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| comp. tech. telecom. touch {adj} [attr.] [e.g. control] | 113 Tast- [z. B. Steuerung] | |
| med. continuous {adj} [monitoring, control] | 95 engmaschig [Überwachung, Kontrolle] | |
| manual {adj} [e.g. control, mode, switch, lawnmower, skill] | 75 Hand- [z. B. Steuerung, Betrieb, Schalter, Rasenmäher, Fertigkeit] | |
| masterfully {adv} [control] | 45 souverän | |
| dance sports ball {adj} [attr.] [e.g. control, game, possession, gown, night] | 27 Ball- [Beherrschung, Spiel, Besitz, Kleid, Nacht] | |
| cool {adj} [marked by cool self-control] | 27 ruhig [gelassen] | |
| masterfully {adv} [control] | 25 überlegen | |
| pol. spec. federal {adj} [agency, corporation directly under federal control] | 12 bundesunmittelbar | |
| mil. weapons arms {adj} [attr.] [e.g. control, expenditure, exports, freeze] | 9 Rüstungs- [z. B. Kontrolle, Ausgaben, Exporte, Stopp] | |
| birth {adj} [attr.] [e.g. control, rate] | 8 Geburten- [z. B. Kontrolle, Rate] | |
| speech {adj} [attr.] [e.g. act, anxiety, bubble, control, training] | 8 Sprech- [z. B. Akt, Angst, Blase, Steuerung, Erziehung] | |
| voice {adj} [attr.] [e.g. activation, command, control, mail] | 6 Sprach- [z. B. Aktivierung, Befehl, Steuerung, Mitteilung] | |
| obstreperous {adj} [formal or hum.] [stubbornly resistant to control] | 5 widersetzlich [veraltend] | |
| socialized {adj} {past-p} [brought under public control] | verstaatlicht | |
| unmanageable {adj} [impossible to control] | nicht mehr zu beherrschen [nur prädikativ] | |
Verbs |
| to occupy sth. [take control] | 2179 etw. besetzen [militärisch, auch Gebäude etc.] | |
| to snap [coll.] [lose self-control suddenly] | 1001 ausrasten [ugs.] | |
| to master sth. [gain control of, overcome] | 609 etw. bewältigen [meistern] | |
| to restrain sth. [control (one's anger etc.)] | 514 etw. verhalten [geh.] [beherrschen, unter Kontrolle halten] | |
| to control [be in control] | 475 leiten | |
| to contain sth. [control, dam] | 433 etw. eindämmen [fig.] | |
| to operate sth. [control sth.] | 424 etw.Akk. steuern | |
| to moderate sth. [control] | 406 etw.Akk. zügeln [unter Kontrolle bringen] | |
| to slip [from hands, control etc.] | 272 entgleiten | |
| to surrender sth. [control, power etc.] | 183 etw. abgeben [Kontrolle, Macht etc.] | |
| to contain sth. [control or restrain] | 60 etw. zurückhalten [zügeln] | |
| to puppeteer sb. [fig.] [control, manipulate] | 50 jdn./etw. steuern [manipulieren] | |
| to contain sth. [control] | 44 etw. zügeln [fig.] [Gefühle etc.] | |
| to regulate sth. [control] | 22 etw. anordnen [verfügen] | |
| to socialize sth. [place under government control] | 8 etw.Akk. verstaatlichen | |
| to capture sth. [take sth. into one's possession or control by force] | etw.Akk. an sichAkk. reißen | |
| to contain sth. [control, limit] | etw. in Grenzen halten | |
| to contain sth. [control] | etw. in Schach halten [ugs.] [Redewendung] | |
| anat. to flex sth. [contract or move by muscular control] [muscles, brows, etc.] | etw. spielen lassen [Muskeln, Augenbrauen usw.] | |
| to harness sth. [control and make use of] | sichDat. etw.Akk. zunutze machen [Redewendung] [z. B. die Energie der Sonne] | |
| to thermostat sth. [control with a thermostat] | etw. per Thermostat regeln | |
Nouns |
| remote [coll.] [remote control for TV etc.] | 1071 Fernbedienung {f} | |
| aviat. clearance [control authorization] | 767 Freigabe {f} | |
| composure [emotional control, calmness] | 438 Beherrschung {f} [Selbstbeherrschung, Fassung] | |
| countenance [composure, self-control] | 68 Contenance {f} [geh.] | |
| comp. MIMO [control system with multiple inputs and multiple outputs] | 49 Mehrgrößensystem {n} | |
| engin. panel [control panel] | 43 Schaltpult {n} | |
| RadioTV tech. clicker [esp. Am.] [coll.] [remote control device] | 42 Fernbedienung {f} | |
| control [physical control, self-control] | 35 Beherrschung {f} | |
| leadership [control or direction] | 33 Federführung {f} | |
| comp. control [graphic interface control button] | 27 Schaltfläche {f} | |
| keep [archaic] [charge, control] | 16 Hut {f} [geh.] [Obhut, Aufsicht] | |
| tech. adjustment [control] | 14 Regelung {f} | |
| governance [control] | 14 Kontrolle {f} | |
| comp. games paddle [control stick] | 12 Steuerknüppel {m} | |