Dictionary English German: [competition]

Translation 1 - 52 of 52

English German
tough {adj} [competition, behaviour]
hart [knallhart]
sports eliminated {adj} {past-p} [from a competition]
outgunned {adj} [fig.] [in discussion, competition, etc.]
unterlegen [in Diskussion, Wettbewerb etc.]
effective {adj} [competition]
leistungsfähig [Wettbewerb]
photo. photo {adj} [attr.] [e.g. album, archives, artist, competition, equipment]
Foto- [z. B. Album, Archiv, Künstler, Wettbewerb, Ausrüstung]
educ. intercollegiate {adj} [competition etc.]zwischen (den) Colleges [nachgestellt] [Konkurrenz etc.]
art painting {adj} [attr.] [e.g. apron, class, competition, equipment, process, technique]Mal- [z. B. Schürze, Klasse, Wettbewerb, Zeug, Vorgang, Technik]
team {adj} [e.g., bus, captain, competition, doctor, etc.]Mannschafts- [Bus, Kapitän, Wettbewerb, Arzt etc.]
sports to compete [in a competition]
teilnehmen [an einem Wettbewerb]
to dispatch sb. [game, competition]
jdn. besiegen [in einem Spiel oder Wettbewerb]
to dispatch sb./sth. [to defeat in a game, competition]
jdn./etw. schlagen [in einem Spiel, Wettbewerb]
to intensify sth. [conflict, competition, etc.]
etw.Akk. verschärfen [Konflikt, Wettbewerb etc.]
to trail sb. [in competition]hinter jdm. zurückliegen
sports venue [of a competition, match]
Austragungsort {m}
submission [entry, e.g. for competition]
Einsendung {f} [zu Wettbewerb etc.]
entry [for a competition]
Einsendung {f}
elimination [in a competition]
Ausscheidung {f} [Ausscheidungswettkampf]
econ. [competition between countries in a globalised world to reduce wages, company taxes and social security payments]
Dumpingwettlauf {m} [ugs.]
entry [for an artistic competition]
Beitrag {m} [für künstlerischen Wettbewerb]
equest. sports wall [obstacle in equestrian jumping competition]
Mauer {f} [Hindernis beim Springreiten]
hist. spec. sports agon [competition] [ancient Greece]
Agon {m} [Wettstreit] [Altgriechenland]
juror [in competition]
Preisrichter {m}
entry [e.g. in a competition] [female]Teilnehmende {f} [z. B. an einem Wettbewerb]
entry [e.g. in a competition] [male]Teilnehmender {m} [z. B. an einem Wettbewerb]
sports favorite [Am.] [in a race or similar competition]Sieganwärter {m}
juries [competition]Jurien {pl} [österr.] [schweiz.]
juror [female] [in competition]Preisrichterin {f}
jury [competition]Preisgericht {n}
Miss [winner of a beauty competition]Miß {f} [alt] [Schönheitskönigin]
Miss [winner of a beauty competition]Miss {f} [Schönheitskönigin]
games sports opponent [in a game or competition]Gegenpart {m}
2 Words: Others
hard-fought {adj} [competition, game]hart
2 Words: Verbs
sports to compete with sb. [e.g. in a game, fight, competition]gegen jdn. antreten [z. B. in einem Spiel, Kampf oder Wettbewerb]
to exit from sth. [from a competition or contest]aus etw.Dat. ausscheiden [aus einem Wettbewerb od. Wettkampf]
idiom to fall behind [in a competition etc.]ins Hintertreffen geraten [ugs.]
to perform well [in a competition or exam]gut abschneiden
2 Words: Nouns
sports bad start [unsuccessful start for a team in a competition]Fehlstart {m} [missglückter Start einer Mannschaft in einem Wettbewerb]
econ. ind. corporate trust [a consortium of independent organizations formed to limit competition]Kartell {n} [ugs.] [Trust]
econ. law essential facility [competition law]wesentliche Einrichtung {f} [Wettbewerbsrecht]
fish sports game fishing [fishing for pleasure or competition]Sportangeln {n}
fish sports game fishing [fishing for pleasure or competition]Sportfischen {n}
jury member [competition etc.]Juror {m}
jury member [female] [competition etc.]Jurorin {f}
lack of sth. [e.g. lack of competition]mangelnder etw. {m} [z. B. mangelnder Wettbewerb]
games prize question [in a competition]Gewinnfrage {f} [bei einem Gewinnspiel]
sports sporting event [competition](sportlicher) Wettkampf {m}
equest. sports stone wall [obstacle in equestrian jumping competition]Steinmauer {f} [Hindernis beim Springreiten]
sports Three positions [competition standard by the International Shooting Sports Federation]Dreistellungskampf {m} [eine Disziplin im Sportschießen]
3 Words: Others
head-to-head {adv} [in a race or competition]Kopf-an-Kopf
3 Words: Verbs
sports to go to state [take part in a state-wide competition] [Am.][an einem Wettbewerb auf bundesstaatlicher Ebene teilnehmen]
games mus. sports to make the cut [e.g. at a competition or tournament] [idiom]in die nächste Runde aufsteigen [z. B. bei einem Wettbewerb oder Turnier]
4 Words: Nouns
econ. Monopolies and Mergers Commission [Br.] [now Competition Commission][britisches Kartellamt]
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