Dictionary English German: [efficiency]

Translation 1 - 8 of 8

English German
luminous {adj} [e.g. ceiling, efficiency, flux, intensity, stimulus]
Licht- [z. B. Decke, Ausbeute, Strom, Intensität, Reiz]
vaccination {adj} [attr.] [e.g. mandate, campaign, efficiency]Impf- [z. B. Pflicht, Kampagne, Effizienz]
med. QM IQWiG [Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Healthcare]Institut {n} für Qualität und Wirtschaftlichkeit im Gesundheitswesen <IQWiG>
high-cutting {adj} [efficiency]schnittfreudig
econ. ind. cost efficiency [also: cost-efficiency]Wirtschaftlichkeit {f}
automot. measurement run [done on a vehicle to assess its performance and efficiency]Messfahrt {f}
comm. econ. overall economy [efficiency]Gesamtwirtschaftlichkeit {f}
electr. tech. high efficiency solar cell [also: high-efficiency solar cell]Hochleistungssolarzelle {f}
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