Dictionary English German: [cases]

Translation 1 - 19 of 19

English German
sometimes {adv} [in some cases]
teilweise [manchmal, in einigen Fällen]
exceptionally {adv} [in exceptional cases]in Ausnahmefällen
in {prep} [in cases where an article is used in German but not English, e.g. "im November"]im [Präp. + Art.: in dem]
portfolios [cases for loose papers, drawings, etc.]
Mappen {pl}
parallelism [of cases]
Ähnlichkeit {f}
law [right to determine place of residence in child custody and protection cases]
Aufenthaltsbestimmungsrecht {n}
med. [suspected cases of adverse events following immunisation] [Br.]Verdachtsfälle {pl} von Impfkomplikationen
med. dropsies [rather dated] [cases or forms of dropsy]Wassersuchten {pl} [eher veraltet] [Fälle oder Formen von Wassersucht]
fin. hist. shinplaster [Am.] [Can.] [Aus.] [in most cases privately issued fractional paper currency]Ersatzpapiergeld {n} [Notgeld von geringem Nennwert]
2 Words
ling. in German {adv} [as in "In German there are four cases."]im Deutschen [wie in „Im Deutschen gibt es vier Fälle.“]
mus. transp. backpack straps {pl} [esp. with music instrument cases]Rucksackgarnitur {f} [bes. bei Musikinstrumenten-Etuis]
jobs case maker [of wooden cases]Kistenmacher {m}
med. consent solution [in cases of organ removal]Zustimmungsregelung {f} [bei Fällen der Organentnahme]
med. contact tracing [e.g. with COVID-19 cases]Ermittlung {f} von Kontaktpersonen [z. B. bei COVID-19-Fällen]
ling. mixed preposition [preposition that can take various cases]Wechselpräposition {f} [Mischpräposition]
anat. muscle stiffness {sg} [of various muscles; various cases of muscle stiffness]Muskelverhärtungen {pl}
law restraining order [for premises in cases of domestic violence] [Austria]Betretungsverbot und Wegweisung [Österreich] [Gewaltschutzgesetz]
3 Words
law House of Lords [supreme court of appeal for criminal cases in England, Wales and Northern Ireland]oberstes Rechtsmittelgericht {n} in Strafsachen [für England, Wales und Nordirland]
law House of Lords [UK's supreme court of appeal for civil cases]oberstes Rechtsmittelgericht {n} in Zivilsachen [für das Vereinigte Königreich]
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