Dictionary English German: [doing]

Translation 1 - 71 of 71

English German
idle {adj} [not doing anything]
here {adv} [on doing so, in this connection]
erring {adj} {pres-p} [formal] [sinning, doing wrong]fehlend [geh.] [unrecht handelnd]
to cease [e.g. doing sth.]
aufhören [z. B. etw. zu tun]
to spare sb. [refrain from doing harm]
jdn. schonen [verschonen]
to snooker sb. [prevent sb. from doing or achieving]
jdn. ausbremsen [ugs.] [jds. Erfolg bei etwas verhindern]
to dodge sth. [avoid doing]sichAkk. um etw.Akk. herumdrücken
flair [aptitude for doing sth. well]
Gespür {n}
stint [limited time spent swh. or spent doing a job in the past]
Zeit {f} [an einem Ort, in einem Beruf verbrachte Zeit]
rashness [doing things without proper consideration]
Leichtsinn {m}
blunderbuss [awkward action or way of doing sth.]
Stümperei {f}
way [of doing sth.]
Manier {f}
action [acting, doing]
Akt {m} [Tun , Handeln, Aktion]
expedition [formal] [promptness or speed in doing something]
Schnelligkeit {f} [bei der Ausführung von etw.]
accommodator [person doing a favor or service]
Wohltäter {m}
educ. prep [a period set aside for doing homework or preparing for lessons]
Silentium {n} [in einem Internat (Studierzeit für Hausaufgaben) od. in der Schule (Hausaufgabenbetreuung)]
jobs jobber [worker doing odd jobs]
Gelegenheitsarbeiter {m}
automot. [car capable of doing 100km on 3 litres of fuel]3-Liter-Auto {n}
[doing]Thun {n} [Rechtschreibung vor 1901] [Tun]
educ. [person who is doing, has done the Matura]Maturant {m} [österr.]
theatre [repertory theatre doing several theatrical genres like drama, opera and ballet]Mehrspartentheater {n}
agr. zool. breeder [the animal being bred, not the person doing the breeding]Zuchttier {n}
philos. disvalue [negative value of doing wrong or of not doing what is right]Unwert {m} [geh.] [negatives Wert des Böses zu tun, oder des Gutes nicht tun]
impressionist [comedian doing impressions]Stimmenimitator {m}
2 Words: Others
Can it! [Am.] [coll.] [idiom] [Stop doing that!]Lass das!
Can it! [Am.] [coll.] [idiom] [Stop doing that!]Hör auf damit!
Drop it! [Stop doing that!]Lass das!
Whaddya doin'? [sl.] [What are you doing?]Was treibst du so? [ugs.]
What with ... [sb./sth. doing sth.]Da ...
2 Words: Verbs
to be suitable [for doing, effecting sth.]danach angetan sein [etw. zu tun, zu bewirken] [seltener] [dazu angetan sein]
to be suitable [for doing, effecting sth.]dazu angetan sein [etw. zu tun, zu bewirken]
to break off [doing sth.]etw. sein lassen [eine Handlung] [ugs.]
to connive at sth. [abetting wrong doing by ignoring it]etw.Dat. Vorschub leisten [Verbrechen]
to connive at sth. [deliberately ignore wrong doing]etw. absichtlich übersehen
to contemplate doing sth. [intend doing sth.]beabsichtigen, etw. zu tun
to do better [only in progressive form: he/she/etc./the firm is doing better]bessergehen [nur unpersönlich: es geht mir/dir/usw./der Firma besser]
to go on [continue doing]weitermachen
to meditate doing sth. [consider doing sth.]erwägen, etw. zu tun
to rein sb. in [fig.] [hold someone back from doing sth.]jdn. davon abhalten [etw. zu tun]
to stick at sth. [coll.] [continue doing sth., esp. practising (a skill), even it is difficult]bei etw.Dat. bleiben [an etw. dranbleiben, etw. nicht aufgeben]
to take turns [alternate at doing sth.]sich ablösen [auch: einander ablösen]
to take up sth. [begin doing sth.]mit etw.Dat. beginnen
2 Words: Nouns
go-ahead [coll.] [permission to start doing sth.]Go {n} [ugs.] [Startsignal, Genehmigung]
3 Words: Others
first-hand / firsthand {adv} [gained by doing something yourself, e.g. experience]am eigenen Leib [nachgestellt] [Redewendung]
How're your ... (doing)? [coll.] [e.g. How're your kids doing?]Wie geht's / gehts deinen / Ihren ...? [ugs.] [z. B. ... deinen / Ihren Kindern]
How's your ... (doing)? [coll.] [e.g. How's your mother / father doing?]Wie geht's / gehts deiner / Ihrer / deinem / Ihrem ...? [ugs.] [z. B. Wie gehts deiner / Ihrer Mutter? Wie gehts deinem / Ihrem Vater?]
