| English  | German |  |
 | pompous {adj} [archaic] [characterized by pomp or splendour] | 167 pompös |  |
 | pompous {adj} [archaic] [characterized by pomp or splendour] | 85 prunkvoll |  |
 | redundant {adj} [being in excess; superfluous; characterized by superabundance or superfluity] | 81 redundant [geh. od. fachspr.] [überzählig, mehrfach vorhanden; überflüssig; überreichlich vorhanden] |  |
 | genial {adj} [characterized by genius] | 26 großartig |  |
 | integrous {adj} [rare] [characterized by integrity] | integer |  |
 | lavatorial {adj} [esp. Br.] [characterized by excessive mention of lavatories and the excretory functions] | Fäkal- [z. B. Fäkalwitz, Fäkalhumor] |  |
 | visionary {adj} [characterized by impractical idealistic or radical ideas] | wirklichkeitsfremd |  |
Nouns |
 | [actions, occurrences, or conditions, characterized by unreliability] | Unzuverlässigkeiten {pl} |  |
 | [actions, utterances, or things, characterized by irresponsibility] | Verantwortungslosigkeiten {pl} |  |
 | [stereotype of a person from former East Germany, characterized as sb. who complains about everything] | Jammerossi {m} [ugs.] [pej.] [jammernder Ostdeutscher] |  |
 | [utterances, actions, or things, characterized by clarity, bluntness, vividness, etc.] | Deutlichkeiten {pl} |  |
 | [utterances, actions, or things, characterized by indecency, brazenness, etc.] | Schamlosigkeiten {pl} |  |
2 Words |
 | mean-spirited {adj} [characterized by pettiness] | kleinlich [pingelig, engstirnig] |  |
 | to partake of sth. [formal] [be characterized by (a particular quality)] | etw.Akk. an sichDat. haben [(eine bestimmte Eigenschaft) besitzen] |  |
 | econ. shortage economy [economy characterized by constant shortages] | Mangelwirtschaft {f} |  |