Dictionary English German: [communist]

Translation 1 - 15 of 15

English German
closet {adj} [attr.] [secret, e.g. smoker, homosexual, communist, gambler]
heimlich [z. B. Raucher, Homosexueller, Kommunist, Spieler]
pol. commie [coll.] [pej.] [communist]
Roter {m} [ugs.] [Kommunist]
pol. Red [female] [coll.] [Marxist / Communist etc.]
Rote {f} [ugs.]
pol. [German name of the Swiss communist party since 1944]Partei {f} der Arbeit der Schweiz <PdA> [seit 1944, vorher <KPS>]
hist. pol. [In the GDR: pej. for a form of Social Democracy with anti-communist, pro-capitalist leanings]Sozialdemokratismus {m}
hist. pol. [members of the the Communist Party of Germany (Opposition), 1928 - 1939/40]Brandlerianer {pl} [KPD-O] [auch: KPD (O)]
pol. communization [convert to Communist principles or control]Bolschewisierung {f} [Kommunistisierung]
hist. pol. Hukbalahap <Huk> [Philippine Communist-led guerrilla movement, 1942-1970]Hukbalahap {f} <Huk> [philippinische kommunistische Guerillabewegung, 1942-1970]
pol. Red [coll.] [Marxist / Communist etc.]Roter {m} [ugs.]
2 Words
Central Committee [of a communist party]Zentralkomitee {n} [einer kommunistischen Partei]
hist. pol. conciliator faction {sg} [opposition group within the Communist Party of Germany]Versöhnler {pl} [Oppositionsströmung innerhalb der KPD]
pol. Left Party [post-communist political party in Germany, The Left]Linkspartei {f} [ugs.] [Die Linke]
hist. pol. social fascism [communist term for moderate socialism]Sozialfaschismus {m}
hist. struggle session [public humiliation and torture used by the Communist Party of China in the Mao Zedong era]Kampfsitzung {f}
3 Words
pol. party membership book [rare, esp. in reference to Nazi and Communist parties]Parteibuch {n}
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