Dictionary English German: [corporation]

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pol. spec. federal {adj} [agency, corporation directly under federal control]
hunting to eviscerate sb./sth. [also fig.] [an animal; corporation]
jdn./etw. ausweiden [auch fig.] [ein Stück Wild; Konzern zerschlagen]
admin. pol. corporation [Br.] [municipal corporation]
Gemeinde {f} [Stadtgemeinde, Ortsgemeinde]
econ. law [corporation owned or controlled by a German or Austrian state]
Landesgesellschaft {f} [landeseigene Betriebe]
econ. [company validly existing as a limited asset corporation]aufrechte Firma {f} mit beschränkter Haftung [österr.]
[corporation or institution directly under federal government control]bundesunmittelbare Anstalt {f}
[corporation or institution directly under federal government control]bundesunmittelbare Körperschaft {f}
hist. [statutory corporation of farmers in Nazi Germany]Reichsnährstand {m} <RNS>
admin. rail AMTRAK® [National Railroad Passenger Corporation] [Am.]Amtrak {f} [US-amerik. Eisenbahn-Unternehmen (National Railroad Passenger Corporation)] [AMTRAK®]
2 Words
RealEst. body corporate [Aus.] [obs.] [owners corporation]Wohnungseigentümergemeinschaft {f}
brew econ. brewing company [coll.] [large corporation]Brauereikonzern {m}
tech. RadioTV RCA jack [name derives from Radio Corporation of America]Cinch-Stecker {m}
Sallie Mae® [SLM Corporation][US-Großunternehmen zur Vergabe von Studentenkrediten]
sweets manufacturer [corporation]Süßwarenkonzern {m}
3 Words
econ. chief executive officer <CEO> [of a corporation]Hauptgeschäftsführer {m}
hist. German Labor Front [Am.] [a public corporation with compulsory membership for all employers and workers] [NS term]Deutsche Arbeitsfront {f} <DAF>
hist. German Labour Front [Br.] [a public corporation with compulsory membership for all employers and workers] [NS term]Deutsche Arbeitsfront {f} <DAF>
4 Words
econ. deputy chief executive officer [of a corporation]stellvertretender Hauptgeschäftsführer {m}
rail French National Railroad / Railway <SNCF> [French National Railway Corporation]Französische Staatsbahn {f} <SNCF> [nationale französische Eisenbahngesellschaft]
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