| English  | German |  |
 | model {adj} [attr.] [e.g. answer, contract, city, husband] | 221 Muster- [z. B. Antwort, Vertrag, Stadt, Gatte] |  |
 | renewed {adj} {past-p} [contract, passport etc.] | 89 verlängert [Vertrag, Ausweis etc.] |  |
 | framework {adj} [attr.] [e.g. agreement, contract, decision, programme] | 81 Rahmen- [z. B. Vereinbarung, Vertrag, Beschluss, Programm] |  |
 | law reserved [used as placeholder for deleted section of contract] | 62 entfällt |  |
 | law valid {adj} [term of contract etc.] | 47 wirksam [Bestimmung usw.] |  |
 | advisory {adj} [attr.] [e.g. account, contract, body] | 27 Berater- [z. B. Konto, Vertrag, Gremium] |  |
 | law acceptable {adj} [e.g. contract, invoice] | 18 annahmefähig |  |
 | law [before or after the official termination of a contract] {adj} | außerterminlich |  |
 | additional {adj} [e.g. agreement, contract, expenses, income] | Neben- [Zusatz-] [z. B. Abrede, Vertrag, Kosten, Einkünfte] |  |
 | jobs articled {adj} {past-p} [Br.] [bound into a training contract, esp. with a solicitor / architect / surveyor / accountant] | kontraktlich verpflichtet |  |
Verbs |
 | to breach sth. [a contract, an agreement, a promise, the law, etc.] | 2440 etw.Akk. brechen [einen Vertrag, ein Abkommen, ein Versprechen, das Gesetz etc.] |  |
 | econ. law to conclude sth. [a deal, a contract] | 1411 etw. abschließen [Handel, Vertrag] |  |
 | econ. to negotiate sth. [e.g. a contract, a treaty] | 917 etw.Akk. abschließen [Handel, Vertrag] |  |
 | admin. to renew [contract, passport etc.] | 612 verlängern [Vertrag, Ausweis etc.] |  |
 | to negotiate sth. [e.g. a contract, a treaty] | 349 etw.Akk. unterhandeln |  |
 | to void sth. [contract etc.] | 282 etw.Akk. auflösen [Vertrag etc.] |  |
 | to cancel sth. [e. g. a contract, treaty] | 196 etw. aufheben [ungültig machen] |  |
 | to sign sth. [a document, a contract, etc.] | 26 etw. unterfertigen [amtsspr.] [unterschreiben] |  |
 | anat. to flex sth. [contract or move by muscular control] [muscles, brows, etc.] | etw. spielen lassen [Muskeln, Augenbrauen usw.] |  |
 | med. to get [contract an illness] | erkranken an |  |
 | to land sth. [fig.] [coll.] [contract, offer, job etc.] | etw. an Land ziehen [fig.] [ugs.] [oft hum.] |  |
 | to redate sth. [letter, contract, etc.] | etw. umdatieren [Schreiben, Vertrag, usw.] |  |
Nouns |
 | comm. ind. order [contract to manufacture or supply] | 2414 Auftrag {m} |  |
 | duration [of a contract, a patent, a scholarship, etc.] | 1268 Laufzeit {f} [eines Vertrages, eines Patents, eines Stipendiums etc.] |  |
 | law clause [in a contract] | 583 Bestimmung {f} [in einem Vertrag] |  |
 | law lease [contract] | 452 Mietvertrag {m} |  |
 | law deed [contract] | 347 Vertrag {m} |  |
 | breach [of privacy, norm, contract, etc.] | 265 Verletzung {f} [von Privatsphäre, Norm, Vertrag etc.] |  |
 | article [in a treaty, contract etc.] | 221 Abschnitt {m} [in einem Schriftstück] |  |
 | jobs gratuity [Br.] [end-of-contract gratuity] | 220 Abfindung {f} |  |
 | law rescission [of contract] | 106 Anfechtung {f} [eines Vertrags] |  |
 | law term [in a contract or treaty] | 86 Bestimmung {f} [in Verträgen] |  |
 | law flaw [in a contract, will] | 56 Formfehler {m} |  |
 | law omission [in a contract] | 51 Regelungslücke {f} |  |
 | law affiance [archaic] [marriage contract] | 43 Ehevertrag {m} |  |
 | comm. holdout [person who delays signing a contract in hopes of gaining more favorable terms] | 41 [Person, die in der Hoffnung auf bessere Konditionen eine Vertragsunterzeichnung hinausschiebt] |  |
 | law exhibit [to a contract] | 35 Anhang {m} [zu einem Vertrag] |  |
 | law nullification [of a contract] | 32 Ungültigkeitserklärung {f} |  |
 | law recitals {pl} [contract] | 29 Rubrum {n} [Vertrag] |  |
 | law indentures {pl} [contract] | 27 Lehrvertrag {m} |  |
 | jobs contractor [contract worker] | 14 Leiharbeiter {m} |  |
 | Internet plan [Am.] [cell phone contract] | 13 Mobilfunkvertrag {m} |  |
 | games call [contract bridge, skat, etc.] | 7 Ansage {f} [Kontrakt-Bridge, Skat usw.] |  |
 | comm. [contract for work where copyright is retained by the contractor] | 6 Urheberwerkvertrag {m} |  |
 | econ. ind. [contract manufacturing, also: national economies that rely on contract manufacturing] | verlängerte Werkbank {f} [fig.] [Fertigungsbetrieb, Volkswirtschaft, die keine eigene Forschung und Entwicklung betreibt] |  |
 | [in former times the day of conclusion of the marriage contract between the parents of the bride and the groom, and thus engagement day] | Heiratstag {m} [früher der Tag der Verhandlung über den Ehevertrag zwischen den Eltern der Braut und des Bräutigams und gleichzeitig der Verlobungstag] |  |
 | games declarer [contract bridge] | Alleinspieler {m} [Kontrakt-Bridge] |  |
 | jobs fee [for contract labour] | Werklohn {m} |  |
 | law novation [assumption of contract] | Vertragsübernahme {f} im Wege der Novation |  |
 | telecom. plan [Am.] [cell phone contract] | Preisplan {m} [schweiz.] [Mobilfunkvertrag] |  |