Dictionary English German: [eaten]

Translation 1 - 15 of 15

English German
consumed {adj} {past-p} [used up, eaten etc.]
verzehrt [geh.]
vermiculated {adj} [archaic] [worm-eaten]
gastr. to dress sth. [prepare meat, chicken, fish, etc. so it can be eaten]
etw. herrichten
gastr. [spiced biscuit in the shape of a human or other figure, eaten at Christmas]
Spekulatius {m}
gastr. [carp eaten at Christmas]
Weihnachtskarpfen {m}
spec. zool. brit [also: britt] [zooplankton and small marine animals eaten by the Balaenidae family of whales]Walaas {n} [selten] [Zooplankton, Krill etc., von dem sich Glattwale ernähren]
agr. pasturage [grass eaten by livestock]Weidegras {n} [Grasfutter]
gastr. sop [piece of bread soaked in a liquid before being eaten]eingetunktes Brotstück {n}
gastr. sop [piece of food soaked in a liquid before being eaten]eingetunkter Bissen {m}
2 Words
surfeited on sth. {past-p} [archaic] [eaten to excess]sichDat. etw. übergegessen
bitten apple [half-eaten apple]angebissener Apfel {m}
3 Words
to be supposed to ... [e.g.: ... help; ... be eaten]dafür da sein(,) ... [z. B.: dafür da sein zu helfen; dafür da sein, gegessen zu werden]
to be supposed to ... [e.g.: ... help; ... be eaten]dafür da sein, um [ugs.] [z. B.: dafür da sein, um zu helfen; dafür da sein, um gegessen zu werden]
to be there to ... [e.g.: ... help; ... be eaten]da sein, um [z. B.: da sein, um zu helfen; da sein, um gegessen zu werden]
4 Words
gastr. minced meat from sirloin [eaten raw]Tatar {n}
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