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|  |
 | single {adj} [not double or multiple] | 335 Einfach- |  |
 | ambidextrous {adj} [archaic] [double-dealing, two-faced etc.] | 262 doppelzüngig |  |
 | gastr. double {adj} [e.g. a double cognac / vodka] | doppelstöckig [ugs.] [z. B. einen doppelstöckigen Cognac / Wodka] |  |
Verbs |
 | to countercheck sth. [double-check, recheck] | 9 etw.Akk. gegenchecken [ugs.] |  |
 | to countercheck sth. [double-check, recheck] | etw.Akk. (erneut) überprüfen |  |
 | to double [fold sth. double] | doublieren |  |
 | to double [fold sth. double] | dublieren |  |
 | print to mackle [blur by double printing, etc.] | schmitzen |  |
 | to patter [speak double Dutch] | eine unverständliche Sprache sprechen |  |
Nouns |
 | med. vasectomy [double vasectomy] | 125 Sterilisation {f} [des Mannes] [durch (beidseitige) Vasektomie] |  |
 | duplicity [state of being twofold or double] | 102 Duplizität {f} |  |
 | dink [coll.] [person with double income and no kids] | 31 Dink {m} [Teil eines doppelverdienenden Ehepaars ohne Kinder] |  |
 | philos. ambivalence [ethical double effect] | 24 Ambivalenz {f} [ethische Doppelwirkung] |  |
 | duplicity [double-dealing] | 23 Doppelspiel {n} [pej.] |  |
 | door [one of double doors] | 19 Flügel {m} [Tür] |  |
 | dinky [coll.] [double income, no kids yet] | 10 [junges, wohlhabendes, kinderloses Paar] |  |
 | gastr. TrVocab. [mocha or espresso prepared with double amount of water] | 9 Verlängerter {m} [österr.] |  |
 | [space between two double beds; humorous suggestion that a 3rd person could sleep there] | 5 Besucherritze {f} [ugs.] [hum.] |  |
 | mus. [classical wind ensemble, usually pairs of horns, bassoons, oboes, clarinets plus double bass] | Harmonie {f} [klassische Bläsergruppe] |  |
 | [Doppel-Wumms / Doppelwumms: newly coined word by the German chancellor Olaf Scholz in 2022; literally: double bang] | Doppel-Wumms {m} [auch: Doppelwumms] [Begriff geprägt von Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz, 2022] |  |
 | [inofficial hyphenated double name used of old by married couples in Switzerland] | Allianzname {m} |  |
 | tools [set of four or five double-pointed knitting needles] | Nadelspiel {n} |  |
 | math. [two carabinieri theorem, two militsioner theorem, two gendarmes theorem, double-sided theorem, two policemen and a drunk theorem; regional expressions for the squeeze / sandwich theorem] | Sandwich-Satz {m} [Satz von den zwei Polizisten] |  |
 | games ambsace [archaic] [lowest throw at dice, double ace] | zwei Einser {pl} [beim Würfeln] |  |
 | games ambsace [archaic] [lowest throw at dice, double ace] | niedrigster Wurf {m} (beim Würfeln) [zwei Einser] |  |
 | comp. deque [short for: double-ended queue] | Deque {f} [kurz für: Double-Ended-Queue] |  |
 | mus. fifteenth [double octave] | Intervall {n} von zwei Oktaven |  |
 | mus. gralla [double reed instrument] | Gralla {f} [Doppelrohrblattinstrument] |  |
 | ling. print guillemets [double « and » or single ‹ and ›] | französische Anführungszeichen {pl} [Spitzen nach außen: « », ‹ ›] |  |
 | hist. mus. racket [double reed wind instrument] | Ranckett {n} [auch: Rankett] [Holzblasinstrument] |  |
 | hist. mus. rackett [double reed wind instrument] | Racket {n} [Holzblasinstrument] |  |
 | hist. mus. rackett [double reed wind instrument] | Rackett {n} [auch: Racket] [Holzblasinstrument] |  |
 | watches roller [double roller] | Plateau {n} [Sicherheits-] |  |
 | sandwich [coll.] [double penetration] | Doppeldecker {m} [ugs.] [Doppelpenetration] |  |
 | sandwich [coll.] [double penetration] | Sandwich {n} [ugs.] [Doppelpenetration] |  |
 | the 00s [coll.] [pronounced "Ohs", "Oh Ohs", "Double Ohs" or "Oos"] | die Nullerjahre {pl} [ugs.] |  |
 | med. tubectomy [double tubectomy] | Sterilisation {f} [der Frau] [durch (beidseitige) Eileiterentfernung] |  |
2 Words: Verbs |
 | to double up [person bending double] | einknicken |  |
 | to two-time sb. [coll.] [double-cross] | jdn. aufs Kreuz legen [ugs.] [betrügen, hintergehen] |  |
2 Words: Nouns |
 | mus. bass violin [double bass] | Bassgeige {f} |  |
 | mus. bass violin [double bass] | Bassvioline {f} [veraltet] |  |
 | mus. bourdon (string) [hurdy-gurdy, also lowest string on a lute, violin, violoncello or double bass] | Bordunsaite {f} [Drehleier, tiefste Saite einiger Streichinstrumente] |  |
 | mus. bull fiddle [coll.] [double bass] | Bassgeige {f} |  |
 | mus. bunkhouse bass [Am.] [rare] [double bass] | Bassgeige {f} |  |
 | doctor shopping [coll.] [double doctoring] | Ärztehopping {n} [ugs.] [auch: Ärzte-Hopping] |  |
 | double bun [hairstyle] | doppelter Bun {m} [Double-Bun (Haarfrisur)] |  |
 | gastr. double consommé [a consommé made to double strength] | doppelte Kraftbrühe {f} [Consommé double] |  |
 | double figures [double digits] | zweistellige Zahlen {pl} |  |
 | textil. double jersey <DJ> | Rechts-Rechts-Jersey {m} <RR-Jersey, RR> [Double-Jersey] |  |
 | mil. double time [also: double-time] | Laufschritt {m} |  |