| English | German | |
| Heel! [dog command] | 816 Fuß! [Hundekommando] | |
| Fetch! [dog command] | 244 Hol! [Hundekommando] | |
| Fetch! [dog command] | 156 Apport! [Hundekommando] | |
| Attack! [dog command] | 150 Fass! [Hundekommando] | |
| Drop! [dog command] | 143 Aus! [Hundekommando] | |
| Retrieve! [Fetch!] [dog command] | 142 Bring! [Hundekommando] | |
| Down! [dog command] | 82 Platz! [Hundekommando] | |
| Stand! [dog command] | 79 Steh! [Hundekommando] | |
| Sic'em! [dog command] | 45 Fass! [Hundekommando] | |
| equest. traffic Gee! [Am.] [command to a horse etc. to turn to the right] | 39 Hott! [Fuhrkommando: Rechtsherum!] | |
| equest. Haw! [Am.] [command to a horse etc. to turn to the left] | 13 Hüst! [auch: Jüst!, Hist! oder Wist!] [Fuhrkommando: Linksherum!] | |
| Trade! [dog command] | 12 Aus! [Hundekommando] [Abgeben von Gegenständen mit Tauschgeschäften] | |
| Give! [dog command] | 11 Aus! [Hundekommando] | |
| agr. Whoa! [as a command to draft animals; stop] | 11 Oha! [Fuhrkommando an Zugtiere; anhalten, stehen bleiben] | |
| voice {adj} [attr.] [e.g. activation, command, control, mail] | 6 Sprach- [z. B. Aktivierung, Befehl, Steuerung, Mitteilung] | |
| Heel! [dog command] | Bei Fuß! [Hundebefehl] | |
| Look! [request/command to direct one's attention to something] | Schauen Sie! [formelle Anrede] | |
| Shake! [dog command] | Gib Pfote! [Hundekommando] | |
| Sick'em! [Br.] [spv.] [dog command] | Fass! [Hundekommando] | |
| Sit! [dog command] | Mach Sitz! [Hundekommando] | |
| Speak! [dog command] | Gib Laut! [Hundekommando] | |
Verbs |
| to disobey sth. [a law, a command, etc.] | 1037 etw. missachten [ein Gesetz, einen Befehl etc.] | |
| to bid [command] | 496 befehlen | |
| to order sth. [command] | 274 etw.Akk. anordnen [befehlen] | |
| to command sth. [have command of] | 116 etw. befehligen | |
| admin. law sports to rule sth. [command, decree] | 78 etw. anordnen [verfügen] | |
| comp. to redo (sth.) [reverse an undo command] | 76 (etw.) wiederherstellen [Befehl "Rückgängig" umkehren] | |
| to dictate [command] | 56 befehlen | |
| to bid sth. [command, order] | 54 etw.Akk. gebieten [geh.] [befehlen] | |
| to dictate sth. [command] | 36 etw. anordnen [befehlen, diktieren] | |
| to disobey sth. [a law, a command, etc.] | 17 etw. mißachten [alt] [ein Gesetz, einen Befehl etc.] | |
Nouns |
| instruction [order, command] | 2201 Anweisung {f} [Instruktion, Anordnung] | |
| order [authoritative command, direction, or instruction] | 1205 Befehl {m} | |
| injunction [command, order] | 1041 Aufforderung {f} | |
| echelon [level of command, responsibility etc.] | 1009 Rang {m} [in Hierarchie] | |
| charge [command, order] | 201 Auftrag {m} [Weisung] | |
| bidding [command] | 118 Geheiß {n} [geh.] | |
| commission [instruction, command] | 64 Weisung {f} | |
| comp. ribbon [a panel that houses a fixed arrangement of command buttons and icons] | 62 Multifunktionsleiste {f} [Ribbon] | |
| mil. Group [basic Luftwaffe command unit] | 8 Gruppe {f} <Gr> [Luftwaffe] | |
| bidding [command] | 6 Anordnung {f} | |
| hist. mil. Adlerhorst [Eagle's Eyrie, WW II bunker command complex; Hesse, Germany] | Führerhauptquartier {n} Adlerhorst [Hessen] | |
| mil. command [a command body of troops] | Truppenkommando {n} | |
| injunction [command] | Ordre {f} [veraltet od. regional] [Befehl] | |
| mandate [instruction, command] | Anordnung {f} [Anweisung] | |
2 Words: Others |
| (Lie) down! [dog command] | (Mach) Platz! [Hundekommando] | |
| Drop it! [dog command] | Aus! [Hundekommando] | |
| Drop it! [dog command] | Mach aus! [Hundekommando] [Abgeben von Gegenständen oder Fressbarem] | |
2 Words: Nouns |
| comp. Apple key <⌘> [command key] | Apfeltaste {f} <⌘> [Befehlstaste] | |
| comp. clover key [command key] | Apfeltaste {f} [Befehlstaste] | |
| naut. dive command [command to dive] | Tauchbefehl {m} | |
| comp. find next [toolbar command] | Weitersuchen {n} [Werkzeugleiste] | |
| mil. preparatory command [e.g. "right" in the command "right face"] | Ankündigungskommando {n} [z. B. "Richt" im Kommando "Richt Euch"] | |
| comp. pretzel key <⌘> [command key] | Apfeltaste {f} <⌘> [Befehlstaste] | |
| comp. propeller key <⌘> [command key] | Apfeltaste {f} <⌘> [Befehlstaste] | |
| comp. splat key <⌘> [command key] | Apfeltaste {f} <⌘> [Befehlstaste] | |
3 Words: Others |
| comp. Add sticky note. [command/menu option for PDF file] | Notiz hinzufügen. [PDF] | |
| Fetch the stick! [command to a dog] | Wo ist (das) Stöckchen? [Hundekommando i. S. v. „Suche und bringe das Stöckchen!“] | |
| naut. Full speed ahead! [a command] [also fig.] | Volle Fahrt voraus! [Kommando] [auch fig.] | |
| naut. Full steam ahead! [dated] [command] | Volle Kraft voraus! [Kommando] | |
| naut. Full steam ahead! [fig.] [also dated: a naval command] | Volle Fahrt voraus! [fig.] [auch Kommando] | |
| mus. sounds as written [sheet music command] | klingt wie notiert [Partiturbefehl] | |
3 Words: Verbs |
| to order sb. to do sth. [command] | jdm. befehlen etw. zu tun | |
3 Words: Nouns |
| hist. mil. naut. Naval High Command [high command of different German naval forces] | Oberkommando {n} der Marine <OKM> | |
| comp. open-Apple key <⌘> [command key] | Apfeltaste {f} <⌘> [Befehlstaste] | |
4 Words: Others |
| at the behest of sb. {adv} [order, command] | auf Befehl von jdm. | |
| comp. carriage return / line feed [command sequence or combined command] <CRLF, CR+LF, CR/LF> | Wagenrücklauf / Zeilenvorschub [Befehlsfolge oder kombinierter Befehl; auch: Carriage-Return/Line-Feed] <CRLF, CR+LF, CR/LF> | |
4 Words: Nouns |
| Internet kill operating system command <KOS command, kill OS command> | KOS-Befehl {m} ["Töte das Betriebssystem"] | |
5+ Words: Others |
| mil. naut. (All hands to) General Quarters! [Navy command] | Alle Mann auf Gefechtsstation! [Marinekommando] | |
| mil. naut. Secure / Stand down from General Quarters! [Navy command] | Gefechtsbereitschaft aufheben! [Marinebefehl] | |