| English | German | |
| towards {prep} [in the direction of] | 352 gen [+Akk.] [veraltend] | |
| to {prep} [toward, in the direction of] | 137 gen [+Akk.] [veraltend] | |
| nowhere {adv} [direction] | 97 nirgendwohin | |
| over {adv} [at some distance, as in a direction indicated] | 72 drüben | |
| theatre stage {adj} [attr.] [e.g. designer, direction, lighting, scenery, version] | 45 Bühnen- [z. B. Bildner, Anweisung, Beleuchtung, Bild, Fassung] | |
| nowhere {adv} [direction] | 12 nirgendhin | |
| above {adv} [direction] | 9 hinauf | |
| nowhere {adv} [direction] | 9 nirgendshin [selten] | |
| anat. dent. zool. buccally {adv} [in the direction of the cheek] | 7 backenwärts | |
| everyway {adv} [in every direction] | 7 überallhin | |
| opposite {adj} [attr.] [e.g. lane, party, side, direction] | 6 Gegen- [z. B. Fahrbahn, Seite, Richtung] | |
| anat. dent. buccally {adv} [in the direction of the cheek] | wangenwärts | |
| mus. divisi {adj} [Italian] [musical direction esp. for orchestral string sections] | geteilt | |
| ecol. geogr. hydro. downstream {adv} [direction] | nach unterstrom [fachspr.] | |
| ecol. geogr. hydro. downstream {adv} [direction] | nach Unterstrom [fachspr.] | |
| theatre Exit. [stage direction] | Geht ab. [Regieanweisung] | |
| outside {adv} [indicating the direction] | nach draußen | |
| over {adv} [giving a direction] | ummi [bayer.] [österr.] [ugs.] [hinüber, herrüber] | |
| audio phys. tech. sound {adj} [attr.] [e.g. amplitude, barrier, conductor, direction, insulation] | Schall- [z. B. Amplitude, Mauer, Leiter, Richtung, Dämmung] | |
| tended {past-p} [in a direction] | sich geneigt | |
| towards {prep} [in the direction of] | in Richtung | |
| towards {prep} [in the direction of] | in Richtung auf [+Akk.] | |
| uptown {adv} [Am.] [to northern part of Manhattan Island, New York] [direction] | in den Norden von Manhattan Island [des New Yorker Stadtteils Manhattan Island] | |
| withershins {adv} [chiefly Scot.] [in the wrong direction] [of a circular movement] | falsch herum | |
Verbs |
| to run [+adverbial of direction] [street, border, etc.] | 211 verlaufen [in eine Richtung führen, sich erstrecken, z. B. Straße, Grenze usw.] | |
| to manoeuvre sth. [+adverbial of direction] [Br.] | 94 etw. bugsieren [+Richtungsangabe] [ugs.] [z. B. Möbelstück durch die Tür] | |
| to spin [coll.] [to influence in a certain direction] | 66 einwickeln [ugs.] [überreden] | |
| aviat. to volplane [with adverbial of direction] | 15 gleitfliegen | |
| to countersteer [to steer a vehicle in the opposite direction] [also fig.] | Gegensteuer geben [schweiz.] [Fahrzeug gegenlenken] [auch fig.] | |
Nouns |
| course [direction of travel] | 1838 Kurs {m} [Schifffahrt, Luftfahrt, Verkehr usw.] | |
| order [authoritative command, direction, or instruction] | 1204 Befehl {m} | |
| turn [change in direction, changing point] | 698 Wende {f} | |
| naut. tack [direction of vessel] [also fig.] | 524 Kurs {m} [auch fig.] | |
| guidance [direction] | 479 Führung {f} [Leitung] | |
| aviat. mil. spotter [plane used for artillery fire direction] | 328 Artillerieflugzeug {n} | |
| rule [provision, direction] | 326 Vorschrift {f} | |
| course [direction] | 157 Richtung {f} | |
| course [of events, direction] | 96 Lauf {m} [Verlauf, Flusslauf, Astron.] | |
| way [route, direction] | 85 Richtung {f} | |
| policy [course, direction] | 57 Kurs {m} [fig.] | |
| leadership [control or direction] | 33 Federführung {f} | |
| government [regulation, direction] | 31 Leitung {f} | |
| jobs administration [management (of sth.), direction] | 28 Regie {f} [geh.] [Leitung, Verwaltung] | |
| swerve [also: fig.] [an abrupt change of direction] | 24 Schwenkung {f} [auch: fig.] [plötzlicher Richtungswechsel] | |
| airt [chiefly Scot.: direction] | 15 Richtung {f} | |
| audio [square of direction / directional factor] | Richtungsgrad {m} | |
| hist. mil. [WW II German short-range radar used for early warning, searchlight direction or gun-laying, and local observation and tracking] | Funkmessgerät {n} <FuMG> | |
| break [change of direction] | Richtungswechsel {m} | |
| ling. directionality [direction of translation] | Übersetzungsrichtung {f} | |
| rail transp. headway [time interval between vehicles traveling in the same direction on a route] | Takt {m} [Zeittakt, z. B. bei Zugabfahrten] | |