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| wanted {adj} {past-p} [e.g. by the police] | 2983 gesucht [z. B. von der Polizei] | |
| meteo. windy {adj} [accompanied by wind] | 1810 windig | |
| stricken {adj} [by disease, grief etc.] | 1757 angeschlagen [gesundheitlich, psychisch] | |
| determined {past-p} [by sth., e.g. by fate] | 1213 bestimmt [von etw., z. B. vom Schicksal] | |
| determined {adj} {past-p} [by sb./sth.] | 1062 festgelegt [von jdm./etw.] | |
| via {prep} [by way of, travelling through; by means of (e.g. via satellite), by the agency of (e.g. via a friend)] | 797 über [+Akk.] [einen Ort passierend (z. B. über München reisen); mittels, per (z. B. über Satellit), durch Vermittlung (z. B. über einen Freund)] | |
| sensible {adj} [perceptible by the senses] | 561 spürbar | |
| sensible {adj} [perceptible by the senses] | 499 wahrnehmbar | |
| guided {adj} {past-p} [led by a guide] | 495 geführt | |
| by {prep} [e.g. by my side, by the fireside, by the sea] | 483 an [+Dat.] [z. B. an meiner Seite, am Kamin, am Meer] | |
| through {prep} [by means of] | 466 mittels [+Gen.] | |
| pol. independent {adj} [not belonging to or supported by a political party] | 455 parteilos [Abgeordnete] | |
| pol. multipartisan {adj} [relating to or supported by multiple political parties] | 447 parteiübergreifend | |
| via {prep} [by means of] [e.g. via satellite, via e-mail, via sign language] | 428 per [+Dat. od. +Akk.] [mittels, durch] [z. B. per Satellit, per E-Mail, per Zeichensprache] | |
| by {prep} [e.g. by train, by air; by force] | 400 mit [+Dat.] [z. B. mit dem Zug, mit dem Flugzeug; mit Gewalt] | |
| math. integral {adj} [of or denoted by an integer] | 394 ganzzahlig | |
| Goody! [coll.] [used esp. by children] | 362 Prima! [ugs.] | |
| casual {adj} [by chance] | 354 gelegentlich | |
| untouched {adj} [by man] | 307 wild | |
| by {prep} [e.g. by accident, by birth, by magic] | 232 durch [+Akk.] [z. B. durch Zufall, durch Geburt, durch Zauberei] | |
| drowned {adj} {past-p} [by noise] | 218 übertönt | |
| biol. med. infested {adj} {past-p} [by germs, worms, etc.] | 165 befallen [von Keimen, Würmern etc.] | |
| pompous {adj} [archaic] [characterized by pomp or splendour] | 165 pompös | |
| named {adv} [by the name of] | 145 namens [mit Namen] | |
| uproarious {adj} [marked by uproar] | 144 tobend | |
| by {prep} <x> [measuring, e.g. 8 by 6 m] | 143 mal <x> [Maße, z. B. 8 mal 6 m] | |
| film photo. blurred {adj} {past-p} [by camera shake] | 138 verwackelt | |
| law legally {adv} [as laid down by the law] | 134 gesetzlich | |
| now {adv} [by now] | 128 mittlerweile [inzwischen] | |
| mutually {adv} [by mutual agreement] | 114 einvernehmlich [im gegenseitigen Einvernehmen] | |
| employing {prep} [by use of] | 108 mittels [+Gen.] | |
| by {prep} [(extended) by a year, a week, etc.] | 104 um [um ein Jahr, eine Woche etc. (verlängert)] | |
| stout {adj} [having bravery, marked by bravery] | 102 tapfer [Kämpfer, Widerstand etc.] | |
| glad {adj} [marked by joy] | 99 fröhlich | |
| comp. enhanced {adj} {past-p} [esp. by tweaking or under-the-hood manipulations] | 96 aufgebohrt [ugs.] [verbessert, bes. durch inoffizielle Tricks] | |
| conveyed {adj} {past-p} [by mail etc.] | 89 versandt | |
| comp. improved {adj} {past-p} [esp. by tweaking or under-the-hood manipulations] | 86 aufgebohrt [ugs.] [verbessert, bes. durch inoffizielle Tricks] | |
| pompous {adj} [archaic] [characterized by pomp or splendour] | 85 prunkvoll | |
| irritated {adj} [by] | 81 verärgert [durch] | |
| redundant {adj} [being in excess; superfluous; characterized by superabundance or superfluity] | 81 redundant [geh. od. fachspr.] [überzählig, mehrfach vorhanden; überflüssig; überreichlich vorhanden] | |
| called {adv} [by the name of] | 78 namens [mit Namen] | |
| relig. revealed {adj} [made known to humans by divine or supernatural means] | 73 offenbar [geoffenbart] | |
| popped {past-p} [sl.] [arrested by the police] | 68 hopsgenommen [salopp] [festgenommen] | |
| anat. voluntary {adj} [controlled by will] | 67 willkürlich [Muskeln, Bewegungen] | |
| snitty {adj} [esp. Am.] [coll.] [offended by petty things] | 55 eingeschnappt [ugs.] [pej.] | |
| obligatory {adj} [by all means] | 54 unbedingt | |
| by {prep} [according to] [e.g. by my watch, by today's standards] | 53 nach [+Dat.] [z. B. nach meiner Uhr, nach heutigen Maßstäben] | |
| laureate {adj} [archaic] [signified by a laurel wreath] | 53 lorbeerbekränzt | |
| ecol. med. contaminated {past-p} {adj} [by radiation] | 51 verstrahlt | |
| handicapped {adj} [by] | 42 vorbelastet [durch] | |