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 | defunct {adj} [no longer living, dead] | 503 verstorben <verst.> [geh.] |  |
 | gone {adj} [also fig.: dead] | 52 fort [auch fig.: tot] [nur prädikativ] |  |
 | gone {past-p} [dead] | 26 gestorben <gest.> |  |
 | gone {adj} [dead] | 16 tot |  |
 | stone {adv} [absolutely: e.g. stone cold, stone dead] | 9 völlig |  |
 | med. stillborn {adj} [dead at birth] | 8 stillgeboren [Neol.] [totgeboren] |  |
 | [dead smart, snazzy] {adj} | totschick [FALSCH für: todschick] |  |
 | bot. marcescent {adj} [foliage, dead leaves] | [verwelkt, aber noch nicht abgefallen (Blätter, Herbstlaub)] |  |
 | zool. saprophagous {adj} [feeding on dead organic matter] | saprophag [verfaulte organische Materie fressend] |  |
 | med. stillborn {adj} [dead at birth] | still geboren [Neol.] [tot geboren] |  |
Verbs |
 | to keen [wail in grief for a dead person] | 539 wehklagen [geh.] [um einen bzw. eine Tote] |  |
 | to bewail sb. [the dead] | 180 jdn. beklagen [geh.] [die Toten] |  |
 | to rob [from the helpless or dead] | 134 fleddern [aus der Gaunersprache] |  |
 | to deflesh sth. [a bone, a dead animal, etc.] | etw.Akk. entfleischen [einen Knochen, ein totes Tier etc.] |  |
 | FoodInd. to skin sth. [dead animal] | etw. abschwarten [Schlachtkörper] |  |
Nouns |
 | stiff [coll.] [dead body] | 665 Leiche {f} |  |
 | body [dead body] | 275 Leiche {f} |  |
 | mus. dirge [for the dead] | 36 Grabgesang {m} |  |
 | body [dead body] | 25 Leichnam {m} [geh.] |  |
 | lit. threnody [lament for the dead] | 19 Totenklage {f} |  |
 | esot. psych. relig. visitation [unexpected appearance of a ghost, a dead person, the Virgin Mary, etc.] | 19 Erscheinung {f} [unerwartetes Sehen eines Geistes, eines Verstorbenen, der Jungfrau Maria etc.] |  |
 | bodies [dead bodies] | 16 Leichen {pl} |  |
 | cremains {pl} [the remains of a dead body after cremation] | 13 Asche {f} [die eingeäscherten menschlichen Überreste] |  |
 | skeleton [of a dead body] | 8 Totengerippe {n} [veraltet] |  |
 | [last Sunday before Advent commemorating the dead] | 6 Totensonntag {m} |  |
 | [people appearing to be dead] | Scheintote {pl} |  |
 | [Sunday before Advent on which the dead are commemorated] | Ewigkeitssonntag {m} |  |
 | mus. Deadhead [coll.] [fan of the Grateful Dead] | Deadhead {m} [Grateful Dead-Fan] |  |
 | med. sports granddaddy [coll.] [dead leg] | Knöck {m} [fränk.] [Pferdekuss] |  |
 | med. sports granddaddy [coll.] [dead leg] | Negerboandl {n} [bayer.] [Pferdekuss] |  |
 | archaeo. relig. Hodayot [Dead Sea scrolls] <1QH> | Hodajot {pl} <1QH> |  |
 | myth. lemure [ghost of a dead person in Roman mythology] | Lemure {m} [Lemur] [Geist eines Verstorbenen in der römischen Mythologie] |  |
 | mole [dead fetus] | Windei {n} [Mole] |  |
 | med. mole [dead foetus] | Mole {f} [abgestorbene Leibesfrucht] |  |
 | archaeo. bibl. hist. pesharim [biblical commentaries in the Dead Sea Scrolls] | Pescharim {pl} |  |
 | archaeo. bibl. hist. pesher [type of biblical commentary in the Dead Sea Scrolls] | Pescher {m} |  |
 | remains [dead body] | tote Überreste {pl} [Leichenteile] |  |
2 Words: Others |
 | drop-dead {adj} [coll.] [extremely, e.g. drop-dead beautiful] | umwerfend [ugs.] |  |
 | long-gone {adj} [coll.] [dead for a long time] | lange tot |  |
2 Words: Verbs |
 | comm. to go begging [coll.] [dead article] | keinen Abnehmer finden [Ladenhüter] |  |
 | to play possum [expression] [pretend to be dead] | sichAkk. tot stellen |  |
2 Words: Nouns |
 | electr. anchor tower [dead-end tower] | Abspannmast {m} [Freileitungsmast] |  |
 | body recovery [dead body] | Leichenbergung {f} |  |
 | archaeo. bibl. hist. continuous pesharim [Dead Sea scrolls] | fortlaufende Pescharim {pl} |  |
 | dent. med. dead tract | Zone {f} der Sklerose [Dead Tract] |  |
 | agr. textil. dead wool [wool taken from dead sheep] | Sterblingswolle {f} |  |
 | archi. death-lantern [also: death lantern] [lantern of the dead] [usu. a column surmounted by a lantern; in a churchyard or cemetery] | Totenleuchte {f} [Totenlaterne, auch «Lanterne des morts» als Teil eines Eigennamens in Frankreich] |  |
 | agr. textil. fallen wool [wool taken from dead sheep] | Sterblingswolle {f} |  |
 | med. fetus papyraceus [a dead fetus pressed flat by the growth of a living twin] | Fetus papyraceus {m} |  |
 | gastr. flat drink [dead drink] | schales Getränk {n} |  |