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|  |
 | faithful {adj} [copy, reproduction] | 493 originalgetreu |  |
 | cc: [carbon copy, indicates additional recipients of a letter or email] | 19 Nachrichtlich: ["Zur Kenntnis", Vermerk über zusätzliche Empfänger im Fuß eines Schreibens] |  |
 | third {adj} [attr.] [e.g. brood, car, copy, country, language] | 12 Dritt- [z. B. Brut, Wagen, Ausfertigung, Staat, Sprache] |  |
 | colour {adj} [Br.] [attr.] [e.g. blend, cartridge, change, consultant, contrast, copy] | Farb- [z. B. Mischung, Patrone, Wechsel, Berater, Kontrast, Kopie] |  |
Verbs |
 | to parrot sb. [copy] | 324 jdn. nachäffen [pej.] |  |
 | to make sth. [e.g. a copy, a drawing, a sketch] | 219 etw.Akk. anfertigen [z. B. eine Kopie, eine Zeichnung, eine Skizze] |  |
 | to reproduce [duplicate, copy] | 139 vervielfältigen |  |
 | to trace sth. [copy by drawing] | 113 nachziehen [nachzeichnen] |  |
 | to transcribe [copy] [esp. a manuscript] | 15 kopieren [bes. eine Handschrift] |  |
 | to copy [make a copy] | eine Kopie anfertigen |  |
 | to duplicate sth. [make an exact copy of sth.] [e.g. a document] | ein Duplikat von etw.Dat. anfertigen |  |
Nouns |
 | knockoff [coll.] [unauthorized copy or imitation] | 131 Billigkopie {f} [Imitat] |  |
 | copy [top copy, single copy] | 112 Ausfertigung {f} |  |
 | concept [blue print, rough copy] | 102 Entwurf {m} |  |
 | knockoff [coll.] [unauthorized copy or imitation] | 63 Raubkopie {f} [Imitat] |  |
 | impression [negative copy] | 58 Abdruck {m} [von Zähnen etc.] |  |
 | carbon [copy] | 50 Durchschlag {m} |  |
 | match [image, copy] | 48 Ebenbild {n} |  |
 | print proof [test copy of text or image] | 22 Probedruck {m} |  |
 | copy [carbon copy] | 17 Durchschlag {m} |  |
 | copy [photo copy] | 17 Ablichtung {f} [Photokopie] |  |
 | copy [duplicate, second copy] | 7 Zweitschrift {f} |  |
 | audio film mus. master [master copy] | 5 Master {m} [Originalkopie] |  |
 | [imitation or copy of earlier coinage] | Nachprägung {f} |  |
 | law duplicate [copy] | Gleichschrift {f} [österr.] [Abschrift, Duplikat] |  |
 | hardcopy | Hardcopy {f} [auch Hard Copy] |  |
 | print proof [test copy of text or image] | Probeabdruck {m} |  |
2 Words: Others |
 | comp. back-up {adj} [copy etc.] | Sicherungs- [Kopie usw.] |  |
 | personally signed {adj} [copy of a book, photo, etc.] | persönlich signiert |  |
2 Words: Verbs |
 | to run sth. off [copy] | etw.Akk. abziehen [kopieren, von Matrize etc.] |  |
2 Words: Nouns |
 | comp. print hard copy | Ausgabe {f} auf Papier [Hard Copy] |  |
 | knock-off [coll.] [unauthorized copy or imitation] | Billigkopie {f} [Imitat] |  |
 | knock-off [coll.] [unauthorized copy or imitation] | Raubkopie {f} [Imitat] |  |
 | paper chute [tilt paper feeder of a printer or copy machine] | Papierfach {n} [schräges Papiereinzugsfach an einem Drucker oder Kopierer] |  |
 | print run-in [something inserted as a substantial addition in copy or typeset matter] | Einschiebsel {n} [eingeschobene Textstelle, Einschub] |  |
 | comp. soft copy | Softcopy {f} [auch Soft Copy] |  |