| English | German | |
| C'mere. [coll.] [come here] | Komm her. | |
| C'mon! [Come on!] | Komm schon! | |
| come sth. {adv} [come fall, February, etc.] | im kommenden etw. [im kommenden Herbst, Februar etc.] | |
Verbs |
| to arise [come into existence] | 3882 entstehen [zu bestehen beginnen] | |
| to spawn sth. [to cause to come into existence] | 1850 etw.Akk. hervorbringen [entstehen lassen] | |
| to return [come back] | 1560 zurückkehren | |
| to strike [come out on strike] | 751 streiken | |
| to accept sth. [come to recognize as valid] | 571 etw. einsehen | |
| to approach [come closer, esp. in time] | 491 nahen | |
| to approach [almost reach, attain, come close] | 480 erreichen | |
| to issue [come forth, emerge] | 434 herauskommen | |
| to return [come back] | 228 zurückkommen | |
| to return [come back] | 159 rückkehren [seltener für: zurückkehren] | |
| to return [come back] | 146 wiederkommen | |
| to descend [come down] | 122 herunterkommen [Stiege, Weg] | |
| to enter [come in] | 99 hereinkommen | |
| to concur [archaic] [come together] | 23 zusammenkommen | |
| to agree [come to an agreement] | sich abstimmen [einigen] | |
| to appear [to come into sight or view] | in Erscheinung {f} treten [erscheinen] | |
| to approach sb./sth. [come closer] | jdm./etw. näher kommen [räumlich] | |
| to arrive [come to a certain place at a certain time] | sich einstellen [zu bestimmter Zeit an einen bestimmten Ort kommen] | |
| to devise sth. [conceive, come up with] | sichDat. etw. ausdenken [Plan etc.] | |
| to gather [come or flock together] | sich sammeln [versammeln] | |
| to gather [come together] | sich treffen | |
| to light [on / in sth.] [come to rest] [bird, fly, etc.] | sich niederlassen [auf / in etw.] [Vogel, Fliege usw.] | |
| to meet [come together, congregate] | sich versammeln | |
| to pass [come to an end (pain, anxiety, etc.)] | sich geben [vorbeigehen, nachlassen und aufhören (Schmerzen, Angst etc.)] | |
| jobs to unretire [esp. Am.] [come out of retirement] | ins Arbeitsleben zurückkehren [Pensionär, Rentner] | |
Nouns |
| bibl. type [figure of something to come] | 25 Vorbild {n} [Urbild] | |
| [something that seems to come from the gods and results in a feeling of enthusiasm or joy] | Götterfunke {m} [veraltet] [dichterisch] | |
| [something that seems to come from the gods and results in a feeling of enthusiasm or joy] | Götterfunken {m} [veraltet] [dichterisch] | |
| chem. tech. outlet [opening through which a liquid or gas can come out] | Ausgang {m} [für Flüssigkeit, Gas] | |
2 Words: Others |
| [to come] in bursts {adv} | stoßweise [auftreten] | |
| Howay man! [Br.] [Geordie/N.E English] [Come on!] | Komm schon! | |
| to fruition [bring, come, etc.] | zur Geltung [bringen, kommen, usw.] | |
2 Words: Verbs |
| to be realized [to come into being] | sich verwirklichen [nicht Person] | |
| to bethink oneself [formal or archaic] [come to think] | sichAkk. bedenken [(vor einer Entscheidung) mit sich zurate gehen, sich kurz besinnen] | |
| to call for sb. [come for, pick up sb.] | jdn. abholen | |
| to click on [coll.] [come on (automatically); alarm system, light, etc.] | (mit einem Klicken) anspringen [Alarm, Licht etc.] | |
| to come about [come into being] | entstehen | |
| to draw up [bring / come to a halt] | anhalten | |
| to get square [come to terms] | zur Übereinstimmung kommen | |
| to have got sb./sth. [have come into possession of] | jdn./etw. bekommen haben | |
| to hear sb. do sth. [e.g. I heard him come in.] | hören, wie jd. etw. tut [z. B. Ich hörte, wie er hereinkam.] | |
| naut. to lay aboard [to come alongside] | längsseits anlegen | |
| to make sth. happen [make come true] | etw.Akk. verwirklichen | |
| to occur to sb. [come to mind] | jdm. einfallen | |
| to roll along [also: come rolling along] | anrollen [auch: angerollt kommen] | |
| transp. to roll up [also: come rolling up ] | anrollen [heranrollen] | |
| to warm to sb./sth. [to come to like] | sichAkk. für jdn./etw. erwärmen | |
2 Words: Nouns |
| Bay Staters [Am.] [people who live in Massachusetts or who come from Massachusetts, USA] | [Einwohner von bzw. Menschen aus Massachusetts, USA; abgeleitet vom Spitznamen „Bay State“] | |
| ghost word [word that has come into existence by error] | Ghost-Wort {n} [Wort, das falsch in Gebrauch kam] | |
3 Words: Others |
| law de lege ferenda {adv} [of (or concerning) the law that is to come into force] | nach künftigem Recht | |
| He would come. [used to come] | Er pflegte zu kommen. | |
| in their thousands {adv} [people come, sign, perish etc.] | zu Tausenden | |
| sb./sth. cuts the mustard [coll.] [idiom] [come up to expectations; reach the required standard] | jd./etw. bringt es [ugs.] [zustande bringen, können, schaffen] | |
3 Words: Verbs |
| to come to fruition [idiom] [plans, projects, etc.: come true] | zum Tragen kommen [Redewendung] [Pläne, Projekte etc.: Wirklichkeit werden] | |
| to end in smoke [idiom] [come to nothing] | sichAkk. in Rauch auflösen [Redewendung] | |
| to get whiff of sth. [fig.] [rare] [come to know sth.] | Dunst von etw.Dat. bekommen [fig.] [etw. erfahren] | |
| to get whiff of sth. [fig.] [rare] [come to know sth.] | Wind von etw. bekommen [fig.] [etwas erfahren] | |
| to not escape unscathed [come off badly] | Federn lassen (müssen) [ugs.] [Redewendung] | |
| to not escape unscathed [come off badly] | Haare lassen müssen [ugs.] [Redewendung] | |
| to run into money [coll.] [come expensive] [idiom] | ins Geld gehen [ugs.] [Redewendung] [teuer werden, viel Geld kosten] | |
4 Words: Others |
| Come what may come! | Komme, was da wolle! | |
| for a long time {adv} [to come] | auf lange Zeit | |
4 Words: Verbs |
| to go up in smoke [idiom] [plans, hopes: come to nothing] | sich in Wohlgefallen auflösen [ugs.] [Redewendung] | |
5+ Words: Others |
| Come, come. That won't hurt him. | Das kann doch nichts schaden. | |
| How come he didn't come? | Wieso kam er nicht? | |
5+ Words: Verbs |
| to come out on the short end [idiom] [also: to come out on the short end of things] | den Kürzeren ziehen [Redewendung] | |
| to go like a bull at a gate [idiom] [come straight to the point] | mit der Tür ins Haus fallen [Idiom] | |
Fiction (Literature and Film) |
| mus. F Now come, Savior of the heathens [also: Now come, Savior of the gentiles] | Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland [J. S. Bach, BWV 61, 62] | |