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Full phrase not found. Did you mean [email]? | » Report missing translation » [email] |
Partial Matches |
 | sb. appropriates sth. [e-mail address, cellar compartment] | jd. verwendet etw. ohne Erlaubnis [E-Mail-Adresse, Kellerabteil] |  |
 | Internet response mail [e-mail] | Antwortmail {f} [kurz für Antwort-E-Mail] |  |
 | dash [-character in e-mail addresses or URLs] | Bindestrich {m} [-Zeichen in E-Mail- oder Web-Adressen] |  |
 | comm. comp. to autorespond [e-mail] | automatisch beantworten [E-Mail] |  |
 | Internet [hum. for: by e-mail] {adv} | per Drahtpost [hum.] [per E-Mail] [selten] |  |
 | comp. Internet dot <.> [sign in e-mail addresses] | Punkt {m} <.> [Zeichen in E-Mail-Adressen] |  |
 | via {prep} [by means of] [e.g. via satellite, via e-mail, via sign language] | per [+Dat. od. +Akk.] [mittels, durch] [z. B. per Satellit, per E-Mail, per Zeichensprache] |  |
 | comp. Internet at {prep} <@> [character in e-mail addresses] | at <@> [Zeichen in E-Mail-Adressen] |  |
 | Internet mail [e-mail] | Mail {f} [kurz für: E-Mail] |  |
 | Internet Re: [email] | AW: [E-Mail] |  |
 | comp. to mail [e-mail] | mailen [ugs.] |  |
 | comp. autoreply | automatische Antwort {f} [E-Mail] |  |
 | comp. to attach [email] | dranhängen [ugs.] [E-Mail] |  |
 | Internet follow-up flag | Nachverfolgungskennzeichnung {f} [E-Mail] |  |
 | Internet forwarded {adj} <FW> [email] | weitergeleitet <WG> [E-Mail] |  |
 | flame [letter, e-mail] [coll.] | Brandbrief {m} [ugs.] |  |
 | comp. Internet attachment [of an email] | Anhang {m} [einer E-Mail] |  |
 | comp. graylisting [Am.] [temporary rejection of e-mail] | Greylisting {n} |  |
 | comp. e-mail distribution list | Mailverteiler {m} [E-Mail-Verteilerliste] |  |
 | market. junk mail | Werbung {f} [Werbesendungen per Post oder E-Mail] |  |
 | sign-off | Grußformel {f} [am Brief- oder E-Mail-Ende] |  |
 | interoffice {adj} [attr.] [e.g. mail] | Haus- [innerbetrieblich] [z. B. Post] |  |
 | alert [announcement] | Benachrichtigung {f} [Alertdienst, z. B. durch E-Mail, RSS] |  |
 | comp. Internet See attachment. [of an email] | Siehe Anhang. [einer E-Mail] |  |
 | Internet email alert service | E-Mail-Meldungsdienst {m} [Meldungsdienst über E-Mail] |  |
 | comp. snailmail [Internet jargon] | Snail-Mail {f} [reguläre Post im Gegensatz zur E-Mail] |  |
 | Chat soon. | Wir bleiben in Kontakt. [z. B. telefonisch, per E-Mail] |  |
 | email closing [also: e-mail closing] | Grußformel {f} am Ende einer E-Mail |  |
 | Internet to forward an email | eine E-Mail weiterleiten [seltener: ein E-Mail weiterleiten] |  |
 | please find attached (PFA [abbr. in e-mail]) | in der Anlage finden Sie |  |
 | email sign-off [also: e-mail sign-off] | Grußformel {f} am Ende einer E-Mail |  |
 | educ. School of the Air [Aus.] | [Fernunterricht mittels Kurzwellenfunk, letztlich per E-Mail und Internet] |  |
 | voice {adj} [attr.] [e.g. activation, command, control, mail] | Sprach- [z. B. Aktivierung, Befehl, Steuerung, Mitteilung] |  |
 | comp. greylisting [Br.] [temporary rejection of e-mail] | Greylisting {n} |  |
 | neol. to e-meet [meet via e-mail] | per E-Mail kennenlernen |  |
 | Internet to mail sth. [send via e-mail] | etw.Akk. per E-Mail senden |  |
 | My very best regards [letter ending, email ending] | Liebste Grüße [Briefabschluss, E-Mail-Abschluss] |  |
 | comp. attachment [email] | Attachment {n} [E-Mail] |  |
 | Internet to e-mail sth. [send via e-mail] | etw.Akk. per E-Mail schicken |  |
 | snail mail | Snail-Mail {f} [reguläre Post im Gegensatz zur E-Mail] |  |
 | comp. e-mail vault | E-Mail-Tresor {m} [E-Mail-Archivierung, -Archivierungsdienst, -Archivierungsservice] |  |
 | to send sth. across sth. | etw.Akk. über etw.Akk. schicken [per Boten, E-Mail etc.] |  |
 | to post sth. [esp. Br.] [send by post / mail] [esp. bulk mail or goods] | etw. versenden |  |
 | comp. neol. milter [portmanteau of "mail" and "filter"] | Milter {m} [Kurzwort] [Mail-Filter] |  |
 | express {adv} [mail] | durch Eilboten |  |
 | misdirected {adj} {past-p} [mail] | falsch adressiert |  |
 | to register [mail] | rekommandieren [österr.] |  |
 | delivery [by mail] | Zusendung {f} |  |
 | forwarding [of mail] | Nachsendung {f} |  |
 | armour material mail [chain mail] | Kettengeflecht {n} |  |