| English | German | |
| hist. surviving {adj} [document, etc.] | 26 überliefert [attr.] | |
| law apostilled {adj} {past-p} [official document] | mit der Apostille versehen | |
| attached {adj} [to a letter, document] | in der Anlage | |
| hist. recorded {adj} [mentioned in a document] | urkundlich erwähnt | |
Verbs |
| admin. to issue [document] | 656 ausfertigen | |
| to produce sth. [a document, ticket etc.] | 183 etw. vorlegen [Dokument etc.] | |
| to consult sth. [book, document] | 68 etw. einsehen [Einblick nehmen, nachlesen] | |
| to stamp sth. [a passport, a document, etc.] | 60 etw.Akk. abstempeln | |
| to raise [document, invoice] | 52 ausstellen | |
| to sign sth. [a document, a contract, etc.] | 25 etw. unterfertigen [amtsspr.] [unterschreiben] | |
| to duplicate sth. [make an exact copy of sth.] [e.g. a document] | ein Duplikat von etw.Dat. anfertigen | |
| to sign [a document] | eine Unterschrift leisten | |
Nouns |
| lit. line <l.> [of a poem, document, etc.] | 853 Zeile {f} <Z.> | |
| record [official document] | 413 Akte {f} | |
| law section [of a document] | 208 Absatz {m} | |
| endorsement [on the back of a document] | 178 Vermerk {m} [auf der Rückseite von Dokumenten] | |
| proxy [document] | 165 Vollmacht {f} [Schriftstück] | |
| certificate [official document] | 79 Zeugnis {n} | |
| record [document] | 57 Urkunde {f} | |
| section [in a document] | 55 Paragraph {m} | |
| law instrument [document] | 46 Papier {n} [Dokument] | |
| law validity [of document] | 25 Rechtsgültigkeit {f} | |
| law [lawyer's document exchange box, similar to a post office box at the courthouse] | 14 Gerichtsfach {n} | |
| date [of a document] | 12 Datumsangabe {f} | |
| chapter [of a book or (legal) document] | 7 Hauptstück {n} [veraltet außer im juristischen Gebrauch] | |
| polemic [document] | 7 Kampfschrift {f} | |
| hist. roll [rolled up document] | 6 Schriftrolle {f} | |
| doc [coll.] [short for document] | 5 Dokument {n} | |
| comp. template [document] | 5 Formatvorlage {f} [Dokument] | |
| [obligation to carry an official document (identity card, driving license, work permit, etc.)] | Mitführpflicht {f} | |
| deed [legal document] | Brief und Siegel [veraltet] [Urkunde] | |
| docucam [coll.] [document camera] | Dokumentenkamera {f} | |
| law muniment [legal document] | Rechtsdokument {n} | |
| hist. law muniment [legal document] | Rechtsurkunde {f} | |
| law muniment [legal document] | Urkunde {f} | |
| visualiser [Br.] [document camera] | Visualizer {m} [Dokumentenkamera] | |
2 Words: Others |
| attached hereto {adv} [to a letter, document, etc.] | in der Anlage [zu einem Brief, zu einer Akte etc.] | |
| company-confidential {adj} [document, information] | firmenvertraulich | |
| eyes-only {adj} [Am.] [information or document: strictly confidential] | (streng) vertraulich [Mitteilung etc.] | |
| four-page {adj} [attr.] [letter, document, etc.] | vierseitig [Brief, Schriftstück etc.] | |
| laid down {adj} {past-p} [in an official document] | niedergelegt [in einer offiziellen Unterlage] | |
| on delivery {adv} [of a document, letter, parcel etc.] | bei Aushändigung | |
2 Words: Verbs |
| to certify sb.'s identity [esp. by a document] | jds. Identität bescheinigen | |
| to make out sth. [idiom] [document] [fill in] | etw.Akk. ausfertigen | |
| to wet sign sth. [document, etc.] | etw.Akk. original unterschreiben [eigenhändig, handschriftlich] | |
2 Words: Nouns |
| action list [document drawn up esp. after a meeting, recording the decisions taken etc.] | Maßnahmenprotokoll {n} | |
| applicable version [e.g. of a document] | anwendbare Fassung {f} [z. B. eines Dokuments] | |
| hist. Bavarian Geographer [document] | Bayerischer Geograph {m} [Autor] | |
| donation form [document] | Spendenformular {n} | |
| drawing up [document, report, etc.] | Ausfertigung {f} [Schriftstück, Bericht, etc.] | |
| generation date [creation date, e.g. of a document or software version] | Erzeugungsdatum {n} | |
| identity card <ID> [as a compulsory official document] | Perso {m} [ugs.] [Personalausweis] | |
| initial version [e.g. of a document] | Ersterstellung {f} | |
| relig. Naassene Sermon [Gnostic document] | Naassenerpredigt {f} | |
| admin. law paper identification [identity document] | Papierausweis {m} | |
| photo. print print size {sg} [document, photo] | Druckmaße {pl} | |
| publication date [of an unexamined patent document] | Offenlegungstag {m} [Patent] | |
| admin. RealEst. tenancy confirmation [document issued by landlord for registration purposes] | Wohnungsgeberbestätigung {f} | |
3 Words: Others |
| sth. is given by ... [document] | etw. wurde ausgestellt von ... [Dokument] | |
3 Words: Verbs |
| admin. mil. to classify sth. (as secret) [information, document, etc.] | etw. (als geheim) einstufen [Information, Dokument, etc.] | |
3 Words: Nouns |
| law articles {pl} of incorporation [document] | Gründungsurkunde {f} einer Gesellschaft | |
| law civil status document [also: document of civil status] | Personenstandsurkunde {f} | |
| hist. relig. Donation of Constantine [document] | Konstantinische Schenkungsurkunde {f} [die Urkunde selbst] | |
| fin. QM engagement work program [Am.] [internal auditing; document] | Arbeitsprogramm {n} [interne Revision; Dokument] | |
| fin. QM engagement work programme [Br.] [internal auditing; document] | Arbeitsprogramm {n} [interne Revision; Dokument] | |
| law grounds {pl} for issuing [a certificate, a document] | Ausstellungsgrund {m} [Grund zum Ausstellen einer Urkunde] | |
| automot. law vehicle registration certificate [official document providing proof of registration of a motor vehicle] | Zulassungsbescheinigung {f} [Urkunde über die Zulassung von Fahrzeugen zum Straßenverkehr] | |
4 Words: Verbs |
| to attach an annex (to sth.) [to a document, to a report, etc.] | einen Anhang (an etw.Akk.) anfügen [an ein Dokument, an einen Bericht etc.] | |
4 Words: Nouns |
| admin. RealEst. (landlord's) confirmation of residence [document for registration purposes] | Wohnungsgeberbestätigung {f} | |
| notice of (its) revocation ["its" refers to the document concerned] | Rücknahmenotifikation {f} | |