| English  | German |  |
 | doubtfully {adv} [with doubt] | 326 skeptisch |  |
 | clearly {adv} [without doubt] | ohne Frage |  |
Verbs |
 | to impeach sth. [cast doubt on] | 256 etw.Akk. anzweifeln |  |
 | to question sth. [doubt, contest] | 242 etw.Akk. anzweifeln |  |
 | to suspect sth. [doubt the genuineness or truth of sth.] | 172 etw. anzweifeln [eine Tatsache oder die Echtheit von etw. infrage stellen] |  |
 | to question sth. [doubt] | 140 etw.Akk. bezweifeln |  |
 | to dissipate sth. [doubt, fears etc.] | 55 etw. abbauen [zerstreuen] |  |
 | to resolve sth. [doubt] | 38 etw. zerstreuen [Zweifel] |  |
 | to question sth. [raise a doubt] | etw.Akk. in Zweifel ziehen |  |
Nouns |
 | concern [doubt, reservations] | 201 Bedenken {pl} [Zweifel, Vorbehalte] |  |
 | umbrage [a reason for doubt, suspicion] | 9 Ombrage {f} [veraltet] [Argwohn, Misstrauen, Verdacht] |  |
 | dubitation [archaic] [doubt] | Zweifel {m} |  |
2 Words |
 | Come now! [dated] [idiom] [expressing doubt or disbelief] | Ach, komm! [ugs.] [Redewendung] [als Ausdruck von Ungläubigkeit] |  |
3 Words |
 | to be in doubt [sth. is in doubt] | fraglich sein |  |
 | to clear one's mind [from doubt or confusion] | Klarheit in seinem Kopf schaffen [vgl. einen klaren Kopf bekommen] |  |
 | to make a decision [after some consideration or doubt] | zu einem Entschluss kommen |  |
4 Words |
 | law in dubio pro reo [when in doubt, rule for the accused] | in dubio pro reo |  |
5+ Words |
 | law in dubio pro reo principle [when in doubt, rule for the accused] | In-dubio-pro-reo-Grundsatz {m} [kurz: Zweifelssatz] |  |