Dictionary English German: [chocolate]

Translation 1 - 62 of 62

English German
milk {adj} [attr.] [e.g. bottle, bar, chocolate, allergy, teeth]
Milch- [z. B. Flasche, Bar, Schokolade, Allergie, Zähne]
bittersweet {adj} [chocolate]
zartherb [Schokolade]
gastr. [dark chocolate with 50 to 70% of cocoa] {adj}feinherb [Schokolade]
gastr. choc {adj} [Br.] [coll.] [attr.] [short for: chocolate]Schoko- [ugs.] [kurz für: Schokoladen-]
drinking {adj} [attr.] [e.g. glass, culture, song, chocolate, water]Trink- [z. B. Glas, Kultur, Lied, Schokolade, Wasser]
gastr. to conche sth. [chocolate]etw.Akk. conchieren [Schokolade]
gastr. to conche sth. [chocolate]etw.Akk. konchieren [Rsv.] [Schokolade]
gastr. to enrobe sth. [coat sth. in chocolate]etw. schokolieren [mit Schokolade überziehen]
bar [e.g. of chocolate]
Riegel {m} [Seife, Schokolade etc.]
gastr. bar [of chocolate]
Tafel {f} [Schokolade]
gastr. [cookies with chocolate frosting or powdered sugar frosting]
Amerikaner {pl}
gastr. [oblong cake with chocolate icing]
Rehrücken {m} [fig.] [Kuchen]
gastr. s'more [traditional campfire treat; roasted marshmallow and chocolate sandwiched between two pieces of graham cracker]
S'more {n} [trad. Lagerfeuer-Snack (Kekssandwich mit Marshmallows und Schokoladestückchen)]
gastr. square [of chocolate]
Stückchen {n}
flake [of wood, chocolate, coconut]
Raspel {m} [Stückchen]
FoodInd. gastr. bonbon [piece of chocolate]
Praline {f}
gastr. [chocolate-covered cake with vanilla pudding and sour cherries]
Donauwelle {f}
FoodInd. tempering [chocolate production]
Temperieren {n} [Schokoladenherstellung]
gastr. [small chocolate-covered cream cake]
Mohrenkopf {m} [veraltet, heute diskriminierend] [Schokokuss]
gastr. [chocolate-covered cake with vanilla pudding and sour cherries]
Schneewittchenkuchen {m} [ostd.]
gastr. center [Am.] [filling in a piece of chocolate]
Füllung {f} [einer Praline]
gastr. choc [Br.] [coll.] [a small, filled chocolate]
Praline {f}
gastr. curl [e.g. of butter, chocolate]
Röllchen {n} [z. B. Butterröllchen]
[bean-shaped brandy-filled chocolate]Cognacbohne {f}
[bean-shaped brandy-filled chocolate]Kognakbohne {f}
[chocolate Easter bunny wrapped in golden foil]Goldhase {m} [Schokoladen-Osterhase in Goldfolie]
gastr. [chocolate pudding with whipped cream]Mohr {m} im Hemd mit Schlagobers [österr.]
gastr. [chocolate similar to a Flake® chocolate bar]Borkenschokolade {f}
gastr. [chocolate-covered candies, originally from the Halloren® chocolate factory in Halle, Germany]Halloren-Kugeln {pl} [Gattungsname] [Original Halloren Kugeln®]
gastr. [chocolate]Chokolade {f} [Rechtschreibung vor 1901] [Schokolade]
gastr. [Lebkuchen cookies filled with marzipan, apricot jelly, covered with icing of dark chocolate]Dominosteine {pl}
gastr. [rolled pastries with chocolate coating, filled with cream]Schlotfeger {pl} [regional] [gefüllte Hippenrollen]
FoodInd. bloom [on chocolate]weißlicher Belag {m} [auf Schokolade]
gastr. choccy [Br.] [coll.] [also: chockie / chocky] [a small, filled chocolate]Praline {f}
gastr. jobs chocolatier [female] [chocolate maker]Chocolatière {f} [selten]
gastr. curls [made from butter, chocolate, etc.]Röllchen {pl} [aus Butter, Schokolade usw.]
FoodInd. ind. enrober [machine used to coat a food item with a coating medium, typically chocolate]Überziehanlage {f}
FoodInd. fatbloom [spv.] [in chocolate products]Fettreif {m}
FoodInd. gastr. jimmies [Am.] [coll.] [tiny bits of chocolate sprinkled on ice cream or cakes]Schokoladenstreusel {pl}
gastr. Mignon™ [chocolate egg]Mignon-Ei {n} [mit Nougat gefülltes Hühnerei]
FoodInd. noisette [chocolate]Noisette {f} [kurz für: Noisetteschokolade]
gastr. truffle [chocolate truffle]Trüffel {f} [ugs. meist: {m}] [Trüffelpraline]
gastr. truffles [chocolate truffles]Trüffel {pl} [Trüffelpralinen]
2 Words: Others
FoodInd. gastr. chocolate-covered {adj} [coated in chocolate]schokoliert
gastr. soft-centered {adj} [Am.] [e.g. chocolate]mit weicher Füllung [nachgestellt]
gastr. soft-centred {adj} [Br.] [e.g. chocolate]mit weicher Füllung [nachgestellt]
2 Words: Verbs
to be fattening [e.g. chocolate]dick machen [z. B. Schokolade]
gastr. to coat sth. with sth. [with chocolate etc.]etw.Akk. mit etw.Dat. überziehen [z. B. mit einer Glasur]
2 Words: Nouns
gastr. chocolate brazils [Br.] [chocolate coated Brazil nuts][schokoladeüberzogene Paranüsse]
chocolate candy [Am.] [a small, filled chocolate]Praline {f}
gastr. Easter bilby [Aus.] [bilby made of chocolate, an Australian alternative to the Easter Bunny]Osterbilby {m} [australische Alternative zum Osterhasen]
FoodInd. fat bloom [in chocolate products]Fettreif {m}
gastr. power bar [chocolate]Kraftriegel {m} [meist Schokolade]
FoodInd. sugar bloom [in chocolate products]Zuckerreif {m}
3 Words: Others
market. Quality. Chocolate. Squared.® [slogan for Ritter Sport chocolate]Quadratisch. Praktisch. Gut.® [Slogan für Ritter Sport Schokolade]
3 Words: Nouns
FoodInd. toys Kinder Surprise™ (egg) [Kinder Egg] [chocolate egg with a toy inside]Kinderüberraschung {f} [Kinder ÜBERRASCHUNG®]
gastr. poire belle Hélène [mostly used without an article] [stewed pear with (ice cream and) chocolate sauce]Birne {f} Helene [meist ohne Artikel gebraucht]
4 Words: Nouns
gastr. black and white cookie [soft, sponge cake-like shortbread which is iced on one half with vanilla fondant, and on the other half by dark chocolate fondant]Amerikaner {m} [Gebäck mit Zucker- und Schokoladenguss]
5+ Words: Nouns
gastr. (milk chocolate) langue de chat [chocolate cat's / cat tongue]Katzenzunge {f} [Süßware aus Schokolade]
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
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