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|  |
 | complimentary {adj} [free of charge] | 1350 kostenlos [Freiexemplar, Freikarte etc.] |  |
 | free {adj} [at no charge] | 713 kostenlos |  |
 | complimentary {adv} [free of charge] | 532 gratis [Freikarte, Freiexemplar etc.] |  |
 | free {adv} [of charge] | 432 gratis |  |
 | complimentary {adj} [free of charge] | 316 unentgeltlich [Freiexemplar, Freikarte etc.] |  |
 | local {adj} [e.g. area, bishop, bonus, call, charge, knowledge] | 305 Orts- [z. B. Bereich, Bischof, Zulage, Gespräch, Gebühr, Kenntnisse] |  |
 | free {adj} [of charge] | 152 unentgeltlich |  |
 | gratuitous {adj} [free of charge] | 142 kostenlos |  |
 | gratuitous {adj} [free of charge] | 85 gratis |  |
 | complimentary {adj} [free of charge] | 81 umsonst [gratis] |  |
 | free {adj} [of cost / charge] | 38 kostenfrei |  |
 | sb. bossed [was in charge] | 8 jd. kommandierte |  |
 | road {adj} [attr.] [e.g. atlas, builder, charge, closure, condition] | Straßen- [z. B. Atlas, Bauer, Gebühr, Sperrung, Zustand] |  |
 | sb. bosses [is in charge] | jd. kommandiert |  |
Verbs |
 | to govern sth. [be in charge of] | 629 etw.Akk. leiten [Schule, Ministerium etc.] |  |
 | comm. fin. to bill sth. [charge] | 409 etw. berechnen [in Rechnung stellen] |  |
 | to purge [stigma, charge] | 107 reinwaschen |  |
 | to nick sb. [Br.] [coll.] [to arrest and charge sb.] | 34 jdn. kassieren [ugs.] |  |
 | law to rejoin [reply to a charge] | 23 duplizieren [erwidern] |  |
 | fin. to bill sth. [charge a sum of money for sth.] | etw. in Rechnung stellen |  |
 | to handle sth. [be in charge of sth.] | für etw.Akk. verantwortlich sein [zuständig sein] |  |
Nouns |
 | law count [charge] | 176 Anklagepunkt {m} |  |
 | occupant [of an office, charge, appointment etc.] | 172 Inhaber {m} [eines Amts etc.] |  |
 | fin. dues [fees, charge] | 163 Gebühren {pl} |  |
 | charge [being in charge] | 106 Führung {f} |  |
 | fin. fee [price, charge] | 64 Preis {m} |  |
 | charge [explosive charge] | 48 Sprengsatz {m} |  |
 | law charge [criminal charge] | 26 Tatvorwurf {m} |  |
 | keep [archaic] [charge, control] | 16 Hut {f} [geh.] [Obhut, Aufsicht] |  |
 | law [German authority in charge of fines] | 7 Bußgeldstelle {f} |  |
 | QM [person in charge of quality control] | 7 Qualitätsverantwortlicher {m} |  |
 | agr. hist. [chairman of a farmers cooperative or of a village who was in charge of the Flurzwang] | 6 Schulze {m} [Schultheiß] |  |
 | naut. anchorage [port charge] | 5 Ankergebühr {f} |  |
 | admin. anchorage [port charge] | 5 Hafengeld {n} |  |
 | mil. weapons can [sl.] [Am.] [depth charge] | 5 Wasserbombe {f} [gegen U-Boote] |  |
 | [city councillor in charge of cultural affairs] | Kulturstadtrat {m} |  |
 | jobs [man in charge of a police force's detectives] | Kripo-Chef {m} [ugs.] |  |
 | [police department in charge of registered societies in Austria] | Vereinspolizei {f} |  |
 | admin. anchorage [port charge] | Hafengebühr {f} |  |
 | hist. jobs candlesnuffer [an attendant in charge of the candles, as formerly in a theater] | Dochtschneuzer {m} [Lichtputzer] |  |
 | hist. jobs candlesnuffer [an attendant in charge of the candles, as formerly in a theater] | Lampinist {m} [auch: Lampier] |  |
