Dictionary English German: [detection]

Translation 1 - 14 of 14

English German
pattern {adj} [attr.] [e.g. book, detection]
Muster- [z. B. Buch, Erkennung]
med. psych. attentive {adj} [e.g. feature detection mechanism]
zool. [detection of the mating partner]Partnererkennung {f}
comp. autodetection [also: automatic detection]automatische Erkennung {f}
2 Words
comp. signature based {adj} [in intrusion detection systems]signaturbasiert [bei Angrifferkennungssystemen]
mil. naut. destroyer noise [underwater sound detection and ranging]Zerstörergeräusche {pl} [Unterwasser-Horchortung]
tech. detection depth [detection device]Erfassungstiefe {f} [Ortungsgerät]
locating beam [detection beam]Ortungsstrahl {m}
mine-clearance [detection / classification / identification and neutralisation]Minenräumen {n}
mil. RADAR operator [short] [radio detection and ranging operator]RADAR-Bediener {m} [Radarbediener]
tech. telltale hole [also: tell-tale hole] [for leak detection]Kontrollbohrung {f} [Leckageüberwachung]
astron. transit method [for the detection of extrasolar planets]Transitmethode {f} [zum Nachweis von Exoplaneten]
3 Words
audio speech awareness threshold <SAT> [commonly used synonymous term for speech detection threshold]Sprachverständnisschwelle {f}
4 Words
astron. phys. detection of gravitational waves [also: gravitational-waves detection]Nachweis {m} von Gravitationswellen
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