating]
etw.Akk. herabsetzen [bes. die Leistung eines elektrischen od. elektronischen Bauteiles]
electr. outlet [Am.] [electrical outlet]
Ausgang {m} [Steckdose für Strom]
cords [thin ropes, electrical cords]
Schnüre {pl}
cord [electrical or telephone]
Leitung {f}
operator [electrical circuit and load breaker]
Antrieb {m} [elektrischer Leistungs- und Lasttrennschalter]
electr. tap [electrical connection]
Abgriff {m}
electr. blackout [electrical power]Ausfall {m} des Stromnetzes
MedTech. dermometer [an instrument used to measure the electrical resistance of the skin]Dermometer {n} [Gerät zur Dermometrie]
2 Words
meteo. aspiration condenser [for determination of electrical conductivity of air]Aspirationskondensator {m}
constr. electr. building wiring [electrical wiring]Gebäudeinstallation {f}
constr. electr. building wiring [electrical wiring]Hausinstallation {f}
law current law <CL, C.L.> [governmental, not electrical]geltendes Recht {n}
electr. electrical design [less frequent than: electrical layout]elektrische Auslegung {f}
electr. phys. electrical network [electrical circuit](elektrisches) Netzwerk {n} [Schaltkreis]
med. electromechanical dissociation <EMD> [older term for pulseless electrical activity]elektromechanische Dissoziation {f} <EMD> [früherer Begriff für pulslose elektrische Aktivität]
med. electromechanical dissociation <EMD> [older term for pulseless electrical activity]elektromechanische Entkoppelung {f} <EME> [früherer Begriff für pulslose elektrische Aktivität]
electr. gang plug [an electrical adaptor with a row of sockets]Mehrfachsteckleiste {f}
comp. electr. IC design <ICD> [a subset of electrical engineering and computer engineering]Chipentwurf {m} [Chipentwicklung]
electr. power system [electrical power]Stromsystem {n}
spec. printed electronics [usually treated as sg.] [a set of printing methods used to create electrical devices on various substrates]gedruckte Elektronik {f} [Herstellung von Bauelementen usw. mittels Druckverfahren]
electr. phys. resistivity measurement [electrical]Messung {f} des spezifischen Widerstandes [Elektrizität]
ecol. storage gas [e.g. methane produced using excess electrical power from grid]Speichergas {n}
electr. engin. switching station [electrical substation without transformers]Lastverteilerwerk {n} [Anlage ohne Transformatoren]
3 Words
comp. electr. integrated circuit design <ICD> [a subset of electrical engineering and computer engineering]Chipentwicklung {f}
engin. power generation unit [for electrical power]Stromerzeugungsaggregat {n}
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