 | hist. jobs candlesnuffer [an attendant in charge of the candles, as formerly in a theater] | Lichtputzer {m} |  |
 | naut. dayage [obs.] [rare] [tax or duty levied on vessels in harbour, esp. charge for each day spent in port] | Liegegebühr {f} |  |
 | housemother [woman in charge of a group living together, as in a dormitory or youth hostel] | Hausmutter {f} [Vorsteherin einer (Jugend)herberge, eines Heims o. Ä.] |  |
 | law information [formal criminal charge] | Anklage {f} |  |
 | ind. pharm. reprocessing [e.g. of a batch] | Umarbeitung {f} [erneute Bearbeitung, z. B. einer Charge] |  |
 | hist. scot [one's share of a payment or charge] | (eigener) Anteil {n} [an einer zu entrichtenden Summe] |  |
 | naut. steward [a ship's officer in charge of provisions and dining] | Proviantmeister {m} [bes. Seewesen früher] |  |
 | jobs storekeeper [in charge of stores] | Magazineur {m} [österr.] [schweiz.] [südtirol.] |  |
2 Words: Verbs |
 | to add sth. on [to a price, charge etc.] | etw. zuschlagen [Betrag aufschlagen] |  |
 | to give change [for a payment in excess of the charge] | herausgeben [Wechselgeld] |  |
 | to juice up [charge a battery] [coll.] | aufladen [ugs.] |  |
2 Words: Nouns |
 | telecom. answer signal [with charge / with no charge] | Beginnzeichen {n} [mit Gebühr / ohne Gebühr] |  |
 | bad rap [Am.] [coll.] [bum rap] [false criminal charge] | falsche Anschuldigung {f} |  |
 | electr. battery level [level of charge] | Akkuladestand {m} |  |
 | electr. battery status [status of charge] | Akkuladestand {m} |  |
 | educ. blackboard monitor [dated] [person who is in charge of wiping a blackboard / collecting erasers] | Tafeldienst {m} |  |
 | phys. CP violation [CP for charge parity; phenomenon in particle physics] | CP-Verletzung {f} |  |
 | overdue fine [based upon a fixed charge per day / week] | Versäumnisgebühr {f} |  |
 | weapons practice grenade [Am.] [with or without charge] | Übungshandgranate {f} |  |
 | pharm. shelf life [e.g. of a batch] | Laufzeit {f} [z. B. einer Charge] |  |
3 Words: Others |
 | by the clock {adv} [charge customers, work, etc.] | nach der Uhr [Tätigkeit berechnen, arbeiten, etc.] |  |
3 Words: Verbs |
 | to be put to sb. [question, invoice, charge, etc.] | jdm. vorgelegt werden [Frage, Rechnung, Anklage etc.] |  |
3 Words: Nouns |
 | electr. battery level indicator [also: charge level indicator] | Batterieladezustandsanzeige {f} [auch: Ladestandsanzeige] |  |
 | comm. TrVocab. off-peak rate [reduction from peak charge] | Spartarif {m} |  |
 | person in power [in charge] | Zuständiger {m} |  |
4 Words: Verbs |
 | to be at the helm [idiom] [be in charge] | an der Macht sein |  |
4 Words: Nouns |
 | traffic travel (central) London congestion charge <LCC> [also London's congestion charge] | Londoner Staugebühr {f} |  |
 | hist. mil. weapons attach hollow charge (mine) [also: magnetic anti-tank attach hollow charge mine] | Hafthohlladung {f} [auch: Panzerhandmine] <HHL> |  |
 | chem. phys. electron-donor-acceptor complex <EDAC> [also: electron donor acceptor complex] | Elektronen-Donator-Akzeptor-Komplex {m} [Charge-Transfer-Komplex] |  |
 | chem. phys. Kimball free-cloud model [rare] [charge cloud model] | Kugelwolkenmodell {n} <KWM> [kimballsches Atommodell] |  |
5+ Words: Verbs |
 | to be at the head of sth. [in charge of] | etw.Akk. führen [leiten] |  |