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 | law [obliged to leave the country] {adj} | 39 ausreisepflichtig |  |
 | left {past-p} [the country] | 29 ausgereist |  |
 | host {adj} [attr.] [e.g. country] | 22 gastgebend [z. B. Land] |  |
 | indigenous {adj} [characteristic of a particular country, domestic] | 18 inländisch [heimisch] |  |
 | third {adj} [attr.] [e.g. brood, car, copy, country, language] | 12 Dritt- [z. B. Brut, Wagen, Ausfertigung, Staat, Sprache] |  |
 | flat {adj} [e.g. coast, country, file, glass, roof, screen] | 9 Flach- [z. B. Küste, Land, Feile, Glas, Dach, Bildschirm] |  |
 | law pol. internal {adj} [within a country] | 9 innerstaatlich |  |
 | leaving {adj} {pres-p} [a country] | 9 ausreisend [attr.] |  |
 | internally {adv} [within the country] | 8 landesintern |  |
 | customary {adj} [in a particular place or country] | 7 landüblich [veraltet] [landesüblich] |  |
 | member {adj} [attr.] [e.g. country, state, firm] | 6 Mitglieds- [z. B. Land, Staat, Firma] |  |
 | abroad {adv} [in a foreign country or countries] | im Ausland |  |
 | abroad {adv} [to a foreign country or to foreign countries] | ins Ausland |  |
 | homemade {adj} [produced in the country] | im Inland hergestellt |  |
 | lawless {adj} [country] | ohne Gesetzgebung [nachgestellt] |  |
 | overseas {adv} [to foreign country] | ins Ausland |  |
Verbs |
 | to migrate [from a country, region] | 652 abwandern |  |
 | to represent sb./sth. [a country, a type etc.] | 622 jdn./etw. repräsentieren [ein Land, einen Typus etc.] |  |
 | pol. to annex sth. [a territory, a country, etc.] | 463 etw.Akk. annektieren [geh.] |  |
 | travel to enter [the country] | 436 einreisen |  |
 | to cross sth. [travel through, e.g. a country, a ford] | 432 etw. durchqueren |  |
 | to ostracize [banish from native country] | 405 verbannen |  |
 | to represent sb./sth. [a country, an idea, a client, etc.] | 292 jdn./etw. vertreten [Land, Idee, Klienten etc.] |  |
 | law to expel sb. [from a country] | 175 jdn. ausschaffen [schweiz.] [des Landes verweisen] |  |
 | travel to visit sth. [tour a country, cities, etc.] | 159 etw. bereisen |  |
 | to repatriate sb. [return to one's country of birth] | 50 jdn. heimschaffen [ugs.] [repatriieren] |  |
 | sports to groom sth. [a cross country ski track] | 37 etw. loipen |  |
 | to expatriate [banish from native country] | 24 verbannen |  |
 | to border sth. [country] | an etw.Akk. grenzen |  |
 | mil. to invade sth. [a country, etc.] [also fig.: e.g. tourists invading a village] | in etw. [Akk., auch Dat.] einfallen [in ein / einem Land etc.] [auch fig. ugs.: z. B. Touristen in ein / einem Dorf] |  |
 | to staycation [Br.] [in one's country of residence] | im eigenen Land Urlaub machen |  |
Nouns |
 | deportation [from a country] | 163 Ausweisung {f} [Abschiebung] |  |
 | counterpart [person with equivalent rank in another department, country etc.] | 122 Amtskollege {m} [in anderer Behörde, anderem Land] |  |
 | destination [country] | 117 Zielland {n} |  |
 | econ. pol. leadership [treated as sg. or pl.] [the leaders of an organization, country, etc.] | 104 Führungsriege {f} |  |
 | swain [country lad] | 92 Bauernbursche {m} |  |
 | homeland [country of origin] | 54 Herkunftsland {n} |  |
 | passage [through country, town etc.] | 51 Durchfahrt {f} |  |
 | interior [of a country] | 50 Inland {n} |  |
 | occupiers [of a country] | 42 Besatzer {pl} |  |
 | econ. excise [tax levied on the manufacture or sale of a product within a country] | 38 Akzise {f} [früher für Verbrauchsteuer] |  |
 | admission [to a country] | 35 Einreiseerlaubnis {f} |  |
 | travel exit [leaving a country] | 30 Ausreise {f} |  |
 | film theatre premiere [first performance in a country or language] | 29 Erstaufführung {f} |  |
 | breakup [of a country, empire] | 24 Zusammenbruch {m} |  |
 | langlauf [cross-country ski run] | 22 Langlauf {m} |  |
 | hist. pol. sovereign ["father of his country"] | 21 Landesvater {m} |  |
 | newcomers [to a country, town etc.] | 19 Zugereiste {pl} |  |
 | reentry [Am.] [into country] | 16 Wiedereinreise {f} |  |
 | deliverer [of a country] | 15 Retter {m} [eines Landes] |  |