| English  | German |  |
 | funky {adj} [sl.] [of cloth etc., unusual, imaginative] | 693 merkwürdig [Kleidung etc.] |  |
 | burial {adj} [attr.] [e.g. cave, chamber, cloth, crown, mound, plot] | 26 Grab- [z. B. Höhle, Kammer, Tuch, Krone, Hügel, Parzelle] |  |
 | mixed {adj} {past-p} [cloth, material] | 9 meliert |  |
 | textil. unmilled {adj} [woollen cloth] | 7 ungewalkt [Wollstoff, Loden] |  |
 | polishing {adj} [attr.] [e.g. agent, brush, cloth, disc, machine] | Polier- [z. B. Mittel, Bürste, Tuch, Scheibe, Maschine] |  |
Verbs |
 | textil. to singe sth. [e.g. cloth] | 224 etw.Akk. abflammen [z. B. Tuch] |  |
 | to dishevel [hair, cloth etc.] | 159 zerwühlen |  |
 | to cover sth. [with cloth, leather etc.] | 92 etw. beziehen [mit Stoff, Leder etc.] |  |
 | to brush sth. [with a cloth] | 50 etw. wischen [aufwischen] |  |
 | to crumple sth. [cloth, skirt, etc.] | 49 etw.Akk. zerdrücken [ugs.] [verknittern] [Stoff, Rock etc.] |  |
 | to crumple sth. [cloth] | 23 etw. verdrücken [regional] [zerknittern, zerknautschen] [Stoff, Kleidungsstück] |  |
 | to last [cloth, flowers, food etc.] | 13 halten [z. B. Kleidung, Blumen, Lebensmittel etc.] |  |
 | to mix [cloth, material] | 6 melieren |  |
 | to shrink sth. [cloth, etc.] | etw.Akk. schrumpfen lassen [Stoff etc.] |  |
 | textil. to teasel sth. [cloth] | etw.Akk. kardieren |  |
Nouns |
 | snag [in a piece of cloth etc.] | 336 Riss {m} [in Stoff] |  |
 | textil. bolt [roll of cloth, paper etc.] | 71 Ballen {m} [Rolle] |  |
 | textil. canvas [cloth used for tents] | 71 Zelttuch {n} |  |
 | relig. pall [archaic] [altar cloth] | 62 Altartuch {n} |  |
 | clout [archaic] [rag, cloth] | 59 Lappen {m} |  |
 | textil. corner [of a piece of cloth, blanket etc.] | 51 Zipfel {m} [von Tuch, Decke etc.] |  |
 | shroud [cloth to wrap a body for burial] | 24 Sterbehemd {n} |  |
 | textil. clout [archaic] [piece of cloth to mend sth.] | 23 Flicken {m} |  |
 | textil. throws [cloth] | 20 Überwürfe {pl} [Stoff] |  |
 | width [of cloth, paper] | 16 Bahn {f} [Stoff, Papier] |  |
 | cloth. bonnet [a (cloth or straw) hat tied under the chin and worn by women and children] | 11 Schutenhut {m} |  |
 | oilskin [cloth] | 10 Öltuch {n} |  |
 | ind. jobs fuller [person who fulls cloth] | 9 Walker {m} |  |
 | length [of cloth, wallpaper, etc.] | 9 Bahn {f} [Stoff, Tapete etc.] |  |
 | textil. khaki [cloth] | 8 Kaki {m} |  |
 | textil. khaki [cloth] | 7 Khaki {m} |  |
 | roll [of cloth etc.] | 6 Ballen {m} [Rolle] |  |
 | hist. [coarse cloth of the journeymen to wrap up their belongings] | Charlottenburger {m} [bedrucktes Tuch für das Hab und Gut auf der Walz] |  |
 | [embroidered home blessing cloth] | gestickter Haussegen {m} [Tuch] |  |
 | cloth. textil. awayu [q'ipirina, q'ipina] [Andean carrying cloth] | Aguayo {n} |  |
 | floorcloth [Br.] [floor cleaning cloth] | Aufputztuch {n} |  |
 | textil. grisette [cheap unbleached cloth] | Grisette {f} [einfacher grauer Stoff] |  |
 | cloth. ethn. textil. kente [kente cloth] | Kente {f} |  |
 | textil. moleskin [cotton cloth] | Englischleder {n} [Moleskin; Baumwollstoff] |  |
