Dictionary English German: [costs]

Translation 1 - 66 of 66

English German
electr. electricity {adj} [attr.] [e.g. bill, costs, meter, rate, sector]
Strom- [z. B. Rechnung, Kosten, Zähler, Tarif, Sektor]
hefty {adj} [price, costs] [coll.]
stolz [ugs.] [beträchtlich]
steep {adj} [coll.] [price, costs]
stolz [ugs.] [beträchtlich]
side {adj} [attr.] [subsidiary] [e.g. agreement, aspect, costs, effect, job, street]
Neben- [z. B. Absprache, Aspekt, Kosten, Effekt, Job, Straße]
mounting {adj} {pres-p} [e.g. pressure or costs] [increasing]
steigend [z. B. Druck, Kosten]
comm. transp. shipping {adj} [attr.] [e.g. box, costs, date, department, fee, papers]
Versand- [z. B. Karton, Kosten, Datum, Abteilung, Gebühr, Papiere]
exploration {adj} [attr.] [e.g. company, costs, phase, trip]
Erkundungs- [z. B. -firma, -kosten, -phase, -reise]
constr. building {adj} [attr.] [e.g. area, industry, boom, costs, project]
Bau- [z. B. Gebiet, Branche, Boom, Kosten, Projekt]
incalculable {adj} [costs]
unüberschaubar [Kosten]
sales {adj} [attr.] [e.g. ban, commission, consultant, costs, fair, manager]
Verkaufs- [z. B. Stopp, Provision, Berater, Kosten, Messe, Leiter]
heating {adj} [attr.] [e.g. blanket, coil, costs, fuel, power]Heiz- [z. B. Decke, Spirale, Kosten, Material, Kraft]
It's ... [It costs ...]Es kostet ...
med. medical {adj} [e.g. costs, malpractice]Behandlungs- [z. B. Kosten, Fehler]
runaway {adj} [fig.] [inflation, costs etc.]außer Kontrolle geraten [Inflation, Kosten, Infektionszahlen usw.]
whatsoever {adj} [e.g. costs, damages]jeglicher Art [z. B. Kosten, Schäden]
acc. econ. to capitalize sth. [costs etc.]
etw.Akk. aktivieren [Kosten etc.]
to assess sth. [costs, working hours etc.]
etw. veranschlagen
to overrun [time, costs]
überziehen [Zeit, Budget etc.]
acc. econ. to capitalise sth. [Br.] [costs etc.]
etw.Akk. aktivieren [Kosten etc.]
econ. to lower sth. [costs]
etw. abbauen [Kosten senken]
to stand sth. [loss, costs etc.]
etw. verkraften
to absorb sth. [costs etc.]
etw.Akk. tragen [Kosten]
law to tax sth. [costs]
etw. abschätzen [Kosten]
fin. to bill sth. [present a statement of costs or charges]eine Rechnung über etw.Akk. ausstellen
to retrench [costs or spending]Sparmaßnahmen durchführen
comm. tech. maintenance {sg} [costs]
Unterhaltskosten {pl}
acc. [principle of allocation by which variable costs must be traced to cost centres and costing units where such costs originated]
Kostenverursachungsprinzip {n}
acc. recognition [e.g. of costs, revenue]
Einbuchung {f}
overrun [costs etc.]
Überschreitung {f}
appraisal [of costs]
Veranschlagung {f}
surcharge [to cover rising costs]
Teuerungszuschlag {m}
mus. spec. theatre nut {sg} [production costs]Produktionskosten {pl}
2 Words: Others
acc. expense-based {adj} [costs]aufwandsgleich [Kosten]
storm-related {adj} [costs, destruction, deaths, etc.]sturmbedingt [Kosten, Zerstörung, Todesfälle etc.]
2 Words: Verbs
to be prohibitive [costs]nicht zu bezahlen sein [Kosten]
idiom to be reasonable [costs, claims etc.]sich im Rahmen halten
to be tolerable [costs, claims etc.]im Rahmen bleiben [Redewendung]
to be tolerable [costs, claims etc.]sichAkk. im Rahmen halten [Redewendung]
to cover costs [pay for costs]Kosten abgelten
to divide (among sb.) [costs](auf jdn.) umlegen [Kosten; auch fachspr. Bauland]
fin. to pass on [charges, costs]weiterbelasten
to pass sth. onto sb. [costs]etw. auf jdn. überwälzen [Kosten]
to settle down [fig.] [e.g. prices, costs]sich einpendeln [ein konstantes Niveau erreichen]
2 Words: Nouns
econ. activity cost {sg} [activity costs]Aktivitätskosten {pl}
RealEst. cold rent [net rent; i.e. rent exclusive of other costs, like heating]Kaltmiete {f} [Nettomiete]
acc. elevator costs [Am.] [operational costs]Fahrstuhlkosten {pl} [Betriebskosten]
RealEst. frontage charges [utility costs etc. borne by homeowners]Anliegerleistungen {pl}
acc. lift costs [Br.] [operational costs]Fahrstuhlkosten {pl} [Betriebskosten]
RealEst. net rent [rent exclusive of other costs, like heating]Kaltmiete {f} [Nettomiete]
RealEst. net rent [rent exclusive of other costs, like heating]Nettomiete {f} [Mietbetrag ohne Vorauszahlungen auf Heiz- und Betriebskosten]
acc. over-run [costs]Überziehung {f} [Kosten]
acc. econ. fin. recognition criteria [e.g. of costs, revenue]Ansatzkriterien {pl} [im Controlling]
math. SOC rule [shared ordering costs rule]proportionale Verteilungsregel {f}
educ. tuition costs [training costs]Ausbildungskosten {pl}
RealEst. warm rent [net cold rent + advance payment of operating costs and heating costs]Warmmiete {f} [Nettokaltmiete + Betriebskostenvorauszahlung + Heizkostenvorauszahlung]
3 Words: Others
at all cost {adv} [mostly: at all costs]unbedingt [um jeden Preis]
3 Words: Nouns
RealEst. gross warm rent [gross cold rent + heating costs]Bruttowarmmiete {f} [Bruttokaltmiete + Heizkosten]
4 Words: Others
[things] which shall be incurred [e.g. costs][Dinge,] die übernommen werden müssen [z. B. Kosten]
any ... that may arise [objections, costs, difficulties etc.]etwaige ... [Einwände, Kosten, Schwierigkeiten etc.]
comm. C & F landed {adv} [unloading costs to be borne by seller] [Incoterm] [obs.]an Land verbracht [Verkäufer trägt Kosten und Fracht einschließlich der Löschkosten]
4 Words: Verbs
to go through the roof [idiom] [costs, prices, etc.]durch die Decke gehen [Redewendung] [Kosten, Preise etc.]
to split the costs equally [also: to split the costs 50:50 / 50-50 / 50/50]die Kosten je zur Hälfte tragen
4 Words: Nouns
comm. tech. hourly rate for installation [costs]Montagestundensatz {m} [Verrechnungssatz]
5+ Words: Others
That doesn't bear thinking about! [e.g. effort, costs]Ich darf gar nicht daran denken! [z. B. Mühe, Kosten]
5+ Words: Nouns
comm. costs for shipping and handling <S/H costs, S&H costs>Kosten {pl} für Versand und Bearbeitung
tech. hourly rate for machine (operation) [costs]Maschinenstundensatz {m} [Kosten]
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