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| contemporary {adj} [current] | 528 aktuell | |
| actual {adj} [current] | 496 derzeitig | |
| present {adj} [attr.] [current] | 353 gegenwärtig [attr.] [derzeitig] | |
| hydro. powerful {adj} [current] | 324 reißend [Strömung] | |
| actual {adj} [current] | 247 gegenwärtig [aktuell, derzeitig] | |
| electr. live {adj} [carrying electric current] | 107 stromführend | |
| present {adj} [attr.] [current] | 71 jetzig [attr.] | |
| relevant {adj} [to current situation] | 43 aktuell | |
| fin. recoverable {adj} [used in conjunction with current assets such as inventories or receivables] | 24 werthaltig | |
| meteo. katabatic {adj} [wind or air current] | 9 katabatisch | |
| meteo. anabatic {adj} [wind or air current] | 8 anabatisch | |
| peak {adj} [attr.] [e.g. value, electrode current] | 8 größte [größter, größtes] | |
| electr. live {adj} [carrying electric current] | Strom führend | |
| strange {adj} [not common, current or usual] [e.g. word, expression] | nicht geläufig | |
Verbs |
| med. to electrofulgurate sth. [cauterise and remove tissue using a high-frequency electric current] | etw.Akk. fulgurieren [Gewebe abätzen mittels einer nadelähnlichen Elektrode] | |
| electr. to fry sth. [coll.] [to destroy (electronic circuitry) with excessive heat or current] | etw.Akk. durchschmoren [ugs.] [bes. Elektronik durch übermäßige Hitzeentwicklung zerstören] | |
Nouns |
| electr. loop [electric current] | 727 Kreislauf {m} [Strömung] | |
| tide [also fig.] [current] | 232 Strom {m} [auch fig.] [Strömung] | |
| electr. lead [electric current] | 116 Leitung {f} | |
| aviat. bump [rising air current] | 28 Bö {f} [Steigbö] | |
| extension [e.g. of ocean current] | 18 Ausläufer {m} | |
| hydro. race [swift current] | 15 Strömung {f} [rasch] | |
| riptide [rip current] | 14 Brandungsrückstrom {m} [Rippstrom] | |
| hist. [improvised water boiler; leading electric current directly through water by means of two electrodes and thus heating it; cf. stinger] | 6 Ufo {n} [NVA-Jargon: improvisierter Wasserkocher] | |
| anat. weasand [gullet] [archaic in human anatomy; still current in meatpacking industry] | 5 Speiseröhre {f} | |
| meteo. detrainment [fig.] [air current] | Ausscheren {n} [Strömungsrandzone] | |
| millrace [the current that drives the wheel] | Mühlgraben {m} | |
| electr. triac [portmanteau of TRIode Alternating Current switch] | Triac {m} | |
| waftage [early modern English] [current usage mostly fig.] | Fahrt {f} [auf Schiff über einen Fluss] | |
| anat. weazand [spv.] [gullet] [archaic in human anatomy; still current in meatpacking industry] | Speiseröhre {f} | |
2 Words: Others |
| du jour {adj} [attr.] [postpos.] [coll.] [fashionable, current] | unserer Tage [attr.] [nachgestellt] | |
| journ. highly topical {adj} [of current interest] | hochaktuell | |
| electr. single-phase {adj} [attr.] [current, transformer, etc.] | Einphasen- [Strom, Transformator usw.] | |
2 Words: Nouns |
| civilized countries [dated] [likely offensive in current use] | Kulturländer {pl} | |
| electr. compensatory current [rare for: compensation / compensating current] | Ausgleichsstrom {m} | |
| acc. fin. current ratio | Liquidität {f} dritten Grades [Current Ratio] | |
| electr. current yield [electric current] | Stromertrag {m} | |
| comm. day's price [current price] | Tagespreis {m} | |
| electr. DC field [direct current field] | Gleichfeld {n} | |
| electr. diac / DIAC [diode alternating current switch] | Diac {m} | |
| MedTech. exposure factors [EUR 17538] [settings of tube voltage, tube current and exposure time] | Aufnahmeparameter {pl} [EUR 17538] | |
| electr. Foucault current [eddy current] | Wirbelstrom {m} | |
| electr. MedTech. gettering current [also: getter current] | Getterstrom {m} | |
| electr. grid leak [current] | Gitterableitung {f} | |
| mus. pol. Hawai'i Pono'i [Hawaiʻi Ponoʻī] [current state song of the State of Hawaii] [Hawaiʻi's own true sons] | Hawai'i Pono'i {f} [heutige Staatshymne des US-Bundesstaates Hawaii] | |
| electr. telecom. RadioTV residual carrier [current, voltage, signal level] | Restträger {m} [Strom, Spannung, Signalwert] | |
| electr. RMS current [root mean square current] <Irms, Ir.m.s., IRMS> | Effektivstrom {m} <Ieff> | |
| electr. rotary current [three-phase current] | Drehstrom {m} [Dreiphasenwechselstrom] | |
| electr. traffic traction substation [traction current converter plant] | Umformerstation {f} [Unterwerk] | |
| electr. transient current [rare for: equalizing / compensating current] | Ausgleichsstrom {m} | |
| meteo. weather conditions {pl} [current] | Wetterablauf {m} | |
3 Words: Others |
| med. critical but stable {adj} [a patient's current state / medical condition] | kritisch, aber stabil [Zustand eines Patienten] [weiter stabil, insgesamt aber kritisch] | |
3 Words: Nouns |
| electr. hist. current dumping amplifier [QUAD 405] | Stromablade-Verstärker {m} [selten] [QUAD 405; Current-Dumping-Verstärker] | |
| electr. current of electricity [electric current] | elektrischer Strom {m} | |
| electr. high voltage current [also: high-voltage current] | Starkstrom {m} | |
| electr. phys. Kirchhoff's current law <KCL> [also: Kirchhoff current law] | Kirchhoff'sches Stromgesetz {n} | |
| electr. phys. Kirchhoff's current law <KCL> [also: Kirchhoff current law] | kirchhoffsches Stromgesetz {n} | |
5+ Words: Others |
| It's not a bad place to be. [referring to the current location] | Es ist gar nicht so übel hier. | |
| The current revision reflects these changes. [These changes are reflected / included in the current version.] | Diese Änderungen sind in der aktuellen Version nachgezogen. [z. B. bei technischen Dokumentationen] | |
Fiction (Literature and Film) |
| lit. psych. F How to Stop Worrying and Start Living [Dale Breckenridge Carnegie] [current title (2009)] | Sorge dich nicht - lebe! Die Kunst, zu einem von Ängsten und Aufregungen befreiten Leben zu finden. | |
| lit. F How to Win Friends and Influence People [Dale Carnegie] [current title (2009)] | Wie man Freunde gewinnt. Die Kunst, beliebt und einflussreich zu werden | |