Dictionary English German: [community]

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vibrant {adj} [city, community, culture]
speech {adj} [attr.] [e.g. area, coding, community, defect, therapist]
Sprach- [Region (des Gehirns), Codierung, Gemeinschaft, Fehler, Therapeut]
sociol. black {adj} [often cap.] [people, community, literature, etc.]
farbig [„schwarz“ (in Bezug auf die Hautfarbe)] [pej.] [veraltend]
rural {adj} [e.g. church, community, school, store]
Dorf- [z. B. Kirche, Gemeinschaft, Schule, Laden]
art artistic {adj} [attr.] [artist's or arists'] [e.g. career, circles, community, family, genius]Künstler- [z. B. Karriere, Kreise, Gemeinde, Familie, Genie]
to belong [coll.] [to be or feel part of a group, community, etc.]
dazugehören [Teil einer Gruppe, Gemeinschaft usw. sein oder sich als ein solches empfinden]
[to condemn somebody by excluding them from a community to which they belong]jdn. in Acht und Bann tun [verdammen] [fig.] [geh.]
nation [community of people]
Volk {n}
faggot [Am.] [coll.] [often pej., but also used within the gay community as a positive term of self-reference] [male homosexual]
Schwuler {m} [ugs.] [zuweilen noch pej., jedoch heute meist wertfrei und auch als Eigenbezeichnung]
settlement [community]
Niederlassung {f} [Ansiedlung]
commons {pl} [land etc. belonging to a community]
Gemeingut {n}
relig. fellowship [religious community]
Glaubensgemeinschaft {f}
jobs officials [people working for state or community]
Bedienstete {pl}
household [house community]
Hausgemeinschaft {f}
precincts {pl} [of a community or a port]
Einfriedung {f} [einer Gemeinde oder eines Hafens]
communality [pertaining to a community]
Gemeinschaftlichkeit {f}
[conscientious objector performing community service]
Zivildiener {m} [österr.]
[conscientious objector performing community service]
Zivildienstleistender {m}
econ. pol. communard [member of a commune (intentional community)]
Kommunarde {m}
incomer [to a place, community]
Zugezogener {m}
relig. [community of young Christians in the age of approx. 8 to 14 years]
Jungschar {f}
geogr. hist. pol. [collection of persons with citizenship linked to a particular community in Switzerland]Bürgergemeinde {f} [schweiz.]
[conscientious objector performing community service]Zivi {m} [ugs.] [Zivildienstleistender, österr.: Zivildiener]
hort. [problem in a community garden]Schrebergartenproblem {n} [selten]
educ. [the school community]Schulpartner {pl} [österr.]
RealEst. commons {pl} [community lands]Gemeindegut {n} [Allmende]
hist. Concordium [Alcott house community]Concordium {n}
effort [esp. Br.] [organized community drive or campaign](gemeinsame) Aktion {f} [z. B. Spendenaktion]
relig. fellowship [religious community]Religionsgemeinschaft {f}
relig. hermitage [community of hermits]Eremitengemeinschaft {f}
servant [e.g. of god, of a church community]Dienerin {f} [geh.] [Hilferin]
relig. Umma [Islamic community]Umma {f}
relig. Ummah [Islamic community]Ummah {f}
2 Words: Others
self-contained {adj} [community]autark
2 Words: Verbs
to break away [from a community, also sport]ausbrechen [aus einer Gemeinschaft, auch Sport]
to cast sb. out [exclude from a community]jdn. verstoßen [aus einer Gemeinschaft ausschließen]
to move in [community, house etc]zuziehen [Gemeinde, Haus usw.]
to move into sth. [community, house etc.]in etw.Akk. zuziehen [Gemeinde, Haus usw.]
2 Words: Nouns
educ. associate degree [Am.]Associate Degree {m} [akademischer Grad, der von verschiedenen Bildungseinrichtungen (Junior-, Community College etc.) nach Abschluss von 2 Jahren verliehen wird]
relig. Beguine convent [community]Beginenorden {m}
ethn. relig. Bene Israel [a native Jewish community in India]Beni {pl} Israel [auch Benai Israel, B'nai Israel, Bani Israel]
EU Certified Europe <CE> [interpretation of the European Community conformity marking "CE" (Communauté Européenne), not to be found in official sources][Deutung des EU-Konformitätszeichens "CE" (Communauté Européenne), in offiziellen Quellen nicht angegeben]
bot. ecol. zool. climax community [of a plant community]Klimaxgesellschaft {f}
common interest [community interest]Gemeinschaftsinteresse {n}
textil. community mask [simple face mask]Alltagsmaske {f} [ugs.] [Community-Maske] [Mund-Nasen-Maske]
fish community tank [community aquarium]Gesellschaftsaquarium {n}
sociol. LGBT community [gay community]LGBT-Gemeinde {f}
sociol. LGBT community [gay community]LGBT-Gemeinschaft {f}
ecol. stream community [river, brook, etc. community]Fließgewässergemeinschaft {f}
3 Words: Others
She went native. [within a community]Sie wurde eine der ihren.
3 Words: Verbs
to share a joke [usually only of a greater community where a joke is told repeatedly in different groups]sich einen Witz erzählen [meist nur von einer größeren Gemeinschaft, in der ein Witz mehrfach in unterschiedlichen Gruppen erzählt wird]
3 Words: Nouns
(sense of) solidarity [community spirit]Gemeinsinn {m}
automot. EU Community type approval [short] [European Community type approval certificate]EG-Typengenehmigung {f}
relig. the Church herself [as community of believers]die Kirche {f} selbst [als Glaubensgemeinschaft]
the Four Hundred {pl} [Am.] [the exclusive social set of a community]die oberen Zehntausend {pl} [fig.] [ugs.] [High Society]
4 Words: Nouns
relig. member of the community [esp. religious community]Gemeindemitglied {n}
5+ Words: Others
EU ... throughout the Community and in any Community language. {adv}... in der gesamten Gemeinschaft und in allen Amtssprachen.
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