Dictionary English German: [dollars]

Translation 1 - 7 of 7

English German
gee [Am.] [sl.] [a thousand dollars]
[Betrag von tausend Dollar]
large [Am.] [sl.] [a thousand dollars]
Riese {m} [ugs.] [bezogen auf tausend US-Dollar]
yard [Am.] [sl.] [one hundred or one thousand dollars]
[hundert oder auch tausend Dollar, Betrag oder Geldschein]
curr. mil [sl.] [million dollars]Million {f} Dollar
curr. smackeroos [sl.] [pounds or dollars]Mäuse {pl} [ugs.] [bezogen auf Pfund oder Dollar]
comm. math. to amount to sth. [e.g. 50 dollars]etw.Akk. ausmachen [betragen, sich belaufen auf]
admin. econ. demands for billions [of dollars, euros, rubles, etc.] in back taxesmilliardenschwere Steuerforderungen {pl}
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