Dictionary English German: [dish]

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mycol. mushroom {adj} [attr.] [e.g. dish, sauce, knife, hunter, poisoning]
Pilz- [z. B. Gericht, Sauce, Messer, Sammler, Vergiftung]
agr. gastr. hort. vegetable {adj} [attr.] [e.g. bed, consumption, cultivation, dish, soup]
Gemüse- [z. B. Beet, Verzehr, Anbau, Gericht, Suppe]
fish gastr. eel {adj} [attr.] [e.g. dish, farm, fry, larva, soup]
Aal- [z. B. Gericht, Zuchtbetrieb, Brut, Larve, Suppe]
to concoct sth. [prepare by cooking] [e.g. a new dish](sichDat.) etw.Akk. zusammenkochen [ugs.] [oft pej.]
gastr. spaetzle [type of South German pasta dish]
Spätzle {pl}
gastr. curry [spice; dish]
Curry {m} [auch {n}] [Gewürz; Gericht]
dish [coll.] [satellite dish]
Schüssel {f} [ugs.] [Satellitenschüssel]
gastr. couscous [semolina; dish]
Kuskus {m} {n} [Grieß; Gericht]
gastr. [filling side dish]
Sättigungsbeilage {f}
gastr. [dish made of beef offal]
Rinderfleck {m}
gastr. [dish served on a plate]
Tellergericht {n}
gastr. flan [sweet or savory dish baked in a bread or pastry shell]
Wähe {f} [schweiz., südd.]
gastr. rösti [Swiss potato dish]
Rösti {f}
gastr. sweet [Br.] [sweet dish, sweet dessert]
Süßspeise {f}
gastr. brandade [Southern French dish made from salt cod, olive oil, cream and garlic]
Brandade {f} [südfranzös. Gericht aus zerkleinertem Stockfisch, Knoblauch, Olivenöl und Sahne]
gastr. side [esp. Am.] [side dish]
Beigabe {f} [Beilage]
gastr. [traditional rural dish made from cereals or beans]
Sterz {m} [österr.] [südd.]
gastr. [traditional peasant dish, similar to a pancake cut into small pieces, today mainly sweet dessert]
Schmarrn {m} [österr.] [südd.]
gastr. tamale [Mesoamerican dish]
Tamale {f}
gastr. [Alpine dish of bovine testicles]
Alpeneier {pl} [bes. schweiz.] [auch «Glocken der Heimat» oder «spanische Nierli» genannt] [Rinderhoden]
gastr. cocotte [casserole dish]
Kokotte {f} [Topf / Töpfchen; gleichbedeutend mit Auflaufform od. Kasserolle]
stand [hot dish stand]
Untersatz {m} [für heiße Schüsseln, Töpfe usw.]
FoodInd. hist. frumenty [Br.] [dish of wheat boiled in milk]
Frumenty {n} [Gericht aus Weizen oder Mais in Milch gekocht]
[a traditional dish made of potatoes and blood pudding]Blunzengröstl {n} [österr.] [bayer.] [regional] [Blutwurstgröstl]
gastr. [black soup dish]Schwarzsauer {n} [traditionelles Gericht aus Blut]
gastr. [grieves, bacon, pork belly or a dish made thereof]Spirkel {m} [nordd.] [auch: Spirgel] [ostpreußischer Name für Griebe, Speck, Schweinebauch od. für ein einfaches Gericht daraus]
gastr. [phantasy name of a popular (German) minced meat dish in the 50s]Arabisches Reiterfleisch {n} [Hackfleischgericht der 50er Jahre]
gastr. [small pancakes; Saxon dish made from dough containing mashed potatoes, quark cheese, eggs and flour] Quarkkeulchen {n} [FALSCH für: Quarkkäulchen]
gastr. [small pancakes; Saxon dish made from dough containing mashed potatoes, quark cheese, eggs and flour](sächsisches) Quarkkäulchen {n}
gastr. casserole [baking dish]Kassrol {n} [veraltet für: Kasserole]
gastr. cassolette [frying pan / casserole dish with a long handle]Cassolette {f} [Stielpfanne]
gastr. causa [Peruvian potato dish]Causa {f} [peruanisches Kartoffelgericht]
gastr. compote [Am.] [bowl-shaped dish with long stem for serving e.g. desserts, sweets, nuts]Schale {f} mit Stiel [z. B. für Kompott, Süßigkeiten, Nüsse]
gastr. dal [dish]Daal {n} [Rsv.] [Dal]
gastr. dal [dish]Dal {n} [Gericht]
gastr. dal [dish]Dhal {n} [Rsv.] [Dal]
gastr. dishcloth [rare for: tea towel, dish towel]Geschirrtuch {n}
gastr. edamame {sg} [side dish]Edamame-Bohnen {pl}
gastr. hash [dish with minced or cubed meat]Haché {n} [fachspr.] [Haschee]
gastr. moose [obs.] [rare] [stewed vegetables; a dish of this]geschmortes Gemüse {n} [auch: gedünstetes Gemüse]
gastr. pancit [a Chinese noodle dish of the Philippines]Pancit {n}
gastr. pastitsio [Greek dish with pasta]Pastitsio {f} {n} [griech. Nudelauflauf]
gastr. Pickert [also: pickert] [German dish, Westphalian specialty]Pickert {m} [Spezialität der westfälischen Küche]
gastr. tart [sweet or savory milk and egg dish baked in a bread or pastry shell]Wähe {f} [schweiz., südd.] [mit Teig]
gastr. vanillerostbraten [Austrian dish of beef cutlets, onion, and garlic]Vanillerostbraten {m} [österr.]
2 Words: Others
gastr. meat-centric {adj} [of a cuisine or dish]fleischlastig
2 Words: Verbs
to dish sth. up [coll.] [also fig., e.g. to dish up (false) facts]etw.Akk. auftischen [ugs. auch fig., z. B.: (falsche) Fakten auftischen]
2 Words: Nouns
gastr. aliter dulcia [an ancient Roman sweet dish]Aliter dulcia {f}
gastr. chafing dishChafi {m} [ugs.] [Chafing-Dish]
gastr. chafing dishChafing-Dish {m} [auch: Chafing Dish]
gastr. daily special [dish]Tagesgericht {n}
fave dish [coll.] [fig] [short for: favorite / favourite dish]Leibgericht {n}
gastr. fry-up [Br.] [a dish fried in a frying pan]Pfannengericht {n}
gastr. national food [rare for: national dish]Nationalgericht {n}
biol. tools petri dish [often capitalized: Petri dish]Laborschale {f}
gastr. pie plate [shallow dish for making pies]Kuchenform {f} [tellerförmig] [für süße od. herzhafte Gerichte]
gastr. prairie oysters [Am.] [Can.] [dish made of bull testicles]Stierhoden {pl} [Gericht]
gastr. salt potatoes [Am regional dish][mit sehr viel Salz in der Schale gekochte, junge Kartoffeln]
gastr. tiger meat [sl.] [raw ground beef dish] [Am.]Tatarbeefsteak {n}
gastr. today's suggestion [dish, meal]Tagesempfehlung {f} [Gericht, Speise]
3 Words: Nouns
gastr. bubble and squeak [Br.] [dish made of leftover vegetables]Gemüsegröstl {n} [österr.] [ugs.]
gastr. chicken rice porridge [Asian dish]Reissuppe {f} mit Huhn
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
bot. gastr. T
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