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| pecuniary {adj} [e.g. affairs, compensation, embarrassment, question, resources] | 58 Geld- [z. B. Angelegenheiten, Entschädigung, Verlegenheit, Frage, Mittel] | |
Verbs |
| to confer sth. [compensation, award, title] | 194 etw. zuerkennen [Entschädigung, Preis, Titel] | |
Nouns |
| restitution [indemnity, compensation] | 563 Entschädigung {f} | |
| law indemnity [compensation for loss or damage] | 233 Abfindung {f} [für Verlust oder Schaden] | |
| allowance [compensation] | 221 Vergütung {f} | |
| fin. fee [professional fee, compensation] | 98 Vergütung {f} | |
| law [global agreement regarding compensation of damages] | 8 Globalentschädigungsabkommen {n} | |
| jobs [compensation to Swiss employers for reducing employee hours rather than laying them off] | Kurzarbeitsentschädigung {f} | |
| law [Swiss law about compensation for loss of earnings during mandatory military service] | Erwerbsersatzgesetz {n} [schweiz.] | |
| constr. levelling [Br.] [compensation filling] | Egalisierung {f} [Ausgleichsspachtelung] | |
| satisfaction [reparation, compensation] | Satisfaktion {f} [geh.] [auch veraltet bei Ehrenhandel] | |
2 Words |
| to compensate for sth. [provide financial compensation for a loss] | etw.Akk. abgelten [Verlust] | |
| jobs comp day [coll.] [in compensation for working on a holiday] | Guttag {m} | |
| electr. compensatory current [rare for: compensation / compensating current] | Ausgleichsstrom {m} | |
| insur. deferred compensation <DC> | arbeitnehmerfinanzierte Pensionszusage {f} [Deferred Compensation] | |
| insur. med. risk pool [short: risk structure compensation pool] | Risikopool {m} | |
| MedTech. phys. swept gain [time / depth gain compensation] | Tiefenausgleich {m} | |
| sports transfer fee [compensation payment] [in team sports] | Transferentschädigung {f} [Ablösesumme] | |
4 Words |
| to be commensurate to / with sth. [to be an adequate compensation] | eine angemessene Entschädigung für etw.Akk. sein | |
| day off in lieu [compensation] | Urlaubstag {m} im Ausgleich für Feiertagsarbeit | |