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|  |
 | mutual {adj} [common] | 3950 gemeinsam |  |
 | coarse {adj} [common] | 372 gewöhnlich [unfein, ungehobelt] |  |
 | general {adj} [common] | 362 landläufig |  |
 | current {adj} [common, in general use] | 331 gängig [allgemein üblich, gebräuchlich] |  |
 | commonplace {adj} [widespread, common] | 123 weitverbreitet |  |
 | current {adj} [common, in general use] | 102 gebräuchlich |  |
 | conservative {adj} [less common] [preservative] | 68 bewahrend |  |
 | generic {adj} [pej.] [lacking individuality, originality, common: e.g. way of saying farewell] | 43 gewöhnlich [herkömmlich, üblich, formelhaft: z. B. Verabschiedung] |  |
 | vulgar {adj} [common] | 42 gewöhnlich [üblich, alltäglich, bes. im Sinn von 'vulgaris'] |  |
 | philos. experiencable {adj} [common misspelling of experienceable] | 20 erfahrbar |  |
 | math. mus. philos. Pythagorian {adj} [common misspelling of Pythagorean] | 12 pythagoreisch |  |
 | pictoral {adj} [common misconstruction of pictorial] | 11 bildhaft |  |
 | conservative {adj} [less common] [preservative] | 10 erhaltend |  |
 | inaner {adj} [less common for "more inane"] | 5 dümmer |  |
 | promiseful {adj} [less common than promising] | 5 vielversprechend |  |
 | adepter {adj} [less common comparative for "more adept"] | erfahrener |  |
 | amidship {adv} [less common for amidships] | mitten im Schiff |  |
 | chem. spec. anemometrical {adj} [less common] | anemometrisch |  |
 | apprehendable {adj} [less common for: apprehensible] | wahrnehmbar |  |
 | biol. biologic {adj} [less common for "biological"] | biologisch |  |
 | biol. ling. cognate {adj} <cog.> [descended from a common ancestor] | gleicher Abstammung [nachgestellt] |  |
 | commonest {adj} [also: most common] | am häufigsten |  |
 | ling. commonly {adv} [in common language] | gemeinsprachlich |  |
 | general {adj} [common] | gemein [veraltend] [allgemein] |  |
 | biol. med. lucifugal {adj} [less common] [lucifugous] | lichtscheu |  |
 | preposterous {adj} [contrary to common sense] | gegen den normalen Menschenverstand |  |
 | bot. scariose {adj} [less common for: scarious] | trockenhäutig |  |
 | strange {adj} [not common, current or usual] [e.g. word, expression] | nicht geläufig |  |
 | vulgo {adv} [formal] [commonly known as, in common parlance] | vulgo [geh.] [gemeinhin, gewöhnlich genannt] |  |
Verbs |
 | [to be common practice] | gang und gebe sein [FALSCH für: gang und gäbe sein] |  |
 | to hyphen sth. [less common] [hyphenate] | etw. mit Bindestrich schreiben |  |
 | to richen sb. [to enrich sb. is more common usage] | jdn. reich machen [auch: reichmachen] |  |
 | to share sth. [have in common] | etw.Akk. gemein haben |  |
 | to share sth. [have in common] | etw.Akk. gemeinsam haben |  |
Nouns |
 | bot. gastr. T | 2486 |  |
 | gastr. fish T | 1635 |  |
 | urban outskirts {pl} [less common {sg}] | 1326 Stadtrand {m} |  |
 | shambles {pl} [treated as sg. or (less common) as pl.] [coll.] [place of carnage or destruction, scene or thing in total disorder] | 909 Schlachtfeld {n} [fig.] |  |
 | intelligence [cleverness, common sense, wisdom] | 364 Klugheit {f} |  |
 | zool. T | 228 |  |
 | orn. T | 195 |  |
 | gastr. catsup [Am.] [less common for: ketchup] | 116 Ketchup {m} {n} |  |
 | bot. gastr. T | 102 |  |
 | telecom. carrier [common carrier] | 78 Betreiber {m} |  |
 | agr. econ. common [common land] | 58 Gemeindeland {n} |  |
 | agr. econ. commons [common land, resources] | 53 Allmende {f} |  |
 | reason [common sense] | 51 Einsicht {f} [Vernunft] |  |
 | biatch [bitch, spv. common in Am. gangster rap] [sl.] | 46 Schlampe {f} [ugs.] |  |
 | commonweal [archaic or literary] [common good] | 36 Gemeinwohl {n} |  |
 | agr. econ. common [Br.] [common land] | 35 Anger {m} |  |