| English | German | |
| [we/they/you] may [are permitted / can possibly] | 1079 [wir/sie/Sie] können | |
| sketchy {adj} [Am.] [Can.] [coll.] [questionable, disreputable] | 308 zweifelhaft [bedenklich] [Gegend, Freunde etc.] | |
| [you] may [are permitted / can possibly] | 283 [du] kannst | |
| mussed {adj} {past-p} [Am.] [Can.] [coll.] [ruffled] | 262 zerzaust | |
| sb. may [is permitted / can possibly] | 260 jd. kann | |
| chippy {adj} [Br.] [Can.] [coll.] [ill-tempered, morose] | 140 schlechtgelaunt | |
| even {adv} [just] [even two drops of poison can kill] | 98 bereits [nur] [bereits zwei Tropfen können tödlich wirken] | |
| [you] may [are permitted / can possibly] | 92 [ihr] könnt | |
| med. palpable {adj} [tumor etc. that can be felt] | 57 ertastbar [Tumor u. ä.] | |
| majorly {adv} [sl.] [esp. Am. and Can.] | 36 außerordentlich | |
| eh [Can.] [coll.] | 33 gell [ugs.] | |
| traffic trafficked {adj} {past-p} [Am.] [Can.] [travelled over] | 28 befahren | |
| gastr. pitted {adj} {past-p} [Am.] [Can.] [having had the pit removed] | 20 ausgesteint [Steinobst] | |
| mussed {adj} {past-p} [Am.] [Can.] [coll.] [ruffled] [hair, bed, clothes] | 16 zerwühlt | |
| chippy {adj} [Am.] [Can.] [rough and belligerent] | 12 aggressiv | |
| undoable {adj} [can be undone] | 9 lösbar | |
| climbing avy {adj} [esp. Am., Can.] [sl.] [related to avalanches] | 7 Lawinen- | |
| [skill or competency that one can use to earn a living] | etwas, wovon man leben kann | |
| cornsilk {adj} [Am.] [Can.] [very light yellow] | hellgelb [wie Maisgrannen] | |
| fakeable {adj} [that which can be faked or falsified] | verfälschbar | |
| flourishable {adj} [can be waved around] | schwenkbar [geeignet herumzuschwenken] | |
| homo {adj} {past-p} [Can.] [coll.] [homogenized] [milk etc.] | homogenisiert | |
| knowable {adj} [what can be known] | wissbar [geh.] | |
| mailable {adj} [Am.] [Can.] | versandfähig | |
| majorly {adv} [sl.] [esp. Am. and Can.] | extrem | |
| gastr. pitted {adj} [Am.] [Can.] [having had the pit removed] | ohne Steine | |
| sb. cain't [Am.] [phonetic spelling of Southern US pronunciation of can't] | jd. kann nicht | |
| spang {adv} [Am.] [Can.] [coll.] [directly] | direkt | |
| rail wildcat {adj} [apart from the regular schedule] [Am.] [Can.] | nicht fahrplanmäßig | |
Verbs |
| educ. to score sth. [Am.] [Can.] [evaluate numerically] | 3414 etw. bewerten [Test, Examen mit Punkten] | |
| to spare sth. [money etc.] [e.g. Can you spare me five euros / ten minutes?] | 586 etw. erübrigen [z. B. Können Sie fünf Euro / zehn Minuten für mich erübrigen?] | |
| engin. tech. to rehab sth. [building, apartment etc.] [Am.] [Can.] [coll.] | 62 etw. renovieren | |
| gastr. to pit sth. [Am.] [Can.] | 26 etw. aussteinen [Steinobst] | |
| gastr. to dress sth. [prepare meat, chicken, fish, etc. so it can be eaten] | 16 etw. herrichten | |
| [to scream so loudly that it can be heard all down the street] | häuserweit schreien | |
| to bash sb./sth. [esp. Br. or Can.] [fiercely criticize] | jdn./etw. scharf kritisieren | |
| pol. to caucus [esp. Am. and Can.] [hold a caucus] | in einem Wahlausschuss einen Kandidaten wählen | |
| to fault sb./sth. [usually with negative: e.g. I can't fault him] | etwas an jdm./etw. auszusetzen haben | |
| transp. to overnight sth. [Am.] [Can.] [shipment] | etw. über Nacht ausliefern | |
| to purloin sth. [steal] [can be humorous when used in a colloquial setting] | etw. mitgehen lassen [hum.] [ugs.] | |
| to ramrod sth. [esp. Am.] [esp. Can.] [force acceptance] | etw. knallhart durchsetzen [ugs.] [erzwingen] | |
| to ramrod sth. [esp. Am.] [esp. Can.] [supervise closely] | etw. streng beaufsichtigen | |
Nouns |
| tin [esp. Br.] [can] | 1971 Dose {f} | |
| constr. lumber [Am.] [Can.] | 1312 Bauholz {n} | |
| educ. grade [Am.] [Can.] [year at school] | 1201 Klasse {f} [Jahrgang] | |
| centre [Br.] [Can.] | 944 Zentrum {n} | |
| honour [Br.] [Can.] | 802 Ehre {f} | |
| gastr. flapjack [Am.] [Can.] [S.Afr.] | 762 Pfannkuchen {m} | |
| gastr. pickle [Am.] [Can.] [pickled cucumber] | 637 Essiggurke {f} | |
| curr. dime [Am.] [Can.] | 630 Zehncentstück {n} [Dollar] | |