Dictionary English German: [earn]

Translation 1 - 13 of 13

English German
[skill or competency that one can use to earn a living]etwas, wovon man leben kann
fin. to clear sth. [coll.] [earn, profit]
etw. machen [ugs.] [verdienen]
to hustle [sl.] [to earn one's living by illicit means]Geld ranschaffen [ugs.] [seinen Lebensunterhalt auf illegale Weise bestreiten]
econ. jobs to make sth. [earn] [money]etw.Akk. verdienen [Geld]
to net sth. [earn as clear profit]etw.Akk. netto verdienen
2 Words
to bring in [earn, yield]einbringen
to bring in [earn]verdienen
to knock down [coll.] [earn]verdienen
fin. to lie dormant [fail to earn interest]sich nicht verzinsen
to make bank [coll.] [earn a lot of money]Kasse machen [ugs.] [Gewinn erzielen]
to pull down sth. [coll. for: earn] [Am.]etw.Akk. verdienen
4 Words
to earn a living with sth. [also: earn one's living with sth.]seine Brötchen mit etw.Dat. verdienen [ugs.] [Redewendung]
5+ Words
to make money under the table [earn money without tax]Schwarzgeld verdienen [Geld ohne Steuern verdienen]
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