Dictionary English German: [directed]

Translation 1 - 7 of 7

English German
anat. zool. cranial {adj} [directed toward the skull]kopfwärts gelegen
astron. descensional {adj} [moving or directed downward]absteigend [abwärtsgehend, nach unten verlaufend]
routed {adj} {past-p} [directed]geleitet
[resident party to whom communications can be directed]
Zustellungsbevollmächtigter {m}
ling. psych. motherese [infant-directed speech]Ammensprache {f} [Baby-Talk]
internally motivated {adj} [directed]innengeleitet
filing margin [blank space at the inner side of a printed page directed to the bookbinding]Heftrand {m} [nicht bedruckter innerer Rand einer bedruckten Seite der zur Buchbindung ausgerichtet ist]
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