| English  | German |  |
 | spoiled {adj} {past-p} [esp. child] | 2323 verwöhnt |  |
 | ragged {adj} [clothes; child] | 1269 zerlumpt [Kleidung; Kind] |  |
 | conceived {adj} {past-p} [child] | 1208 empfangen [Kind] |  |
 | good {adj} [of a child] | 1037 brav [Kind] |  |
 | spoiled {adj} {past-p} [child] | 637 verzogen [Kind] |  |
 | pet {adj} [attr.] [favourite] [e.g. project, hate, theory, child] | 455 Lieblings- [z. B. Projekt, Hassobjekt, Theorie, Kind] |  |
 | grumpy {adj} [child] | 387 quengelig [ugs.] |  |
 | affectionate {adj} [child, pet] | 380 anhänglich |  |
 | childish {adj} [of, like, or appropriate to a child] | 374 kindlich |  |
 | virtuous {adj} [child, person] | 210 brav [Kind, veraltend auch Mann, Frau] |  |
 | fractious {adj} [child] | 88 aufsässig |  |
 | wriggly {adj} [fish, child] | 72 zappelnd |  |
 | spoilt {adj} {past-p} [Br.] [child] | 67 verzogen [Kind] |  |
 | wicked {adj} [esp. of a child] | 47 unartig |  |
 | energetic {adj} [child] | 38 lebhaft |  |
 | misbehaving {adj} [esp. of a child] | 36 unartig |  |
 | posthumous {adj} [child, born after the death of the father] | 36 nachgeboren |  |
 | crotchety {adj} [child] | 35 quengelig [ugs.] [Kind] |  |
 | bold {adj} [Irish] [esp. of a child] [naughty] | 22 böse [ungezogen] |  |
 | teachable {adj} [animal, child] | 18 lernfähig |  |
 | sweet {adj} [e.g. of a child] | 11 herzig |  |
 | med. enuretic {adj} [e.g. child] | 7 bettnässend [z. B. Kind] |  |
 | med. hyperkinetic {adj} [e.g. child, syndrome] | 6 hyperkinetisch |  |
 | unmanageable {adj} [recalcitrant] [e.g., animal, person, child] | 6 unbändig [widerspenstig] [z. B. Tier, Person, Kind] |  |
 | unmarried {adj} [concerning a parent / parents of a child born out of wedlock] | 5 unehelich [Eltern / Elternteil eines nicht ehelichen Kindes betreffend] |  |
 | childproof {adj} [also: child proof] | kindergesichert |  |
 | law illegitimate {adj} [child] | nicht ehelich [Kind] |  |
 | Lookit! [child's language] [look at that] | Schau da! |  |
 | sb. fostered [child] | jd. zog auf |  |
 | sb. fosters [child] | jd. zieht auf |  |
 | street {adj} [attr.] [e.g. art, carnival, child, cleaning, directory] | Straßen- [innerorts] [z. B. Kunst, Karneval, Kind, Reinigung, Verzeichnis] |  |
Verbs |
 | to spoil [a child] | 2516 verwöhnen [verziehen] |  |
 | to rear sb./sth. [a child, an animal] | 1361 jdn./etw. aufziehen [ein Kind, ein Tier] |  |
 | to yell [like a child] | 321 bläken [ugs.] [pej.] |  |
 | to foster sb. [bring up a child that is not one's own by birth] | 229 jdn. aufziehen [ein Findelkind, ein Pflegekind] |  |
 | to bear sth. [a child] | 139 etw. austragen [ein Kind] [schwanger sein] |  |
 | to dribble [child, old person] | 114 sabbern [ugs.] |  |
 | to scamper [person, child, puppy] | 80 trippeln |  |
 | to whine [child, siren] | 52 plärren [ugs.] |  |
 | to scamper [person, child, puppy] | 49 trappeln |  |
 | med. to conceive (sth.) [become pregnant (with a child)] | 33 (etw.Akk.) konzipieren [(mit einem Kind) schwanger werden] |  |
 | to beat sb. [person, esp. child] | jdn. wichsen [österr.] [sonst regional] |  |
 | to orphan sb./sth. [a child; an elephant calf, etc.] | jdn./etw. zur Waise machen [ein Kind; ein Elefantenkalb etc.] |  |
 | to parent [raise / bring up a child] | ein Kind erziehen |  |
Nouns |
 | varmint [Am.] [coll.] [mischievous person, especially child] | 465 Racker {m} |  |
 | varmint [Am.] [coll.] [mischievous person, especially child] | 420 Tunichtgut {m} |  |
 | tad [coll.] [Am.] [Can.] [small child, esp. boy] | 415 Wicht {m} [ugs.] [kleines Kind, bes. kleiner Junge] |  |
 | telltale [esp. Br.] [pej.] [person, especially a child] | 220 Petze {f} [ugs.] [pej.] |  |
 | exposure [to sth.] [also of a child] | 211 Aussetzung {f} [Licht, Gefahren etc.] [auch Kindesaussetzung] |  |
 | fidget [person, esp. child] | 211 Zappelphilipp {m} |  |