Dictionary English German: [count]

Translation 1 - 20 of 20

English German
count {adj} [e.g. thread 3-count]
fädig [z. B. Nähgarn 3-fädig]
to tell sth. [count]
etw.Akk. abzählen
to recount sth. [count again]
etw.Akk. nachzählen
to recount sth. [count quickly]etw.Akk. überzählen
hist. marquis [(in some European countries) a nobleman ranking above a count and below a duke]
Marquis {m}
med. [complete blood count without differential]kleines Blutbild {n}
games [zero count value card in the game of Skat]Lusche {f}
games [zero count value cards in Bavarian Tarock, Schafkopf]Spatzen {pl} [Spielkarten]
2 Words
to tell off [count]abzählen
med. Arneth's count [also: Arneth count, Arneth's classification]Arneth-Leukozytenschema {n}
for. Bitterlich sampling [angle-count sampling]Winkelzählprobe {f}
ling. mass noun [uncountable or non-count]Kontinuativum {n}
ling. mass noun [uncountable or non-count]Stoffname {m} [Kontinuativum]
ling. mass noun [uncountable or non-count]Substanzausdruck {m} [Kontinuativum]
for. point sampling [angle-count sampling]Winkelzählprobe {f}
3 Words
hist. Charles the Good [Charles I, Count of Flanders]Karl {m} der Gute [Karl I., Graf von Flandern]
hist. Conrad of Hohenstaufen [Count Palatine of the Rhine 1156 - 1195]Konrad {m} der Staufer [Pfalzgraf bei Rhein 1156 - 1195]
lit. name Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy [Count Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy]Lew Nikolajewitsch Tolstoi {m} [Lew Nikolajewitsch Graf Tolstoi]
4 Words
title of a count [also: title of a Count]Grafentitel {m}
Fiction (Literature and Film)
RadioTV F Count von Count [Sesame Street]Graf Zahl [Sesamstraße]
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