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|  |
 | sb. pled [esp. Am., Scot., dial.] | 130 jd. plädierte |  |
 | trigged {adj} {past-p} [dial. / obs.] | 96 gehemmt |  |
 | ye {pron} [archaic, poet., or dial.] [(to) you (indirect object)] | 78 dir |  |
 | druther {adv} [Am.] [dial.] [(would) rather, by preference] | 36 eher [lieber] |  |
 | wed {past-p} [dial. / poet.] | 23 geheiratet |  |
 | nebby {adj} [dial.] [snoopy, inquisitive] | 16 neugierig |  |
 | pled {past-p} [esp. Am., Scot., dial.] | 9 plädiert |  |
 | fat {adj} {adv} [overweight] | 8 blad [österr.] [dial.] [dick] |  |
 | niner [Am.] [dial. or radio communications] | 7 neun |  |
 | sonsy {adj} [also: sonsie] [Scot.] [Irish] [Br. dial.] [good-looking] | 7 ansehnlich [stattlich und attraktiv] |  |
 | coshered {adj} {past-p} [dial.] | verhätschelt [ugs.] |  |
 | deedy {adj} [Br.] [dial.] [industrious] | arbeitsam |  |
 | jimp {adj} [Scot.] [dial.] [neat and spruce] | hübsch und adrett |  |
 | jimp {adj} [Scot.] [dial.] [slender and trim] | schlank und rank |  |
 | loppy {adj} [dial. Br. or mil. sl.] | verlaust |  |
 | nobbut {adv} [Br.] [dial.] | nur |  |
 | sb. coshered [dial.] | jd. verhätschelte [ugs.] |  |
 | sb. coshers [dial.] | jd. verhätschelt [ugs.] |  |
 | sb. gophered [dial.] | jd. kräuselte |  |
 | sonsily {adv} [heftily, of a blow] [Scot.] [Irish] [Br. dial.] | heftig [spürbar, bei einem Schlag u. ä.] |  |
 | sonsy {adj} [also: sonsie] [Br.] [archaic, dial.: of good omen, lucky] | glückbringend |  |
 | sth. shrinked [dial.] [shrank] | etw. schrumpfte |  |
 | sth. trigs [dial. / obs.] | etw. hemmt |  |
 | twicet {adv} [dial.] | zweimal |  |
Verbs |
 | to trig [dial. / obs.] | 81 hemmen |  |
 | to gopher [dial.] | 43 kräuseln |  |
 | zool. to blat [Am. dial.] [goat] | 25 meckern [Ziege] |  |
 | to consarn sb./sth. [dial.] [dated] | 21 jdn./etw. verfluchen [verdammen] |  |
 | to blat [Am. dial.] | 13 blöken [Schaf, Kalb] |  |
 | to cosher [dial.] | 7 verhätscheln [ugs.] |  |
 | to dinge sth. [Br.] [regional] [dial.] | 6 etw.Akk. einbeulen |  |
 | to foller [dial.] [follow] | folgen |  |
 | to vum [dial.] | schwören |  |
Nouns |
 | setting [e. g. on a dial] | 304 Einstellung {f} [Uhr, Schalter etc.] |  |
 | anat. pap [dial.: nipple] | 177 Brustwarze {f} |  |
 | dumbledore [Br.] [dial.] | 105 Hummel {f} |  |
 | hoss [dial.: horse] | 64 Bulle {m} [ugs.] [starker Mann] |  |
 | tor [Br.] [Devon dial.] | 49 Hügel {m} |  |
 | town [dial.] | 49 Dörfchen {n} |  |
 | whupping [Am. dial. or Scot.: whipping] | 37 Abreibung {f} |  |
 | zool. cooter [dial. Am.] | 27 Schildkröte {f} |  |
 | entom. T | 22 |  |
 | gastr. ream [esp. Br., dial., e.g. Scot.] [cream] | 18 Rahm {m} |  |
 | bing [Br.] [Scot.] [dial.] [heap, pile] | 15 Haufen {m} [Aufgetürmtes] |  |
 | wisp [wispy (little) fellow ] [a wisp of a person] | 14 Krischperl {n} [Grischperl {n}] [dial.] [bayer.] [österr.] [auch pej.] |  |
 | zool. T | 13 |  |
 | optics barnacles {pl} [Br. dial.] [spectacles] | 13 Brille {f} |  |
 | myth. hob [archaic or dial.] [a sprite or hobgoblin] | 13 Kobold {m} |  |
 | zool. T | 13 |  |
 | agr. aftermath [chiefly archaic] | 12 Krummet {n} [regional] [dial.] [Grummet] |  |