| English | German | |
| revenant {adj} [rare] [coming back] | 839 wiederkehrend [wie ein Geist] | |
| ulterior {adj} [coming in the future] | 342 entfernt [in ferner Zukunft] | |
| becoming {adj} {pres-p} [coming to be, coming into existence] | 126 werdend | |
| descending {adj} {pres-p} [coming down] | 83 herunterkommend | |
| striking {adj} {pres-p} [coming out on strike] | 9 streikend | |
| terminating {adj} {pres-p} [coming to an end] | 6 auslaufend | |
| film RadioTV theatre offstage {adv} [coming from offstage] | aus dem Off | |
Nouns |
| advent [coming, emergence] | 20 Heraufkunft {f} | |
| formation [process of coming to be or taking form] | 11 Genese {f} [geh. oder fachspr.] | |
| nascence [formal] [coming into being] | Geburt {f} [fig.] [Entstehung] | |
| return [act of coming or going back to a place] | Rückkunft {f} [geh.] | |
2 Words |
| on tap {adv} [Am.] [coll.] [coming up] | auf dem Programm [geplant] | |
| law vacatio legis [the period between the formal enactment of a law and its coming into force] | Legisvakanz {f} | |
| youth ceremony [secular coming of age ceremony practiced by German 14-year-olds, organized esp. by the Humanist Association of Germany] | Jugendfeier {f} [humanistische „Jugendweihe“] | |
3 Words |
| to be terrified of sb./sth. [e.g.: I'm terrified of the coming winter.] | jdm./jdn. grauen vor jdm./etw. [z. B.: Mir / Mich graut vor dem kommenden Winter.] | |
| save the date [notice of a significant coming event, e.g. conference, wedding] | Save-the-Date {n} [ugs.] [Vorankündigung eines wichtigen Ereignisses (Konferenz / Kongress / Messe; Eröffnung / Einweihung etc.)] | |
4 Words |
| Coming, John? - Coming, Jane. [coll.] | Kommst Du, John? - Ich komme, Jane. | |
5+ Words |
| proverb quote Coming events cast their shadows before. [Thomas Campbell] [proverb also: Coming events cast their shadow before.] | Kommende Ereignisse werfen ihre Schatten voraus. | |
Fiction (Literature and Film) |
| film F The Russians Are Coming, the Russians Are Coming [Norman Jewison] | Die Russen kommen! Die Russen kommen! | |