Dictionary English German: [ceiling]

Translation 1 - 21 of 21

English German
archi. constr. raftered {adj} [e.g. ceiling, roof, cellar]
Balken- [z. B. Decke, Dach, Keller]
luminous {adj} [e.g. ceiling, efficiency, flux, intensity, stimulus]
Licht- [z. B. Decke, Ausbeute, Strom, Intensität, Reiz]
audio constr. mus. acoustic {adj} [e.g. amplifier, ceiling, coupler, guitar, tile, sensor]Akustik- [z. B. Verstärker, Decke, Kuppler, Gitarre, Platte, Sensor]
archi. constr. to ceil sth. [provide with a ceiling]in etw.Dat. eine Decke einziehen
to kalsomine sth. [wall, ceiling, etc.]etw. weißeln [südd.] [österr.] [schweiz.]
insur. [contribution assessment ceiling]
Beitragsbemessungsgrenze {f} [Sozialversicherung]
fin. cap [ceiling]
Deckelung {f}
archi. vault [ceiling]
Dach {n} [Gewölbe]
rib [of leaf, ceiling, ship, shell etc.]
Rippe {f}
2 Words
constr. to put sth. in [wall, ceiling etc.] [build in]etw.Akk. einziehen [Wand, Decke usw.] [einbauen]
archi. furn. (wood) paneling [Am.] [wall, ceiling]Täfer {n} [schweiz.] [westösterr.] [Täfelung] [hölzerne Wand- oder Deckenverkleidung]
archi. furn. (wood) paneling [Am.] [wall, ceiling]Täferung {f} [schweiz.] [westösterr.] [Täfelung] [hölzerne Wand- oder Deckenverkleidung]
big light [coll.] [brightest light source in a room, often ceiling light]großes Licht {n} [ugs.] [stärkste Lichtquelle in einem Raum, oft Deckenleuchte]
archi. church vault [ceiling]Kirchengewölbe {n}
cooling ceiling [ceiling with integrated cooling system]Kühldecke {f}
archi. hung ceiling [a ceiling hooked to the underside of a framework]abgehängte Decke {f}
hist. murder hole [hole cut through the ceiling of a castle / fortification]Mörderloch {n} [Loch in der Decke einer Burg / Befestigung]
archi. audio sounding board [pulpit ceiling]Schalldeckel {m} [Kanzelhimmel]
3 Words
at the ceiling {adv} [to the ceiling]an die Decke [in Richtung der Zimmerdecke]
bordered by gold {adj} [postpos.] [ceiling, table cloth, etc.]goldumrandet [Zimmerdecke, Tischdecke etc.]
4 Words
tools (multi-task) block brush [ceiling brush, wallpaper paste brush, etc.]Waschel {m} [südd.] [Quast, breite Malerbürste, Deckenbürste, Kleisterbürste usw.]
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