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| geogr. ling. [concerning the Austrian province of Vorarlberg] {adj} [cf. Vorarlbergian] | vorarlbergerisch [neben häufiger: vorarlbergisch] | |
| geol. immature {adj} [of topographical features] [cf. youthful] | jung [geologische Strukturen] | |
Verbs |
| to bowk [Br.] [dialect] [to belch] [cf. to bolk] | bölken [ugs.] [bes. niederd.] [rülpsen] | |
| to french sb. [sl.] [to give oral stimulation of the penis] [cf. French polishing] | jdn. französisch verwöhnen [Prostituierten-Jargon] | |
Nouns |
| econ. neol. freemiums {pl} [cf. fremium] | 34 [kostenlose Bereitstellungen von Service bzw. Produkten] | |
| spec. locus [cf. location curve, Nyquist plot] | 20 Ortskurve {f} [vgl. geometrischer Ort] | |
| hist. coordination [cf. forcible-coordination] [Nazi Germany] | 18 Gleichschaltung {f} [Nazi-Terminologie] | |
| slag [Br.] [sl.] [here: negligent person, esp. in work] [cf. slacker] | 18 Schlamper {m} [ugs.] | |
| bibl. tent [cf. tabernacle] | 17 Hütte {f} [transportierbar wie ein Zelt] [vgl. Stiftshütte] | |
| weenie [Am.] [sl.] [cf. wiener] [penis] | 10 Würstel {n} [bes. südd.] [derb] [Penis] | |
| hist. [improvised water boiler; leading electric current directly through water by means of two electrodes and thus heating it; cf. stinger] | 6 Ufo {n} [NVA-Jargon: improvisierter Wasserkocher] | |
| tuchis [esp. Am.] [Yidd.] [cf. tuchus, tukhus, etc.] [rear end of a person] | 5 Toches {m} [jidd.] [heute selten] [Gesäß] | |
| [an ethnic slur or hate word referring to a German, usually by a non-German or German not identifying with other Germans; cf. Kraut] | Krautfresser {m} [pej.] [oft Hasswort] | |
| agr. [cf. Almabtrieb; joint herds from multiple farmers are sorted in the Viehscheid, and each cow is returned to its owner] | Viehscheid {m} [Allgäu, Deutschland] | |
| hist. [German safety matches; cf. German Zündwaren monopoly] | Haushaltsware {f} [Markenname bis 1983, Deutsche Zündwaren-Monopolgesellschaft] [Sicherheitszündhölzer] | |
| hist. [German safety matches; cf. German Zündwaren monopoly] | Welthölzer {pl} [ehem. Markenname, Deutsche Zündwaren-Monopolgesellschaft] [Sicherheitszündhölzer] | |
| jobs [jobs in mathematics, informatics, sciences, and engineering; cf. the English acronym "STEM" (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics)] | MINT-Berufe {pl} [Berufe aus den Gebieten Mathematik, Informatik, Naturwissenschaften und Technik] | |
| hist. law [Middle Ages; given set of military equipment, bequeathed to the next male relative; cf. "heriot"] | Heergewäte {n} [veraltet] [auch: Hergewäte, Heergewette, Heergeräte, Heergewedde] [vererbte Ausrüstung eines Kriegers im Mittelalter] | |
| pol. [usu. derogatory term for social democrats or socialists, cf. lefties] | Sozen {pl} [ugs.] [meist pej.] [Sozialdemokraten, Sozialisten] | |
| [woman going to have sex right after having had sex with another man; cf. "sloppy seconds"] | gebuttertes Brötchen {n} [Slang] [fig.] [Frau, die unmittelbar nach Sex mit einem anderen Mann erneut Sex hat] | |
| geogr. hist. Albany [also Albania] [cf. Scot. Gaelic: Alba] [territorial term representing the parts of Scotland north of the River Forth] | Alban {n} [histor. Bezeichnung für den nördlichen Teil Schottlands] | |
| hist. coördination [spv.] [rare or dated] [cf. forcible-coordination] [Nazi Germany] | Gleichschaltung {f} [Nazi-Terminologie] | |
| relig. earlocks [payot] [cf. sidelocks, sidecurls] | Schläfenlocken {pl} | |
| gerbilling [cf. gerbil stuffing or gerbil shooting] | Gerbilling {n} [angebliche Sexualpraktik] | |
| lit. quintain [cf. cinquain] | Fünfzeiler {m} | |
| lit. quintain [cf. cinquain] | fünfzeilige Strophe {f} | |
| educ. jobs schoolma'am [Am.] [dated] [cf. schoolmarm] | Dorfschullehrerin {f} [streng und altmodisch] | |
| wasian [Am.] [sl.] [cf. Amerasian, Eurasian] | [Person gemischt asiatisch-weißer Abstammung] | |
| curr. hist. xerafin [also: xeraphin] [cf. xerafim / xeraphim] | Xerafin {m} [vgl. Xerafim] | |
2 Words: Others |
| (my emphasis) [parenthetical reference] [cf. emphasis mine; emphasis added] | (meine Hervorhebung) [nach einem Zitat] [vgl. Hervorhebung durch Verfasser] | |
| mil. guerilla-wise {adj} [rare] [cf. guerilla-style] | guerillaartig [selten auch: Guerilla-artig] [vgl. guerillamäßig] | |
| Internet Tango down! [of a website] [cf. mil. sl. tango = target] | [Nachricht auf einer Website, dass sie gehackt wurde] | |
2 Words: Verbs |
| to bite it [coll.] [to die] [cf. to bite the dust] | ins Gras beißen [ugs.] [sterben] | |