I can't help ... [doing sth.] [e.g. smoking, laughing]Ich muss einfach ... [etw. tun] [z. B. rauchen, lachen]
on the brink {adv} [of doing sth.]kurz davor [etw. zu tun]
Internet What you doing? <wyd, WYD> [Internet slang] [What are you doing?]Was machst du? <wmd, WMD>
3 Words: Verbs
to bar sb. from doing sth. [prevent sb. from doing sth.]jdn. an etw.Dat. hindern
to bar sb. from doing sth. [prevent sb. from doing sth.]jdn. daran hindern, etw. zu tun
to be done with sb./sth. [to have finished doing]mit jdm./etw. fertig sein [zu Ende gemacht haben]
drugs to be hooked on sth. [coll.] [unable to stop taking / doing sth.]von etw.Dat. abhängig sein
to be railroaded into sth. [idiom] [coerced or rushed into doing sth.]zu etw.Dat. gedrängt werden
to be used for sth. [e.g. for a purpose, for doing sth.]zu etw.Dat. dienen [verwendet werden]
to connive at / in sth. [deliberately ignore wrong doing]vor etw.Dat. die Augen verschließen
to stick to doing sth. [continue doing sth.]dabeibleiben, etw. zu tun
to sully one's hands [by doing sth.]sich die Hände schmutzig machen [fig.]
to wind up doing sth. [to end up doing]schließlich etw. tun
4 Words: Others
idiom How are your ... (doing)? [e.g. How are your kids doing?]Wie geht es deinen / Ihren ...? [z. B. Wie geht es deinen / Ihren Kindern?]
4 Words: Verbs
to be going to do sth. [to be on the point of doing sth.]im Begriff sein, etw. zu tun
to be in the zone [idiom] [to be very focused on what you are doing]in einer Sache völlig aufgehen [Redewendung]
idiom to dip into the past [for doing / making sth. now]sich an Vergangenem / der Vergangenheit orientieren
to jack it all in [Br.] [coll.] [stop doing]alles hinschmeißen [fig.] [ugs.] [aufgeben: Arbeitsstelle, Projekt etc.]
5+ Words: Others
proverb If a thing is worth doing, it's worth doing well.Wenn schon, denn schon. [ugs.]
It's / That's a fair cop. [Br.] [Aus.] [coll.] [dated] [humorously said when being discovered doing something wrong and admitting it]Da haben Sie mich (wohl) drangekriegt. [ugs.]
It's / That's a fair cop. [Br.] [Aus.] [coll.] [dated] [humorously said when being discovered doing something wrong and admitting it]Da habt ihr mich (wohl) drangekriegt. [ugs.]
It's / That's a fair cop. [Br.] [Aus.] [coll.] [dated] [humorously said when being discovered doing something wrong and admitting it]Da hast du mich (wohl) drangekriegt. [ugs.]
sb. won't be [doing sth.] again anytime soonjd. wird so bald nicht wieder [etw. tun]
5+ Words: Verbs
to take the unusual step of [doing sth.]den ungewöhnlichen Schritt unternehmen [etw. zu tun]
5+ Words: Nouns
doing things for the sake of doing thingsblinder Aktionismus {m}
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