Dictionary English German: [classification]

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oenol. sweet {adj} [German wine classification system]
edelsüß [süß] [deutsche Weinklassifikation]
FoodInd. spec. delicate {adj} [whisky classification]
weich [Geschmacksklassifikation Whisky]
unranked {adj} [scientific classification]nicht eingeordnet [wissenschaftliche Nomenklatur]
scheme [table of classification, outline]
Schema {n}
tally [for identification, classification]
Kennzeichen {n} [zur Identifizierung]
ling. sociol. framing [classification of information into an interpretative framework]
Framing {n} [Einordnung in einen Deutungsrahmen]
ethn. Capoid [race classification since discredited]Capoid {m} [veraltet]
2 Words
med. high grade {adj} <G4> [stage 4 acc. to TNM classification of malignant tumours] [most of these tumors are inoperable]niedrig differenziert <G4> [Grading (Angabe, wie differenziert das Tumorgewebe ist) nach TNM-Klassifikation; Tumore meistens inoperabel]
med. low grade {adj} <G1> [stage 1 acc. to TNM classification of malignant tumours] [usually still relatively harmless]hoch differenziert <G1> [Grading (Angabe, wie differenziert das Tumorgewebe ist) nach TNM-Klassifikation; "relativ harmlos"]
oenol. off-dry {adj} [German wine classification system]feinherb [deutsche Weinklassifikation]
oenol. semi-sweet {adj} [German wine classification system]lieblich [deutsche Weinklassifikation]
oenol. semi-sweet {adj} [German wine classification system]mild [deutsche Weinklassifikation]
oenol. semi-sweet {adj} [German wine classification system]restsüß [deutsche Weinklassifikation]
oenol. semi-sweet {adj} [German wine classification system]weich [mild, lieblich] [deutsche Weinklassifikation]
ling. term-oriented {adj} [as opposed to concept-oriented] [classification of words]benennungsorientiert
med. Arneth's count [also: Arneth count, Arneth's classification]Arneth-Leukozytenschema {n}
colon classification <CC> [library classification system]Colon-Klassifikation {f} <CC> [bibliothekarisches Erschließungssystem]
psych. gender dysphoria <GD> [USA, disorder classification according to DSM-5]Geschlechtsdysphorie {f} <GD> [Genderdysphorie]
med. Glogau score [classification of wrinkles]Glogau-Score {m} [Faltenscore]
audio hearing class [classification of hearing]Hörklasse {f}
mil. military status [classification grades of the service relationships of U.S. Armed Forces members; active, reserve, National Guard, separated, retired][Status-Klassifikation der Dienstverhältnisse Angehöriger der US-Streikräfte; aktiv, Reserve, Nationalgarde, ausgeschieden, im Ruhestand]
mine-clearance [detection / classification / identification and neutralisation]Minenräumen {n}
electr. tech. protective class [classification system marking the risks of handling technical equipment]Schutzklasse {f}
3 Words
comm. EU stat. not elsewhere classified {adj} <n.e.c.> [customs classification]anderweitig nicht genannt <a. n. g.> [Zolltarifnummern]
comp. classification tree editor <CTE>Klassifikationsbaum-Editor {m} [auch: Classification-Tree-Editor, CTE]
ind. flaming droplets / particles [fire classification acc. to EN 13501-1]brennendes Abtropfen / Abfallen {n} [Klassifizierung des Brandverhaltens nach DIN EN 13501-1]
mus. Hornbostel-Sachs classification [also: Hornbostel-Sachs Classification]Hornbostel-Sachs-Systematik {f}
med. Schatzker (fracture) classification [also: Schatzker's classification]Schatzker-Klassifikation {f}
med. small lymphocytic lymphoma <B-SLL> [acc. to WHO classification]kleinzelliges B-Zell-Lymphom {n}
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