| English  | German |  |
 | plain {adj} [clear] | 814 deutlich |  |
 | plain {adj} [unambiguous, clear] | 617 klar [eindeutig] |  |
 | opaque {adj} [hard to understand, not clear] | 430 unverständlich |  |
 | meteo. bright {adj} [clear] | 57 klar |  |
 | naut. aweigh {adj} [anchor, raised just clear of the seabed] | 16 gelichtet |  |
 | articulate {adj} [clear] | gut verständlich |  |
 | clarion {adj} [literary] [loud and clear] | deutlich vernehmbar |  |
 | passable {adj} [clear of obstacles and able to be travelled on] | wegsam [selten] [begeh-, befahrbar] |  |
 | unfocused {adj} [not giving a clear image] | unscharf |  |
Verbs |
 | to settle sth. [clear up, clarify] | 932 etw. abklären |  |
 | to remove sth. [clear away, e.g. dishes] | 439 etw.Akk. abtragen [abdecken, z. B. Geschirr] |  |
 | to clear [empty, clear out] | 152 ausräumen |  |
 | electr. geol. to strip [make bare / clear] | 29 abtragen |  |
 | to elucidate sth. [make clear and easy to understand] | 10 etw.Akk. beleuchten [fig.] [erhellen, deutlich machen] |  |
 | to bream sth. [archaic] [clear a ship or its bottom] | etw.Akk. reinkratzen und reinbrennen [Schiff, Schiffsboden] |  |
 | to bushwhack [Am.] [clear a path through thick woods] | sichDat. einen Weg bahnen [durch unwegsamen Wald] |  |
 | to click [coll.] [suddenly become clear] | klick machen [ugs.] [plötzlich klar werden] |  |
 | to net sth. [earn as clear profit] | etw.Akk. netto verdienen |  |
 | to remove sth. [clear sth. away] | etw.Akk. forträumen |  |
Nouns |
 | gastr. [vegetables, meat balls, dumplings, etc. added to a clear soup] | 64 Einlage {f} |  |
 | gastr. [a clear soup with meat balls, dumplings etc.] | Brühe {f} mit Einlage |  |
 | relig. [issue of faith calling for a clear taking of sides] | Bekenntnisfrage {f} |  |
 | gastr. [noodles, dumplings and the like added to a clear soup] | Suppeneinlage {f} |  |
 | gastr. [small savoury profiteroles added to clear soup] | Schöberl {pl} [österr.] [Suppeneinlage] |  |
 | clearance [clear width] | lichte Breite {f} [lichte Weite, Lichtweite] |  |
 | gastr. consommé [a clear soup made with concentrated stock] | Consommé {f} {n} |  |
 | vividness [strong, clear images in the mind] | Plastizität {f} [fig.] [geh.] [Anschaulichkeit] |  |
2 Words: Others |
 | law non liquet [it is not clear] | non liquet [es ist nicht klar] |  |
 | razor-sharp {adj} [clear and detailed] | gestochen scharf |  |
2 Words: Verbs |
 | to bring out [to make clear] | herausheben [fig.] [betonen, hervorheben] |  |
 | to bring sth. home [make clear] [idiom] | etw.Akk. klarmachen |  |
 | to bring sth. out [make clear] | etw.Akk. klarmachen [ugs.] [deutlich machen, vor Augen führen] |  |
 | to bring sth. out [make clear] | etw.Akk. klar machen [alt] [ugs.] [deutlich machen, vor Augen führen] |  |
 | to drive sth. home [fig.] [make clear] | etw.Akk. klarmachen [ugs.] |  |
 | to get sth. straight [make sth. clear] | etw. klarstellen |  |
 | sports to punch clear [goalkeeper with his fists to clear the ball from his goalmouth] | wegboxen [Torwart den Ball mit der Faust] |  |
 | sports to punch clear [goalkeeper with his fists to clear the ball from his goalmouth] | wegfausten [wegboxen] |  |
 | to ream sth. from sth. [clear out, remove (material) from sth.] [Am.] | etw.Akk. aus etw.Dat. herauspulen [ugs.] [nordd.] |  |
 | to spell out sth. [make clear] | etw. verdeutlichen |  |
2 Words: Nouns |
 | bright water [Br.] [clean, clear] | klares Wasser {n} |  |
 | express will [clear intention, desire] | ausdrücklicher Wille {m} |  |
 | ecol. refuse sack [Br.] [various colours: black, clear, white, red, green, blue, yellow, etc.] | Müllsack {m} |  |
 | relig. status questionis [issue of faith calling for a clear taking sides] | status confessionis {m} [auch: Status confessionis] |  |
3 Words: Nouns |
 | bot. ecol. hydro. clear water stage [also: clear-water stage] | Klarwasserstadium {n} |  |
4 Words: Others |
 | as clear as mud {adj} [coll.] [not clear at all] | unklar |  |
5+ Words: Verbs |
 | to call sth. by its right name [to be quite clear] | etw.Akk. beim Namen nennen [Redewendung] [Klartext reden] |  |