Dictionary English German: [cyclists]

Translation 1 - 7 of 7

English German
[dangerous spots for cyclists]Velofallen {pl} [schweiz.]
traffic urban car lane [as opposed to one reserved for cyclists]Autofahrspur {f}
to ride two abreast [cyclists]zu zweit nebeneinanderfahren [Radfahrer]
bike to ride two abreast [cyclists]zu zweit nebeneinander fahren [alt] [Radfahrer]
med. perineal nodular induration [cyclists]perineale knotige Induration {f} [Radsportler]
to ride in single file [cyclists]hintereinander fahren [Radfahrer]
traffic segregated shared-use route [for cyclists and pedestrians]getrennter Rad- und Fußweg {m}
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