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|  |
 | advanced {adj} [in development] | 651 fortschrittlich |  |
 | urban spoiled {adj} [landscape, by development] | 30 zersiedelt |  |
 | biol. med. aberrative {adj} [in development of living tissue] | 24 fehlentwickelt |  |
 | pharm. pharmaceutical {adj} [e.g. development, examiner, index, research] | 15 Arzneimittel- [z. B. Entwicklung, Prüfer, Index, Forschung] |  |
 | arrested {adj} {past-p} [e. g. development] | 13 gehemmt [z. B. Entwicklung] |  |
 | pol. developmental {adj} [related to development policy] | 12 entwicklungspolitisch |  |
 | team {adj} [attr.] [e.g., assistant, builder, building, development, etc.] | 9 Team- [Assistent, Bildner, Aufbau, Entwicklung etc.] |  |
 | urban spoilt {adj} [Br.] [landscape, by development] | 7 zersiedelt |  |
 | area {adj} [e.g. development, manager, size] | Gebiets- [z. B. Entwicklung, Leiter, Größe] |  |
 | art sports artistic {adj} [attr.] [e.g. development, ideal, judgment; cycling, gymnastics] | Kunst- [z. B. Entwicklung, Ideal, Verstand; Radfahren, Turnen] |  |
 | mal- {prefix} [e.g. development, distribution, formation, function, investment, nutrition] | Fehl- [z. B. Entwicklung, Verteilung, Bildung, Funktion, Investition, Ernährung] |  |
Verbs |
 | archaeo. to track sth. [development] [reconstruct] | 983 etw. nachvollziehen [Entwicklung] [rekonstruieren] |  |
 | to arrest [development etc.] | 22 bremsen [aufhalten] |  |
 | urban to spoil sth. [landscape, by urbanisation, development] | 16 etw.Akk. zersiedeln [Gegend, Landschaft] |  |
 | to peak [in development] | zur Perfektion gelangen |  |
 | to slacken [rate of development] | sich verlangsamen |  |
Nouns |
 | evolution [development] | 589 Entwicklung {f} |  |
 | course [development] | 222 Ablauf {m} [Verlauf] |  |
 | break [fracture] [also of relationship, development etc.] | 150 Bruch {m} |  |
 | elaboration [development, unfolding] | 85 Entfaltung {f} |  |
 | gestation [e.g. development] | 54 Reifwerden {n} [fig.] |  |
 | emergence [development] | 36 Herausbildung {f} |  |
 | development [further development] | 29 Weiterentwicklung {f} |  |
 | break [in a development, etc.] | 18 Einschnitt {m} [Zäsur] |  |
 | advancement [development] | 9 Fortgang {m} [Entwicklung, Weiterentwickling] |  |
 | anlage [principle or basis for future development] [rare] | 9 Entwicklungsgrundlage {f} |  |
 | growth [development in prosperity, strength, etc.] | 9 Gedeihen {n} |  |
 | lit. [novel of character development] | 8 Bildungsroman {m} |  |
 | aviat. hist. [area for the development and testing of liquid fuel rockets in Berlin 1930-1933] | Raketenflugplatz {m} in Berlin |  |
 | urban [building development around the edges of sth., e.g. an airport] | Randbebauung {f} etw.Gen. |  |
 | urban [Climate Booklet for Urban Development] | Städtebauliche Klimafibel {f} |  |
 | urban [Noise Manual for Urban Development] | Städtebauliche Lärmfibel {f} |  |
 | urban [urban development on the outskirts of Tempelhofer Feld (location of the former Tempelhof Airport, Berlin)] | Randbebauung {f} des Tempelhofer Feldes |  |
 | psych. characterologist [researcher in development of personality] | Persönlichkeitsforscher {m} |  |
 | meteo. cyclogenesis [e.g., development of a new low pressure system] | Zyklogenese {f} |  |
 | med. QM DNQP [German network for quality development in care] | Deutsches Netzwerk {n} für Qualitätsentwicklung in der Pflege <DNQP> |  |
 | med. VetMed. osteochondrodysplasia [disorder of the development (dysplasia) of bone ("osteo") and cartilage ("chondro")] | Osteochondrodysplasie {f} <OCD> |  |
 | Sida [Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency] | Sida {f} [Schweden] |  |
 | slackening [of rate of development, speed] | Verlangsamung {f} |  |
2 Words: Others |
 | church-based {adj} [development programs, schools, etc.] | kirchlich [Entwicklungsprogramme, Schulen, etc.] |  |
 | med. zool. early adult {adj} [development stage] | frühadult [Entwicklungsstadium] |  |
 | far advanced [in development] | weit fortgeschritten |  |
 | well advanced {adj} [in development] | weit fortgeschritten |  |
2 Words: Verbs |
 | to be behind [in physical or mental development] | unterentwickelt sein |  |
 | to follow up sth. [track development, results etc.] | etw.Akk. nachverfolgen |  |
 | to push sth. forward [fig.] [development, process] | etw.Akk. voranbringen |  |
2 Words: Nouns |
 | action competence [personnel development, education and psychology] | Handlungskompetenz {f} [Personalentwicklung, Pädagogik und Psychologie] |  |
 | relig. church development [parish development] | Gemeindeaufbau {m} |  |
 | med. pharm. clinical stage [e.g. in the development of a drug] | klinische Phase {f} [z. B. in der Entwicklung eines Medikaments] |  |
 | developmental potential [potential for development] | Entwicklungspotenzial {n} |  |
 | med. DSD patients [patients with disorders of sexual development] | DSD-Patienten {pl} [Patienten mit Störungen der Geschlechtsentwicklung] |  |
 | green space [as opposed to urban development] | Grünraum {m} |  |
 | overall trend [overall development] | Gesamtentwicklung {f} |  |
 | econ. R&D services [Research and Development services] | F&E-Dienstleistungen {pl} [Forschungs- und Entwicklungs-Dienstleistungen] |  |
 | biol. med. toe walking [gait development in children] | Zehengang {m} [Zehenspitzengang bei Kindern, Gangentwicklung] |  |
 | biol. toe walking [gait development in children] | Zehenspitzengang {m} [Zehengang] |  |
 | urban town planning [urban development] | Urbanistik {f} |  |
3 Words: Verbs |
 | to be / become stunted [poor growth / development] | kümmern [dahinkümmern, verkümmern] |  |
3 Words: Nouns |
 | stocks (share) price development [development of the share price] | Kursentwicklung {f} [Enwicklung des (Aktien-) Kurses] |  |
 | jobs Civil Peace Service <CPS> [development cooperation] | Ziviler Friedensdienst {m} <ZFD> [Entwicklungszusammenarbeit] |  |
 | comp. dry run (test) [in software development] | Schreibtischtest {m} [in der Softwareentwicklung] |  |
 | market. market development funds <MDF> [marketing development funds] | Werbekostenzuschuss {m} <WKZ> |  |
 | comp. rapid application development <RAD> | schnelle Anwendungsentwicklung {f} [fachspr.: Rapid Application Development <RAD>] |  |
 | start of reading [in child development] | Leseanfang {m} |  |
4 Words: Verbs |
 | to keep in touch with sth. [e.g. a development] | auf dem Laufenden über etw. bleiben |  |
 | to run in another direction [e.g. development, narration, taste] | in eine andere Richtung gehen [z. B. Entwicklung, Erzählung, Geschmack] |  |
5+ Words: Nouns |
 | comp. Once and Only Once principle <OAOO principle> [in software development] | [Einmal-und-nur-einmal-Prinzip; in der Software-Entwicklung] |  |
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi) |
 | fish T | |  |