| English  | German |  |
 | art drawing {adj} [attr.] [used to draw] | 141 Zeichen- [z. B. Stift, Papier] |  |
 | crudely {adv} [estimate, draw] | 54 grob [ungefähr] |  |
Verbs |
 | to depict [paint, draw] | 74 malen |  |
 | to scratch [write or draw akwardly] | 56 kritzeln [ugs.] |  |
 | to finish [end, draw to an end] | 52 enden |  |
 | cloth. textil. to gather [to pull (fabric) along a line of stitching so as to draw into puckers] | 33 einreihen |  |
 | to scribble sth. [write or draw sth. carelessly] | 24 etw.Akk. hinschmieren [ugs.] [pej.] |  |
 | sports to seed sb./sth. [arrange the draw of tournament] | 19 jdn./etw. setzen [für eine Turnierauslosung einstufen] |  |
 | math. to inscribe sth. [to draw a regular figure within another so as to touch in as many places as possible] | 9 etw.Akk. einbeschreiben [einen Kreis bzw. Vieleck so in ein Vieleck bzw. Kreis zeichnen, dass die Ecken den Kreis berühren] |  |
 | to circle sth. [draw a circle round sth.] | 7 etw.Akk. einkringeln [ugs.] |  |
 | to circle sth. [draw a circle round sth.] | etw. einringeln [österr.] [schweiz.] [bayer.] [einkreisen, einkringeln] |  |
 | to claim sth. [draw, demand one's due] | etw.Akk. (für sichAkk.) in Anspruch nehmen |  |
 | to dwindle [draw to an end] | zur Neige gehen [geh.] [Redewendung] |  |
 | to reason [draw conclusions] | Schlüsse ziehen |  |
Nouns |
 | draw [e.g. lottery draw] | 194 Ziehung {f} |  |
 | sports tie [draw, esp. in chess] | 21 Remis {n} |  |
 | games hat [draw pot] | 6 Topf {m} [Lostopf bei Auslosung, bes. im Fußball] |  |
 | games deck [draw pile in a card game] | Ziehstapel {m} [beim Kartenspiel] |  |
 | sports result [coll.] [Br. denoting either a win or a draw] | positives Ergebnis {n} [d. h. entweder ein Sieg oder Unentschieden] |  |
2 Words |
 | in profile {adv} [e.g. draw, observe] | von der Seite [z. B. zeichnen, betrachten] |  |
 | games sports to be drawn [to end in a draw] | unentschieden ausgehen |  |
 | to call sb. out [to draw attention to their blameworthy behavior] | jdn. anprangern |  |
 | to make waves [fig.] [draw attention, have an impact] | Kreise ziehen [fig.] |  |
 | to pull away [to move or draw back or away, withdraw] | zurückweichen [sich zurückziehen] |  |
 | to pull off [draw off] | herunterziehen [Tischdecke etc.] |  |
 | naut. optics sailor's telescope [single-draw telescope] | Seemannsfernrohr {n} |  |
 | sports seeded pot [draw pot] | gesetzter Topf {m} [Lostopf der gesetzten Mannschaften] |  |
3 Words |
 | to make a comparison [idiom] [draw a comparison] | einen Vergleich ziehen |  |
4 Words |
 | idiom pol. to draw the color line [Am.] [also: draw the color bar] | Rassentrennung praktizieren [nach Hautfarben] |  |
 | to draw the long bow [spv.] [idiom] [to draw the longbow] | aufschneiden [ugs.] [beim Erzählen übertreiben] |  |