 | muleta [red cloth in bullfighting] | Muleta {f} |  |
 | relig. purificator [cloth used to wipe off the chalice] | Kelchtuch {n} |  |
 | relig. purificator [cloth used to wipe off the chalice] | Kelchtüchlein {n} |  |
 | relig. purificator [cloth used to wipe off the chalice] | Purifikatorium {n} |  |
 | hist. textil. saye [woollen cloth, originally woven in Saye Mills in the 15th and 16th centuries] | [Wolltuch, dünnes Wollzeug, das im 15./16. Jhd. in England gewebt wurde; benannt nach Saye Mills, einem Vorort von Bristol] |  |
 | cloth. shemagh [traditional headdress typically worn by Arab men made of a square of cloth] | Shemagh {n} [von Männern getragenes Kopftuch in der arabischen Welt] |  |
 | relig. the cloth [clergy, esp. "members of the cloth"] | die Geistlichkeit {f} |  |
 | cloth. zoris [flat thonged sandals usually made of straw, cloth, leather, or rubber] | Zehenstegsandalen {pl} |  |
2 Words: Others |
 | lint-free {adj} [e.g. cloth] | nicht fusselnd [z. B. Tuch] |  |
2 Words: Verbs |
 | to drape sth. with [cloth, blanket, etc.] | etw. mit [Stoff, Decke etc.] behängen |  |
 | to roll up [cloth, paper, rug] | zusammenrollen |  |
 | to wear away [cloth] | abscheuern [Tuch, Kleidung] |  |
2 Words: Nouns |
 | cloth. bridal gauntlets [secured by a ring or loop of cloth about one finger] | Brauthandschuhe {pl} [hier: Stulpen mit Fingerschlaufen] |  |
 | tech. bucking cloth [also: bucking-cloth] | Laugentuch {n} |  |
 | agr. FoodInd. cheese cloth [cloth to take the curd out of the whey] | Ausziehtuch {n} [schweiz.] [österr.] [zum Heraussieben von Käsebruch] |  |
 | jobs textil. cloth dresser [also: cloth-dresser] [archaic] | Tuchbereiter {m} [veraltet] |  |
 | archi. hist. cloth hall [cloth-traders' hall] [free-standing guildhall] | Gewandhaus {n} |  |
 | hist. jobs textil. cloth maker [maker of cloth from combed wool] | Zeugmacher {m} [Tuchmacher, der aus gekämmter Schafwolle Stoffe herstellt] |  |
 | cloth. hist. coa vestis [Coan cloth] | koisches Gewebe {n} |  |
 | face covering [for COVID-19, i.e. cloth or paper face covering, scarf, bandana] | Mund- und Nasenschutz {m} [z. B. DIY-Stoffmaske, Schal od. Tuch] |  |
 | ind. textil. finishing establishment [for cloth] | Appreturanstalt {f} |  |
 | textil. fulling mill [machine for fulling cloth] | Walke {f} [Maschine, mit der Filze hergestellt werden] |  |
 | kettle holder [pot cloth] | Topflappen {m} |  |
 | optics lens wipe [lens (cleaning) cloth] | Linsenputztuch {n} |  |
 | optics lens wipe [lens (cleaning) cloth] | Linsenwischtuch {n} |  |
 | table cover [table cloth] | Tischdecke {f} |  |
 | cloth. tapa-sexo [a strip of tape or cloth that covers a (dancer's) genitalia; esp. used in samba school parades] | Tapa Sexo {n} |  |
3 Words: Others |
 | bordered by gold {adj} [postpos.] [ceiling, table cloth, etc.] | goldumrandet [Zimmerdecke, Tischdecke etc.] |  |
3 Words: Nouns |
 | textil. (coarse) woven roving [fiberglass cloth] | (schweres) Köpergewebe {n} |  |
 | cloth. textil. three corner tear [right-angled tear/hole in piece of clothing or cloth often caused by a snag] | Dreiangel {m} {f} {n} [regional] [Triangel] |  |