| to go pop [Br.] [sl.] [rare] [to die, cf. to pop off] | hopsgehen [ugs.] [sterben] | |
2 Words: Nouns |
| ling. Bambara (language) [also: Bamana, Bamanankan] [cf. Dioula] | Bambara {n} [auch: Bamanankan] [vgl. Dioula] | |
| gastr. brown gravy [cf. white gravy] | braune Soße {f} [Bratensoße] [auch: braune Sauce] [vgl. weiße Soße] | |
| idiom Charlie Foxtrot [ = clusterfuck <CF>, NATO phonetic alphabet] [sl.] | Riesendurcheinander {n} [ugs.] | |
| contingency plan [cf. plan B] | Plan {m} B [ugs.] | |
| EU FoodInd. food safety ["against food-borne illness"; cf. food security] | Lebensmittelsicherheit {f} [„gegen Erkrankung durch Lebensmittel“; vgl. Ernährungssicherheit] | |
| FoodInd. gastr. food safety ["against food-borne illness"; cf. food security] | Nahrungsmittelsicherheit {f} [„gegen Erkrankung durch Lebensmittel“, Lebensmittelsicherheit; vgl. Ernährungssicherheit] | |
| agr. comm. food security ["enough to eat"; cf. food safety] | Nahrungsmittelsicherheit {f} [„genug zu essen“, Ernährungssicherheit; vgl. Lebensmittelsicherheit] | |
| gerbil stuffing [cf. gerbilling or gerbil shooting] | Gerbilling {n} [angebliche Sexualpraktik] | |
| med. Gruber reaction [cf. Widal reaction] | Gruber-Widal-Reaktion {f} | |
| toys inflatable castle [cf. bouncer castle] | Aufblasburg {f} [vgl. Hüpfburg, Hüpfschloss, Aufblasschloss] | |
| gastr. nosing glass [cf. snifter] | Nosing-Glas {n} | |
| archi. art protected structure [legal term in Ireland] [cf. listed building] | Gebäude {n} unter Denkmalschutz | |
| med. pseudomembranous colitis [cf. Clostridium difficile colitis] | pseudomembranöse Kolitis {f} [antibiotikaassoziierte Kolitis] | |
| ling. Scottish burr [cf. brogue] | schottischer Akzent {m} [mit gerolltem R usw.] | |
| sports second eleven <second 11> [cf. B team] | B-Mannschaft {f} [B-Elf] | |
| dent. teeth spacing [cf. dental spacing, tooth spacing] | Zahnlückengebiss {n} [cf. Zahnlückenstand] | |
| wiener roast [esp. Am.] [coll.] [hum.] [all-male party] [cf. sausage fest] | Würstchenparty {f} [ugs.] [hum.] [Männerabend] | |
| games sports wrist wrestling [cf. arm wrestling] | [eine Form des Armdrückens, bes. mit überkreuzten Daumen] | |
3 Words: Verbs |
| to be treated specially [cf. also the Nazi-term 'Sonderbehandlung'] | sonderbehandelt werden [auch euphem., vgl. „Sonderbehandlung“ als NS-Tarnbegriff] | |
3 Words: Nouns |
| nasty little runt [pej.] [person] [cf. poison dwarf] | Giftzwerg {m} [ugs.] [pej.] | |
| econ. jobs non-exempt employee [Am.] [cf. exempt employee] | tariflicher Angestellter {m} <TA> | |
| jobs nurse-turned-lawyer [female] [cf. publicist-turned-agent, physician-turned-congressman, teacher-turned-craftsman, etc.] | ehemalige Krankenschwester und jetzige Anwältin {f} | |
| med. pharm. red-hand letter [literal translation, do not use; cf. Dear Doctor letter] | Rote-Hand-Brief {m} <RHB> | |
| hist. sports the white game [dated] [tennis] [cf. also: the white sport] | der weiße Sport {m} [Tennis] | |
| hist. sports the white sport [dated] [tennis] [cf. also: the white game] | der weiße Sport {m} [Tennis] | |
5+ Words: Others |
| proverb As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he. [cf. Proverbs 23:7; free translation] | Wie ein Mensch in seinem Herzen denkt, so ist er. [vgl. Sprüche 23,7; freie Übersetzung nach dem Englischen] | |
| bibl. proverb He who sows the wind shall reap the whirlwind. [cf. Hosea 8:7] | Wer Wind sät, wird Sturm ernten. [vgl. Hosea 8,7] | |
| quote Life is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing. [cf. Shakespeare, Macbeth] | Das Leben ist ein Märchen, erzählt von einem Narren, voller Klang und Wut, das nichts bedeutet. [vgl. Übers. D. Tieck] | |
| The die rolls a three. [cf. dice] | Der Würfel zeigt eine Drei. [nachdem gewürfelt wurde] | |
| proverb Those that don't work, don't eat. [cf. 2 Thess 3:10] | Wer nicht arbeitet, soll auch nicht essen. [nach 2 Thess 3,10] | |
5+ Words: Verbs |
| to tell the truth and shame the devil [also: to shame the devil and tell the truth] [cf. Shakespeare, Henry IV, Part 1] [idiom] | auf Teufel komm raus die Wahrheit sagen [Redewendung] | |
5+ Words: Nouns |
| bibl. parable of the house on the rock [cf. parable of the wise and the foolish builders] | Gleichnis {n} vom Hausbau [siehe Gleichnis vom Haus auf Felsen und auf Sand gebaut] | |
Fiction (Literature and Film) |
| lit. F The Man Who Loved the Normandie [Justin Scott] [cf. Normandie Triangle] | Sein Name war Otter | |
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi) |
| zool. T | | |
| zool. T | | |
| zool. T | | |
| zool. T | | |
| fish T | | |
| fish T | | |
| fish T | | |