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|  |
 | solved {adj} {past-p} [criminal case] | 78 aufgeklärt |  |
 | residual {adj} [case, crime] | 51 ungeklärt [Fall, Verbrechen] |  |
 | battered {adj} [case, etc.] | 27 abgewetzt |  |
 | weapons bullet {adj} [attr.] [e.g. case, lubricant, energy] | 19 Geschoss- [z. B. Mantel, Fett, Energie] |  |
 | naut. [providing protection in case of unconsciousness; lifejacket feature] {adj} | 8 ohnmachtssicher |  |
 | weapons gun {adj} [attr.] [case, fanatic, laws, licence, lobby] | 7 Waffen- [z. B. Koffer, Narr, Recht, Schein, Lobby] |  |
 | mus. violin {adj} [attr.] [e.g. bow, case, duo, instructor, maker] | 5 Geigen- [z. B. Bogen, Kasten, Duo, Lehrer, Bauer] |  |
 | ling. caseless {adj} [without grammatical case] | kasuslos |  |
 | different {adj} [case, situation] | anders gelagert [Fall, Situation] |  |
 | law instant {adj} [present] [e.g. in the instant case] | vorliegend |  |
 | lest {conj} [formal] [in case] | für den Fall, dass |  |
 | ling. spec. triptotic {adj} [having three distinct (case) endings] | triptotisch |  |
 | whomever {pron} [indirect objective case of whoever] | wem auch immer [Dat. Objektsfall von wer auch immer] |  |
Verbs |
 | law to reconsider sth. [case] | 80 etw.Akk. wiederaufnehmen [Fall] |  |
 | law to remit sth. [e.g. a case to a lower court] | 58 etw. zurückverweisen [z. B. einen Fall an ein vorinstanzliches Gericht] |  |
 | law to try [case] | 57 verhandeln [Fall] |  |
 | law to drop sth. [case] | 37 etw. niederschlagen [Fall] |  |
 | med. to plate [e.g. in the case of fractures] | 12 verplatten [z. B. bei Frakturen] |  |
 | to handbag sb. [Br.] [coll.] [a woman persistently arguing her case] | jdn. in Grund und Boden reden [fig.] [Frauen] |  |
 | law to reconsider [case] | nochmals behandeln |  |
 | law to review sth. [an old case] | etw. wieder aufrollen [einen alten Fall] |  |
 | law to review sth. [an old case] | sichDat. etw. wieder vornehmen [ugs.] [einen alten Fall] |  |
Nouns |
 | instance [case] | 828 Fall {m} [Sachverhalt] |  |
 | issue [case] | 323 Fall {m} [Angelegenheit] |  |
 | matter [case, instance] | 300 Fall {m} [Angelegenheit] |  |
 | event [happening, case] | 169 Fall {m} [im Fall] |  |
 | portfolio [case for loose papers, drawings, etc.] | 138 Mappe {f} |  |
 | affair [case, event] | 47 Fall {m} [Sache, Vorfall] |  |
 | statement [putting forward of a thesis, problem, case etc.] | 45 Darstellung {f} [von Theorie, Problem, Faktenlage etc.] |  |
 | furn. display [case] | 37 Schaukasten {m} |  |
 | assignment [to sth.] [task, case] | 32 Betrauung {f} [mit etw.] [Aufgabe, Fall] |  |
 | portfolio [case] | 32 Aktenmappe {f} |  |
 | law reconsideration [of bill, case] | 24 Wiederaufnahme {f} [z. B. eines Falls] |  |
 | law presentation [of a case, evidence] | 23 Darlegung {f} [eines Sachverhalts etc.] |  |
 | portfolio [case] | 17 Aktentasche {f} |  |
 | issue [case] | 14 Kasus {m} [altertümlich] |  |
 | rule [normal case] | 11 Normalfall {m} |  |
 | ICE [number of contact person in case of emergency] | 5 IN [Nummer der Kontaktperson bei Notfallsituation] |  |
 | spec. ["case" invented to criticize the replacement of the genitive by "von" constructions in German] | Vonitiv {m} [Neol.] |  |
 | biol. entom. case [pupal case] | Larvensack {m} |  |
 | rail transp. Collico® [also: collico] [collapsible case] | Collico® {m} [zusammenlegbare Transportkiste] |  |
 | containerboard <CCM> [CCM = corrugated case material] | Wellpapperohpapier {n} |  |
 | textil. etui [needle case] | Nadelbüchse {f} [Dose] |  |
 | goner [Am.] [sl.] [hopeless case] | hoffnungsloser Fall {m} [fig.] [Person] |  |
 | law spec. pleadings {pl} [statements of case] | schriftlicher Vortrag {m} |  |
 | portfolio [case] | Portefeuille {n} [veraltet] [Aktentasche] |  |
 | weapons quiver [case for arrows] | Pfeilköcher {m} |  |
 | law syllabus [of a legal case] | Auszug {m} [eines Rechtsfalls] |  |
2 Words: Others |
 | As such, ... [Am.] [coll.] [Such being the case, ...] | Von daher ... |  |
 | comp. case insensitive {adj} [also: case-insensitive] | schreibungsunabhängig [selten] [Groß- und Kleinschreibung] |  |