| English  | German |  |
 | stark {adj} [total, complete] | 437 gänzlich |  |
 | full {adj} [complete] | 413 vollständig |  |
 | royal {adj} [attr.] [Br.] [coll.] [complete, utter] [e.g. pain] | 386 Riesen- [ugs.] [z. B. Arschloch] |  |
 | full {adj} [complete] | 332 komplett |  |
 | complete {adj} [complete works of ...] | 216 sämtlich [sämtliche Werke von ...] |  |
 | rank {adj} [attr.] [utter, complete] | 73 absolut [Anfänger, Außenseiter etc.] |  |
 | whole {adj} [complete] | 52 voll [ganz, z. B. Wahrheit] |  |
 | sublime {adj} [complete, utter] | 50 vollendet |  |
 | clean {adj} [complete] | 42 komplett |  |
 | arrant {adj} [attr.] [dated] [complete] | 36 Erz- [z. B. Erzheuchler, Erzschurke] |  |
 | full {adj} [complete] | 36 ganz [vollständig] |  |
 | outright {adj} [complete] | 34 glatt [ugs.] [Ablehnung, Absage, Lüge] |  |
 | full {adj} [complete, total] | 20 völlig |  |
 | integral {adj} [entire, complete] | 19 vollständig |  |
 | clean {adj} [complete] | 5 völlig |  |
 | rounded {adj} [well-rounded, complete] | 5 rund [in sich abgerundet, vollkommen] |  |
 | clean {adj} [complete] | gänzlich |  |
 | positive {adj} [coll.] [attr.] [downright, complete] | vollkommen |  |
Verbs |
 | to conclude sth. [finish, complete] | 680 etw. beenden |  |
 | to finish sth. [complete, accomplish] | 521 etw. fertigstellen |  |
 | to finish sth. [complete] | 66 etw. fertigmachen |  |
 | to max [sl.] [to make a perfect score or attain complete success] | 55 [eine maximale Ausbeute erreichen, z. B. an Spielpunkten; einen Supersieg erringen] |  |
 | to finish sth. [complete, perfect] | 42 etw. vollenden |  |
 | to conclude sth. [finish, complete] | 30 etw. beendigen |  |
 | to round sth. [make a complete circuit around] | 25 etw.Akk. umrunden |  |
 | cloth. to clothe sb. [esp. with a uniform or with a complete outfit] | 6 jdn. einkleiden [mit notwendiger Kleidung versehen] |  |
 | to finish sth. [complete] | etw. fertig bekommen [ugs.] |  |
 | to finish sth. [complete] | etw. fertig machen |  |
Nouns |
 | gamut [complete range or scope] | 86 Spektrum {n} [Bandbreite, Palette] |  |
 | whole [thing complete in itself] | 52 Ganzheit {f} |  |
 | bomb [Am.] [coll.] [complete failure] | 12 Flop {m} |  |
 | med. [complete blood count without differential] | kleines Blutbild {n} |  |
 | med. anhydramnios {sg} [a complete lack of liquor volume] | Anhydramnie {f} |  |
 | chaos [complete confusion] | Konfusion {f} [Chaos, Durcheinander] |  |
 | armour panoply [literary] [complete suit of armour] | (vollständige) Rüstung {f} |  |
2 Words: Others |
 | comp. math. NP-complete {adj} [non-deterministic polynomial-time-complete] | NP-vollständig |  |
2 Words: Verbs |
 | idiom to breeze through sth. [complete a task easily] | etw.Akk. mühelos schaffen |  |
 | to breeze through sth. [idiom] [complete a task easily] | etw.Akk. spielend schaffen [mühelos] |  |
 | to mop up sth. [coll.] [fig.] [complete, e.g. a task] | etw.Akk. erledigen [zu Ende führen, z. B. eine Aufgabe] |  |
 | to polish sth. off [coll.] [complete sth.] | etw.Akk. abschließen [beenden] |  |
 | to round out [complete the picture of, portray, appear as] | abrunden [Bild] [fig.] |  |
 | to wrap sth. up [fig.] [complete or conclude sth.] [e.g. an agreement] | etw.Akk. eintüten [ugs.] [fig.] [zum Abschluss bringen] [z. B. einen Deal] |  |
 | lit. to write sth. out [complete, add detail to story, scene, etc.] | etw.Akk. ausschreiben [fachspr.] [Geschichte, Szene ausarbeiten] |  |
2 Words: Nouns |
 | (proper) charlie [Br.] [coll.] [(complete) fool] | Trottel {m} [ugs.] [pej.] |  |
 | flip-flop [Am.] [coll.] [sudden and complete change of opinion, strategy etc.] | Kehrtwende {f} [fig.] [plötzliche Änderung der bisherigen Meinung, Strategie etc.] |  |
 | full service [complete service] | Komplettservice {m} |  |
 | FoodInd. infant formula [a complete or partial substitute for human milk] | Säuglingsmilchnahrung {f} |  |
 | utter crap [vulg.] [complete nonsense] | absoluter Quatsch {m} [pej.] [salopp] |  |
3 Words: Nouns |
 | crock of shit [Am.] [vulg.] [complete nonsense] | völliger Blödsinn {m} [ugs.] |  |
 | MedTech. tech. emergency switching off [function, switch, button for complete system] [ANSI] | Not-Aus {m} [Funktion, Schalter, Knopf für Gesamtsystem] [ISO, EN] |  |
4 Words: Verbs |
 | to be dead on arrival [coll.] [fig.] [to be a complete failure] | ein Rohrkrepierer sein [ugs.] [salopp] [ein Misserfolg sein; etwas, was nicht den erhofften Erfolg bringt] |  |
Fiction (Literature and Film) |
 | publ. relig. F The Watchtower [complete title: The Watchtower Announcing Jehovah's Kingdom] | Der Wachtturm [vollständiger Titel seit 1983: Der Wachtturm verkündigt Jehovas Königreich] |  |