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| cc: [carbon copy, indicates additional recipients of a letter or email] | 19 Nachrichtlich: ["Zur Kenntnis", Vermerk über zusätzliche Empfänger im Fuß eines Schreibens] | |
| tech. pelletized {adj} {past-p} [carbon black] | geperlt [Ruße] | |
Nouns |
| copy [carbon copy] | 17 Durchschlag {m} | |
| mineral. chiastolite [andalusite with crossed inclusions of carbon] | Chiastolith {m} [Andalusit mit gekreuzten Einschlüssen aus Kohlenstoff] | |
| phys. radiocarbon [also: radio carbon] <carbon-14, C-14, 14C> | Radiokohlenstoff {m} <Carbon-14, C-14, 14C> | |
2 Words |
| chem. material high-tenacity {adj} [attr.] <HT> [e.g. carbon fiber] | hochfest [z. B. Carbonfaser] | |
| chem. carbon bisulfide [Am.] [carbon disulfide] [CS2] | Kohlenstoffdisulfid {n} | |
| chem. carbon bisulphide [Br.] [carbon disulphide] [CS2] | Kohlenstoffdisulfid {n} | |
| carbon pool [carbon reservoir] | Kohlenstoffreservoir {n} | |
| chem. carbon tet [coll.] [short for: carbon tetrachloride] [CCl4] | Tetrachlorkohlenstoff {m} | |
| chem. carbon tet [coll.] [short for: carbon tetrachloride] [CCl4] | Tetrachlormethan {n} | |
| ecol. EU CO2 card ["credit card" for household carbon emissions privileges] | CO2-Card {f} [Emissionshandelsrecht, Kohlenstoff-Lizenz für Privathaushalte] | |
| ecol. CO2 emissions [carbon dioxide emissions] | CO2-Emissionen {pl} [Kohlendioxid-Emissionen] | |
| ecol. CO2 tax [carbon tax] | CO2-Abgabe {f} | |
| ecol. CO2 tax [carbon tax] | CO2-Steuer {f} | |
| ecol. EU EU allowance <EUA> [official title of the carbon credits or pollution permits] | European Union Allowance {f} <EUA, EU-Allowance> | |
| MedTech. sports running blade | Lauffeder {f} [Carbon-Prothese] | |
3 Words |
| chem. material high-modulus strength {adj} <HMS> [e.g. carbon fiber] | hochsteif / hochfest [z. B. Carbonfaser] | |
| chem. material ultra-high modulus {adj} <UHM> [e.g. carbon fiber] | ultrahochsteif [z. B. Carbonfaser] | |
| astron. C-type star [carbon star] | Kohlenstoffstern {m} | |
4 Words |
| chem. carbon-fiber-reinforced carbon [Am.] <CFC, CFRC> [also: carbon fiber reinforced carbon] | Carbon {m} [ugs.] [kohlenstofffaserverstärkter Kohlenstoff] | |
| chem. material carbon-fiber-reinforced carbon [Am.] <CFC, CFRC> [also: carbon fiber reinforced carbon] | kohlenstofffaserverstärkter Kohlenstoff {m} | |
| chem. material carbon-fibre-reinforced carbon [Br.] <CFC, CFRC> [also: carbon fibre reinforced carbon] | kohlenstofffaserverstärkter Kohlenstoff {m} | |
5+ Words |
| chem. carbon fiber reinforced carbon matrix composites <C/C composites> | kohlenstofffaserverstärkte Kohlenstoffmatrixverbunde {pl} | |